How to clean suede shoes from dirt at home?

Suede shoes have always been appreciated because they are soft, comfortable, look beautiful and expensive. But not everyone allows themselves to buy it, since suede is more whimsical in care than skin. Let's figure out how to clean suede shoes from dirt at home so that you don't have to buy a new pair every season.
to contents ↑Basic rules for cleaning suede shoes
To care for suede shoes at home, you need to remember a few simple rules that will allow you to wear shoes for many years:
- When purchasing such shoes, be sure to buy a special brush for suede and an aerosol to protect against moisture and dirt. We told you about the best of them in the article. "Water-repellent impregnation".
- Use protective equipment in advance, and not before going outside, especially in wet weather.
- Try to walk as little as possible in this new thing in rainy weather. Suede does not like water.
- If you have shoes of several colors, then for each of them use a separate brush. Be careful when cleaning light suede. With a dirty brush, you will make many stains that will be difficult to remove.
- Clean only when dry.
Important! If you need to restore or refresh the color, do it only with special spray paints. Do not save on them, because cheap paints can ruin your shoes forever.
Means for protection and care
In the process of caring for the new thing, you may need the following tools:
- Special protective equipment.
- Double-sided brush.
- Eraser.
- Crusts of rye bread.
When to start cleaning?
Remember that shoe care should be started immediately after purchase. Often shoes, while still in the store, are covered with a thin layer of dust, which at the first wetting eats up in suede and forms spots. Yes, and when trying to contaminate.
Therefore, on arrival home with a new thing:
- Clean shoes with the rubber side of the brush - you can only move the tool in one direction.
- Then apply a protective water-repellent spray.
- After the first coat has dried, be sure to apply another. Thus, you create a film on the shoe that prevents the penetration of water and dirt.
Important! Each subsequent cleaning with such care will not be burdensome for you, as the dirt will not be able to strongly adhere to the surface.
Choosing the right suede brush
When buying, carefully consider the brush - the ease and efficiency of the process will depend on this when you decide to clean the suede shoes from dirt at home. A good brush has two different surfaces:
- on one of them rubber or rubber teeth are attached;
- the other side is provided with soft natural bristles on the sides and a metal hard bristle in the center.
The side with metal bristles is designed to remove dirt during the dry cleaning process. Rubber teeth are needed in order to raise suede fibers and remove greasy spots.
Important! We advise you to pay attention to brushes with a lateral rubber or rubber wheel. Using this device, you can clean the seams and welts from dirt.On sale you can still see brushes with crepe wavy material for very gentle cleaning of fine suede.
If you don’t have a special brush on hand, you can safely replace it with an eraser, rye bread crusts, which not only cope perfectly with dirt, but also have absorbent properties.
Wet shoe care
Suede shoes are recommended to be worn in dry weather. But there are times when we get caught in the rain or wet snow, then the shoes not only get wet, but also get very smeared.
Important! In no case do not try to clean wet shoes, because you can reliably smear and rub the dirt. And then your ceremonial boots will turn into working boots.
Consider how to clean suede from dirt at home correctly:
- It is very important for the suede to dry properly for the cleaning process. Remember that in no case can it be dried near heating appliances, a hairdryer, an iron. With this heating, the shape is lost, the base warps and uneven color spots form. Shoes need to be dried naturally. So that she doesn’t lose her shape, stuff paper, newspapers, napkins, and toilet paper inside.
- After drying completely, go over the surface with the hard side of the brush, cleaning it from dirt. Dirt must be removed precisely from dry material, and not immediately upon arrival home.
- Then go over the rubber surface to raise the pile. In this case, you can apply a protective agent.
to contents ↑Important! If after getting wet the shoes become tight, do not rush to get rid of them. Learn some effective and safe ways how to stretch suede shoes.
We remove stains from shoes from suede
In the process of wearing, stains from dirt, grease, and salt stains may appear on suede shoes after contact with road sprinkling, so it is important to know how to clean suede from dirt at home. If, for one reason or another, you decided to wait a while with the purchase of special tools, take note of such methods and means than cleaning the suede from dirt:
- To remove salt from the surface, dip the brush in vinegar and wipe the suede until stains disappear, then wipe with a damp, clean cloth. Dry and then cover with a protective agent.
- If you want to get rid of serious dirt, try using steam. Boil water in the kettle, hold the stained places of shoes over a stream of steam for 3 minutes. Can use and steam cleaner. Then rub the dirt on the rubber or rubber side of the brush.
Important! Make sure that the suede over the steam is only moistened, and not very wet.
- If previous remedies did not help, apply a homemade cleansing foam. Add 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia and liquid hand soap to a glass of warm water. Stir well until foamy. Dip a clean, soft cloth in the mixture to wipe the stains on the suede shoes. You can use a soft brush made of natural pile. Rinse off with a weak solution of water and vinegar. Make sure that your shoes are not soaked wet. Dry the suede, brush, apply a protective spray.
- If you have greasy stains on your shoes, you'll need talcum powder, a rubber brush or an eraser. Sprinkle greasy place with talcum powder, let it soak up dirt and grease, and then brush. Such spots, if there is no talc, can be wiped with an eraser.
- When the surface is very greasy, try rubbing it with a rye bread crust or crepe brush.
Important! To remove dirt, brush only in one direction. Move in opposite directions to eliminate scuffing.
How to clean light suede at home?
So that your light suede shoes do not lose their presentation for a long time:
- Never walk in it in wet weather.
- Be sure to fill your shoes with white napkins or toilet paper after each sock to soak up excess moisture and sweat.
- Get a separate brush for light shoes.
- To clean light suede boots at home from stains, use a mixture of talcum powder, liquid soap and liquid ammonia. The rules for their application are described above.
- White and light suede with dirt can save milk. Mix milk with soda and apply to the surface with a clean white cloth. Rinse the mixture with cool vinegar water. Dry shoes, brush. Apply a protective agent at the end.
to contents ↑Important! As a rule, such shoes are used with jeans or in a classic way. To always look your best, use our selection of useful tips on fashion trends and maintaining a business image:
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Our tips will help extend the life of your suede shoes and save you from the need for expensive cleaning services. Take care of suede and wear it with pleasure!