How to remove static electricity from clothes without antistatic?

Each person at least once in his life experienced an unpleasant click when touching a door handle or car. And everyone wondered what it was and why this was happening. The answer is static electricity. In this article, we will simply and easily explain the reasons for its appearance, as well as how to remove static electricity from clothes without antistatic.
to contents ↑What is static electricity?
Static electricity is an excess of free electrons that are current carriers. It is stored on the surface or in the whole volume of material that is not able to conduct current, in other words a dielectric, or on an insulated conductor.
This is a very common occurrence in nature. It can be found near large waterfalls or on the seashore, when avalanches or in the form of lightning. One of the most common causes of static electricity in everyday life is friction.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that the human body produces its own electrostatic field continuously due to the work of the central nervous system.
We remove static electricity from clothes
If you do not want to spend money on special means, we are ready to offer you several folk remedies that will help remove static electricity (voltage, electrification) from clothes without antistatic:
- Ordinary baking soda. When washing, pour a quarter of a glass of soda onto things directly into the drum. Focusing on the number of clothes, this proportion can vary, but you can not add more than half a glass. Soda forms a temporary protective layer on your things, which will greatly interfere with the formation of current.
- Also, vinegar will help get rid of static electricity on clothes. When the wash cycle ends, pause and pour 50 ml of white distilled vinegar on the laundry (you can replace it with apple vinegar if desired), and then turn on the rinse and spin modes. Vinegar works the same way as soda, forming a protective layer. Electricity will disappear.
- Such a charge accumulates very poorly on natural tissues. When washing, you can simply put a cotton rag with linen, then all the accumulated charge from the synthetics will go to it.
- Another way is “tricking”. Pin a metal pin to the inside of your clothes or just put a trifle in your pocket. All the charge will flow onto a well-conducting metal, and not remain on your clothes.
Important! Many modern detergents also help soften fabrics and remove some of the static from them. To choose a quality, use our specially preparedoverview of fabric softeners.
We remove static current from the apartment
In addition to clothing, static current can be present on numerous interior items, including plastic, of each house. Therefore, in order to less often bounce off the current discharge when in contact with various elements of decor and furniture, take the following recommendations into your arsenal and use them to remove static electricity without an antistatic:
- Dust very well accumulates such charges, especially when in contact with various kinds of screens (TV or computer, for example).Therefore, wet wiping as often as possible and removing static current will not cause problems. This is a good idea that will easily solve the problem of current accumulation on surfaces and in the air. It is also advisable to use special means from dust so that it sits less.
- You can also apply a little trick. Moisture in the air, like a trifle in your pocket, is very attractive for static current charges. Therefore, you can place water containers around the apartment to humidify the air and collect all the charges, and then - ventilate, having stolen nasty small current charges into the street. Better yet - buy and use regularly ionization humidifier.
- If discharges appear very often and this seriously bothers you, it is worthwhile to conduct an audit in the house. Reduce the amount of synthetic materials in the apartment. And fabrics such as cotton, silk, wool, linen and others guarantee you no problems with electrostatics.
The easiest way to solve the problem.
It’s quite unpleasant when, when you touch with any object, it will shock you. This means it's time to get rid of static electricity. And the easiest way is to discharge. For this, any conductive grounded objects, pipeline or battery, for example, will do. You just need to touch them. But at the same time you will find an unpleasant click. To avoid pain, hold the scissors in your hands and touch the battery with them.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope our tips will help you not to think about the question of how to remove static electricity, and you will always feel comfortable.