Gold and silver - properties, signs

Attractive appearance, which causes location, consists of many nuances. Beauty, grooming, neatness, well-chosen clothes and accessories that combine with it. Even in antiquity, people decorated themselves with objects, not even knowing how to process them. Millennia ago, our ancestors wore feathers, shells, and other gifts of nature. Mostly for the purpose of protection from demons and gods. A few hundred years ago, shells and feathers were replaced by exquisite earrings, rings, and precious metal necklaces. The form has changed, but the meaning has remained the same - many use jewelry as a kind of protection, giving them special meaning. We propose to examine in detail the question: gold and silver - properties, signs that they possess.

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It is the most beautiful and heaviest material on the planet. The warm color and special energy of gold delighted our ancestors, they do not leave indifferent modern women of fashion. And yet - this is a very practical, durable metal, which is used everywhere:

  1. Acids do not act on gold, therefore, products from it do not oxidize, they retain their original appearance even decades later.
  2. Its special property is plasticity. From it you can make a very thin, almost transparent foil called gold leaf. It is used even in the construction or restoration of monuments, altars.
  3. Pure gold can be cut with the most ordinary kitchen knife. Thanks to such softness, it makes jewelry of various shapes.

Important! Pure gold products that have a high standard are not at all attractive, as is commonly believed. They are very fragile, it is simply impossible to wear them. Therefore, jewelers create various alloys, reducing the percentage of gold, but achieving strength due to additives.


Many represent gold as yellow metal. Although in nature this metal has a greenish-gray hue. To give it a more beautiful appearance, additives are added to the aurum:

  • Pink - copper prevails in such an alloy. Different amounts of it give different shades - from orange to red.
  • White color is obtained due to the predominance of gold in combination with palladium and silver.
  • The deep and mysterious blue color gives alloys of iron and chromium.
  • Gold mixed with cobalt and chrome gives the alloy a black color.
  • Compound with potassium gives a beautiful olive color. Such jewelry is very rare, expensive because of its uniqueness.

Important! So that the image was generally harmonious, you can’t just take and put on everything that is in the jewelry box and jewelry. In everything there must be a balance, an aesthetic taste should be present. If you have problems with the choice of jewelry for different outfits or if you want to add some interesting ideas and accents to your image, check out our articles, tips from which you will surely like:

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Silver, like gold, is found in the form of nuggets. But its difference is that in nature it will combine with other metals. Here are some interesting facts about this metal:

  • The largest pure lump of silver found in Germany in the mid-15th century weighed 20 tons.
  • In most cases, this metal is mined from compounds.Silver is present in more than 50 known minerals.
  • Like gold, silver does not oxidize when exposed to air, so it is considered a noble metal.
  • But iodine or hydrogen sulfide methods can lead to darkening of the surface and the formation of an iridescent sulfide film on it.

Important! This material melts at a very high temperature, but has super ductility. From 1 gram of silver you can get the thinnest wire with a length of 2 kilometers.

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Due to the special properties of silver, it is used almost everywhere:

  • The lowest - 720 sample, contains 72% of precious metal. It is usually used in industry.
  • Silver 875 is used for cutlery, decorative elements, which are a certain sign of prosperity.
  • Coins are minted from 925 alloy, rewards are made, and other metals are coated with them to give wear resistance.
  • 960th sample is considered ideal for the manufacture of the finest jewelry.

Important! There is another 999th test of silver. But due to its softness and rapid deformation, such an alloy is not suitable for jewelry or production. Only ingots are made from the highest sample or they are poured into special cans.


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Ancient beliefs

Gold and silver have been endowed with properties and signs since ancient times. It was believed that since metals are deep in the bowels, it means that these elements were born of the earth, endowed with its special power. Dozens and hundreds of legends and beliefs are based on this:

  • The ancient Incas were sure that if you want to reconcile with the enemy, then you need to dine with him from one dish made of gold. This metal is not adjacent to the poison, so the enemies could not poison the owner.
  • Men of the Ottoman Empire and many Muslim countries especially revered silver. They literally forced to use it in their harem, so that the girls always remained young, beautiful.
  • Egyptian priestesses introduced the fashion of wearing wedding rings. They considered these gold jewelry a symbol of fidelity, love. It was believed that the rings worn on the middle finger of the left hand, become conductors to the soul.
  • In ancient Greece, the energy of gold was used as a love potion. It was believed that only thanks to him persons of the opposite sex could find the subject of their sighs.
  • Many people in different countries considered the use of silver pendants mandatory. Everyone believed that this metal protects from evil spirits.
  • The British colonial officers drank only from silver jars. They suffered from gastric diseases much less often than ordinary composition.

Important! Given the signs, historical and modern trends, as well as the rules of evening fashion and business ethics, to deal with what, how and when to wear will be much easier. And to help you, we offer the following our reviews:

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The properties

Today, mankind continues to use the energy of gold and silver in the same way as electricity, realizing little in reality in its nature. Meanwhile, scientists are looking for ways to fix the energy of the frequencies with which these metals work.

  • It is generally accepted that gold is a solar metal that absorbs and accumulates a high-frequency spectrum of human vital energy. Aurum is able to share it with its owner.
  • Silver energy is lunar, has a low frequency range. At the same time, the metal also has the ability to absorb, accumulate and transmit streams.


Adhering to this theory, one can give explanations to the very many superstitions and signs that have accompanied us for many centuries:

  • From films and books, many know that silver kills vampires, werewolves, and all evil. This is based on the fact that silver draws out everything negative, inanimate from a person, increasing the level of vital vibrations. This is what made the metal originally traditional for the cross.
  • Domes of churches - on the contrary, were recognized to accumulate high-frequency vital energies, therefore they were covered with gold.Due to its shape, an excess of this energy constantly filled the space of the temple.
  • Even thousands of years ago, it was believed that the energy of silver is able to relieve ailments and endow with beauty. This, again, is explained by its low-frequency range, which draws out not only bad energy, but also diseases. Centuries later, scientists have recognized that silver perfectly disinfects water, strengthens the immune system, and promotes tissue regeneration not only when ingested, but also when wearing silver on the body.
  • Gold has the same properties that favorably affect the body. His energy was considered truly magical in all ancient cultures. Modern science has found this explanation and application. Aurum is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. With its help they even treat cancer and turn back the clock, which our ancestors believed in.
  • The Chinese believe that the universe is a fluctuation of the forces of yang and yin. To maintain health, in ancient times, women were recommended to wear jewelry made of gold to enhance softness and tenderness. And men were supposed to wear rings of silver, which were supposed to muffle too much power. Now we know that this is based on high-frequency and low-frequency oscillations. By the way, acupuncture masters still activate internal forces with gold needles, and silver ones soothe them.


Now it’s clear that many myths and legends have a completely justified reason, because energy is physics, the phenomena of which can be substantiated.

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Modern signs

Today, of course, many ancient beliefs are either a thing of the past or have undergone significant changes. But many people try to stick to them, so we list the most popular signs and meanings.



  • Gold energy brings success in business and commerce. She helps office staff to build a career and advance in service.
  • Aurum is believed to enhance human sexuality and attractiveness. Without it, one cannot do without wanting fame and popularity. Gold also gives charisma and helps to reveal talents.
  • Gold has not only high material value, but also magical properties that can fulfill our desires, help to realize our plans. It is important that the energy of gold and man coincide, then the efforts are doubled and success is guaranteed.
  • Gold jewelry should be avoided by people who are greedy, envious, lazy, as well as people who are weak in nature. Precious metal will enhance these qualities.
  • The energy of gold also helps older people regain strength, but for young and children jewelry from it is not recommended, as they can cause severe excitement. If you still wanted to pierce your daughter’s ears and insert earrings, then choose the smallest in size.
  • Gold items must be respected. It is not recommended to clean or dig potatoes in jewelry from this precious metal. You can not store jewelry in dishes, in a sugar bowl, for example. It is believed that in this case, all the wealth will be spent on food.
  • Folk omens strictly forbid sculpting cutlets in rings. Stuffing is a dead flesh that carries aggressive energy. Gold can absorb it and transfer it to the owner.

Important. In no case should one lend significant jewelry - wedding and wedding rings, christening crosses. Other jewels can be tried on only if you trust these people. If you have made such a mistake, you need to conduct a ritual of purification. Arriving home, put the ring on the threshold and step into it with the heel of the left foot. Thus you will make gold “henpecked”.



  1. A silver coin in a wallet is able to increase the material well-being of its holder, and silver bracelets and rings can help to avoid stress.
  2. Due to its healing properties, silver water is very popular, which is able to heal not only the body, but also clean the room of energy waste.
  3. Silver water has a rejuvenating effect, which can not but rejoice women. By washing it, rinsing your hair, you prolong your youth.
  4. According to Ayurveda, water charged with silver energy saves from inflammation of the intestines and disruption of the spleen and liver.
  5. Silver energy is also used to protect against the evil eye. For this, a precious metal pendant is worn at the level of the solar plexus. Silver is considered the best material for making amulets, as it perfectly absorbs human energy.
  6. A silver horseshoe is considered to be a strong talisman and amulet. It is stored in the house, in a place hidden from the eyes, or worn on itself in the form of a pendant.
  7. If you have a responsible meeting or a trip to an unpleasant company, then conduct a ritual. Hold any silver jewelry in salted water for three days. Before going to the event, wash yourself with this water and moisten your hands. So you protect yourself from negativity.
  8. It is believed that silver darkens when a person is spoiled. In fact, this may indicate a disease, especially about problems with the hormonal system.

Important! If it seems to you that the magical properties of the silver amulet have weakened, you can “recharge” it. Wait for the new moon and lay your decoration on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. Keep the ring in this way should be the entire period of the rising moon. Then rinse the jewelry under running water and it is ready to protect you again!


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How to wear?

If you believe that gold and silver are endowed with special properties, signs, then it will not be superfluous to know the features of their wearing. The help you want to receive depends on the type of jewelry:

  • Chains, pendants and medallions will be a salvation for overly emotional people. The energy of gold can make a person more balanced and calm emotions.
  • It is worth wearing these jewelry if you have problems with the thyroid gland. An excellent addition to this “medicine” will be a pendant made of amber, which also has special properties.
  • Bracelets will be excellent helpers for those who are not afraid of attention, and for creative personalities. In this case, human energy is enhanced, along with charisma, which is very important for public people.
  • To improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, the bracelet is worn above the elbow. And in order to establish the functions of the reproductive system, they put it on the wrist.
  • Indecisive people should wear a ring of precious metals on their index fingers. For aggressive and unrestrained thumb jewelry will be a great solution.
  • If you have difficulty communicating and excessive modesty is bothering you, try wearing a gold ring on your little finger.
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The energy of gold and silver very powerful. As you have seen, this is connected not only with beliefs, but also with scientifically proven facts. Therefore, do not mock people who believe in signs and do not allow anyone to try on their wedding rings. If you are skeptical, then you should know that it is advisable to remove all jewelry at night to give the body a good rest - this is not an old ritual, but the recommendations of doctors.


