How to clean gold from black at home?

In a successful modern woman, even the smallest little thing is in excellent condition. But what if such an important accessory of the external image - jewelry, became stained? How to clean gold from black at home? Of course, you can not waste your precious time and take jewelry to the jewelry workshop, where specialists in this area will do everything quickly and correctly.

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Rules for wearing gold jewelry or what they fear

Before you begin to study the recommendations on how to clean gold from black at home, you need to learnto choose jewelry for the neckline of the dress, and also observe certain rules for wearing them. A few simple tips will help you prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences that may occur during improper wearing and storage of rings, earrings and other types of jewelry:

  • All gold and silver jewelry do not like very bright sunlight - it is contraindicated for them.
  • When precious jewelry comes into contact with those substances that contain iodine, chlorine, as well as active oxygen, difficult to remove impurities may appear on their surface.
  • Particularly susceptible to substances that contain sulfur - silver. It also reacts to egg yolks, salt, household gas, onions, and rubber.
  • Rings, especially those in which decorative inserts from other alloys or stones are present, require careful attention.

  • Pendants and earrings are especially susceptible to negative effects. In the collection of precious jewelry of any person there are those that are designed specifically for daily wear, and separately - for publication from time to time.
  • In no case should the holder of jewelry forget to take off his jewelry while taking bath procedures, baths, visiting the sauna, as well as the pool.
  • After using any whitening cosmetics, soap, perfume, characteristic marks may appear on the jewelry, so it is necessary to avoid getting such funds on jewelry.
  • When engaging in any kind of sport, household chores, silver and gold jewelry also need to be removed.
  • In addition, it is necessary to develop such a habit: after you remove the jewelry, wipe it with a suede or a flannel cloth and put it in the box.
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Ways to clean gold from black traces

Before you clear gold at home from blackness, you must definitely determine its sample. This is necessary so that you do not spoil your favorite jewelry. We all know perfectly well that there are all kinds of reactions during the combination of various substances. At the same time, there are methods that have proven themselves to be excellent in their simplicity and safety.

We also prepared a separate article for you onhow to clean gold at home with stones

Universal remedies:

  1. For products that have a lower sample, you can prepare a cleaning agent yourself: mix 4 drops of ammonia with ordinary washing powder that does not contain bleach.
  2. In order to get a paste that can cleanse all sulfide compounds, you will need the following ingredients: soapy water, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil. Combine these ingredients with a powder of chalk, tripoli, white magnesia, and corundum.

72% laundry soap

Over time, any decoration becomes dull.This indicates precisely that it was thoroughly dusted with dirt, dirt, and also skin fat. Accordingly - it is necessary to clean the gold from blackness - at home, this can be done by acting in this way:

  1. Put the jewelry in a container.
  2. Add water, the temperature of which is approximately 50-60 C.
  3. Rub 72% laundry soap on a fine grater and then add to water.
  4. Leave the whole mixture for approximately 1.5-2 hours.
  5. Then use a toothbrush to clean the entire chain or ring.
  6. As soon as you have cleaned everything, wash off the rest of the product under ordinary running water, and then blot it in a soft cloth.

Important! Also, experts advise using a dishwashing detergent. It perfectly removes any grease and removes dirt.

If dark spots remain after cleaning and your products remain dull, more thorough procedures will be required.

Common ammonia

In order to use this method, in no case do not forget about safety, because you will need to work with ammonia 25%.

Important! In the event that the cleaning will be carried out directly in the apartment, be sure to open the window to protect yourself from the poisons that will stand out.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour ammonia solution into a small glass container, and then put your jewelry in it.
  2. Stir the contents of the container periodically for 2 hours so that the solution can reach all places.
  3. Rinse and let your product dry.

Important! Remember that this method will be more effective for products that are made of the highest standard, but for other jewelry that is made of mixed metals, we recommend using a 10% solution.

a piece of chalk

Chalk has long been considered one of the best means to restore the original beauty of jewelry and polishing jewelry. It is suitable for modern products. The double benefit is that you can buy it for mere pennies, and the result is very pleasant.

In order to clean the gold from black at home, you must do the following:

  1. In equal proportions, mix the crushed chalk, soap chips, petroleum jelly and ordinary water.
  2. Carefully treat all parts of the product with the prepared solution using a soft cloth.
  3. After that, rinse your jewelry under running water and then dry.

Now, before you is an almost newfound thing that glitters and shines, as in the store catalog.

Another folk way

This method is used by many to clean gold from black at home. According to reviews on various forums, the result is impressive and unexpected - the products really look like new.


  1. Take a container that can be put on fire.
  2. Pour 200 ml of water into this container, and then put in about 2 tsp. soda and vinegar.
  3. Lower the chain into the solution and let it boil for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool and then wash the product, rinse, dry thoroughly.

Also find out some effective options,how to clean gold with hydrogen peroxide

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Some female wisdom

Women, as always, are unusually inventive and are not afraid to experiment. Each has a different way of cleaning its jewelry. Here are some of the tips that are popular:

  • Using ordinary onion juice, you can cleanse your gold jewelry until it sparkles.
  • To save a thing from darkening is possible with a solution of beer and egg whites.
  • An ordinary toothpaste or toothpaste can help to clean the product to a shine, only if it is a finished toothpaste, it should not have colored granules.
  • Dry mustard polishes perfectly and also cleans various decorations to a shine.
  • Lipstick is a great way to add shine and polish.

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Useful Tips:

  • When cleaning the links, use a toothpick or a finely sharpened stick. So you will surely remove all black plaque, even in the most inaccessible places.
  • While boiling, put a cloth on the bottom of the pan to avoid scratching the jewelry.
  • In order to clean your jewelry well in a solution, if you need to withstand gold in it for a certain time, use a container with a tight-fitting lid.

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Cleaning gold jewelery with stones embedded

A large number of women are interested in how to clean gold jewelry with precious stones. As a rule, ordinary cleaning methods are not suitable for such jewelry, and if precious stones are glued to jewelry, it is not recommended to lower them into water. We offer you the following cleaning methods that will be safe and effective.

It will also be useful to get acquainted with information about properties and signs of gold and silverto combine them correctly and combine with your image.

Ordinary cologne:

  1. Take a regular wand that is designed to clean your ears.
  2. Moisten this stick in the cologne, then smooth the stones with smooth movements.

Important! Do not pick up sharp objects to clean the frame; otherwise, it may be damaged.

Alcohol solution

Take a soft rag, soak it in an alcohol solution. Clean the product with this rag, then wipe the product with a damp cloth and then dry.

Refined gasoline

If the contaminants are excessively large, use refined gasoline. Find a soft enough unnecessary toothbrush, soak it in gasoline. With this brush, carefully eliminate absolutely all dirt from a gold product.

Useful Tips:

  1. Cleaning powders for jewelry, which has inserts with precious stones, are not suitable, because they can easily damage the surface of a precious jewelry.
  2. Do not use aggressive acids and alkalis to clean semiprecious stones - they can dissolve them.

Today it is very fashionable to wear jewelry made with your own hands. Therefore, in a separate article, we offer several interesting master classes that will help it yourself

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We wish you to always be successful and take the time to look after your precious jewelry.


