How to lighten jeans at home 🥝 how to make it lighten after washing

Surely, those who follow fashion or those who are simply tired of the color of their jeans, but do not want to change them to a new model, have encountered such a task as lightening jeans at home. How much you can change the shade of the fabric, how to do it correctly and whether it is possible to lighten not all jeans, but only individual parts of trousers - all this you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑How to bleach jeans improvised ways at home?
There are many means by which you can whiten and discolor jeans at home. Each of the methods has its own peculiarity - both positive and negative. All this must be known to make the jeans lighter, but not to spoil the material:
- Chlorine is quite aggressive towards tissue fibers, it smells strongly and unpleasantly during use. But then it quickly gives the desired effect. Thanks to such a tool with the help of a variety of auxiliary tools, such as: brushes, sponges, spray, you can get an unusual pattern. As an alternative to powder bleach, you can make the whitening of jeans “White” - it also has this substance in its composition.
- Bleaching with soda gives a much weaker result. In order to achieve the desired shade, it is sometimes necessary to lighten the fabric at least 3 times, and this is an additional waste of time. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of such bleaching, it is undesirable to bleach jeans with soda in the washing machine, because this can damage the drum. But despite this, thanks to this method, it is possible to bleach a trouser model that is made of thin fabric.
- For partial bleaching or in order to get a pattern on the surface of the trousers, citric acid is sometimes used. The effectiveness of this method is low, but the harm to the material is minimal, and the process itself is quite safe.
- Hydrogen peroxide - gives a high-quality result, but it is necessary to take into account its high aggressiveness and speed, so that the updated pants look beautiful.
to contents ↑Important! By the way, all of the above tools are very widely and sometimes in the most amazing ways used in everyday life for various purposes. We hope you find it interesting to learn more about using these available tools that can help you out anytime:
Use bleach
Exists special bleaches for fabrics, which are made on the basis of chlorine, and also there are products that contain active oxygen.
Important! Using the second type of chemistry, you will not be able to change the color strongly, but using bleach will radically change the color of your jeans.
To lighten and brighten jeans at home as much as possible, you must have at hand:
- bleach - “Whiteness” is perfect;
- a metal container - for example, a bucket or a deep basin;
- the stick, which is necessary in order to interfere with the jeans.
The whitening process itself is quite simple:
- In the container of your choice, draw water, add bleach, the amount is determined by eye - the more bleach, the brighter the fabric. But there is no need to particularly zealous, because bleach corrodes the fabric, so its large amount will have a detrimental effect on your jeans as a whole.
- Stir the solution thoroughly with a stick, then put jeans in it.
- Put your jeans container on the fire.
- Boil water, cook jeans for 20-30 minutes. Remember to stir them occasionally.
Important! Jeans need to be mixed so that the product acts uniformly on the entire fabric on the product, and not on its individual sections.
Using baking soda
Lighten jeans with soda in those cases when they are made of thin fabric. Whitening “Whiteness” for such jeans will have a devastating effect - they will simply creep in your hands.
In this whitening option, proceed as follows:
- Mix ordinary laundry detergent with soda in a ratio of 1: 1 per total amount.
- Dilute with water - the volume should be such that the pants are completely immersed in the solution.
- Soak your jeans for 1-2 hours.
- Wash them thoroughly.
to contents ↑Important! You can repeat the procedure several times in order to achieve the desired effect.
Use of hydrogen peroxide
As a rule, the question of how to lighten jeans with such a familiar, as well as multi-functional hydrogen peroxide, is asked by those who are reluctant to boil trousers or to tear their favorite washing machine with baking soda. To reduce the intensity of the initial coloring of the clothes, it must again be washed inside the automatic machine. To do this, add detergent and a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the liquid container.
You can also use the tool, which has the name Domestos, which is intended for the disinfection of plumbing. In this case, to lighten jeans at home:
- Half a glass of this substance must be diluted in 3 liters of water.
- Put on rubber gloves and soak the jeans until they brighten to the level you need.
- Then rinse and dry your jeans thoroughly, and repeat the process several times as necessary.
Important! Keep in mind that Domestos is an aggressive chemistry that can reduce the strength of even very dense denim. Therefore, do not repeat the process several times in a row, wait at least a few days.
We use lemon juice
Lemon juice has an incredible lightening effect. This means that it can also be used to whiten jeans at home. To do this, you need to follow these steps:
- Dilute in 1 liter of warm water 1 tbsp. l lemon juice or 1 tsp. citric acid.
- Soak the jeans in the solution for several hours.
- At the end of the time, remove your jeans from the solution.
- Wash and dry your jeans thoroughly.
Helpful hints:
- Dark-colored jeans cannot be made completely snow-white. You can lighten only a few tones.
- To lighten, you must choose jeans that are light blue or blue, but in no case “indigo”.
- Jeans are easier to lighten with stains than evenly.
to contents ↑Important! We also prepared several useful posts for all lovers of experimenting with clothes, based on fashion trends and popular queries:
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We hope that using the tools listed in this article, you were able to update your favorite things and now they look original, and you feel more confident and attractive.