Humidifier with ionizer

Natural comfortable conditions in the house - today it is, unfortunately, a rarity. The use of innovative building materials can significantly accelerate the process of building construction, make the interior attractive. But over time, only the other side of the application of all these innovations only appears - insufficient humidity in the apartment or its excess. Everyone has heard a million times about an air humidifier, but how many of you know about an air humidifier with an ionizer? What are its advantages and disadvantages of such devices, the principle of their operation, and why they are needed at all, we will tell you in this article.
to contents ↑A humidifier is needed, but an ionizer - why?
Is it possible to confine oneself to an ordinary humidifier, and not to splurge on some kind of ionizer? It is possible, but always able to achieve the expected result. The thing is that humidity is not the only requirement when creating the right microclimate for your apartment.
Important! So what is the difference between the air of the sea coast, pine forests from the city, even if we miss the degree of pollution with all exhaust gases? They differ in the number of negatively charged ions. In the first case, they are almost 1.5-3 times more than, for example, in a city park. In your apartment - everything is exactly the opposite.
A humidifier-ionizer maintains the necessary humidity, as well as ionizes the air, which means that it saturates the entire airspace with negatively charged ions called anions.
Important! Anions are also called electrical vitamins, due to the fact that these particles incredibly help the body saturate our blood with oxygen, absorb almost all harmful impurities, as well as dust.
And moisture that is heated to 80 ° C can eliminate the viruses that are in your home. Thus, the ionizer will serve you as an additional purifier.
to contents ↑Important! Thinking about buying such a device, do not hesitate. It will not only help you establish a more pleasant atmosphere for health, but also partially solve problems with frequent cleaning. To see why, check out our post on where does the dust come from.
Operating principle
This device is considered an innovative development. It operates according to this scheme:
- The water that enters the vibrating plate breaks into small particles and then heats up to approximately 80 ° C.
- Air through a fan passes through the cloud, is saturated with the necessary moisture and gets back into the room.
Important! Another interesting point: air and liquid without fail pass through a kind of cleaner, in which all kinds of harmful microorganisms remain.
The principle of operation of the ionizer in the humidifier
Have you noticed how comfortable and easy it is to breathe after passing through a spring thunderstorm? The main factor of this phenomenon is that the air is saturated with elementary particles that are charged during electric atmospheric lightning discharges.
In exactly the same way, a standard ionizer-humidifier works, which is produced by a number of manufacturers focused on the production of HVAC equipment.
Depending on the purpose and principle of operation, ionizers are divided into several basic types. The method of obtaining the very ionizing discharge plays a huge role.
Important! In everyday life, devices that imitate the creation of a lightning discharge are most often used.Such a corona discharge increases the saturation of air with charged particles, thereby, allows you to artificially recreate the very post-storm air composition.
What type of humidifier is best to choose?
To understand whether an air humidifier with an ionizer is really needed, compare it with other types of such devices.
Traditional humidifier
Water poured into the apparatus falls onto a disk or a special cartridge, and after that, the fan draws in air and directs it directly to a special heating element.
In this case, the principle of self-regulation works, that is, the high temperature in the room stimulates more intensive humidification. For this device, it is best to choose a location near the battery.
Important! This type of humidifier can work as a purifier: air passes through a special filter - there it is freed from large dust elements.
Steam model
The liquid that gets on the built-in electrodes boils and gradually begins to evaporate.
Important! This device is also perfect for flavoring a room, which by itself creates an inhalation effect. But in case you want to pick up an air purifier, a steam model that does not have an ionizer will not suit you.
Ultrasonic Humidifier
An ultraviolet lamp is specially installed inside the device. During saturation with active oxygen, the air manages to neutralize it. Thus, you have a great opportunity to choose an additional air purifier together with a humidifier. It will save your room from all kinds of malignant viruses and bacteria using ultrasound.
Important! A humidifier is a good helper in everyday life. But to make it even easier for you to maintain the cleanliness, order and well-being of the whole family, be sure to read the rules of competent wet cleaning.
Climatic complex
A device that is both a humidifier, a cleaner, and a flavor. Advanced development - the silver rod additionally saturates the enclosed space with silver ions, which can destroy a fairly large number of various microbes.
Important! As you can see, many humidifiers are able to clean the air, but:
- ultrasonic models and climate systems will be quite expensive;
- steam device - will not cope with the task;
- standard model - will not give such an effective cleaning as a humidifier-ionizer.
But there is one caveat - in each of these types of devices there can be an ionizer. Therefore, when choosing, the issue of price preference, security, current needs (area of the room, number of people living in the room, etc.) remains relevant.
Advantages of an air humidifier with an ionizer
By what such merits is he better than the rest of the species? If you want to choose this device, you will get three in one at once: a universal cleaner, a high-quality moisturizer, and most importantly - a hypoallergenic flavor.
Now more about the advantages of this technique:
- The ionizer changes the microclimate of your apartment - makes it similar in composition to the natural one, significantly improves air quality and gives it some healing properties.
- Improves the well-being of all the people who are in the room.
- When viewed as a cleaner, the ionizer eliminates bacteria, viruses, and mold.
- It relieves your room from various unpleasant odors, and can easily cope even with cigarette smoke.
to contents ↑Important! Also take note of the selection of effective dust products.
Not without drawbacks:
- During operation, dust particles become slightly heavier. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that dust will settle faster on the surface and you will be forced to clean the room more often.
- The need for regular cleaning of the ionizer, especially the needle.
- The device creates a small electromagnetic field, which can affect the operation of electrical appliances. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for it as far as possible from the TV or computer. In addition, the effects of this field on humans are not fully understood.
- The ionizer will sometimes need to be turned off, because an oversupply of ozone is exactly the same way bad as its lack.
Which humidifier-ionizer should I choose?
The most popular brands: Vitek, SmartWay, Air-o-Swiss, Walter Meier, Midea. We will try to compare some of the models.
Vitek VT-1766 W Model:
- Type of humidification - ultrasonic.
- Its area of effect is 50 m2.
- The volume of the water tank is 5 liters.
- In one hour, he spends 300 g of water.
Model MIDEA AD90-E:
- The climate complex, which can operate on an area of 20 m2.
- Spends 260 g of water per hour.
- 7 liters of water supply will ensure long work.
Air-O-Swiss U7145:
- This humidifier is an ultrasonic type, which has a water supply of 5 liters.
- Water consumption 550 g / hour.
- The area of its action reaches 60 m2.
Humidifier Air-O-Swiss U7144:
- This humidifier, like the previous one, belongs to the ultrasonic type.
- Spends water 550 g / hour.
- Valid on an area of up to 60 m2, but the water supply is 6.7 liters.
Important! Today, many innovative appliances are presented on the home appliance market, designed to improve the comfort conditions in a residential building. One of these may also interest you in its practicality and versatility.
Find out what vacuum cleaner with steam cleanerwhat are its advantages and what is it capable of.
Natural conditions in an apartment or house
The human body, like the motor of a car, is designed to work in certain conditions, as well as everything that surrounds it in a confined space. Pay attention to the comfortable humidity indicators below:
- Man - 40-70%.
- Home plants - 55-75%.
- Antiques and books - 40-60%.
- Home furniture - 40-60%.
- Electronics and household appliances - 45-60%.
Important! If the humidity is different, then aging, including humans, will occur at an accelerated pace.
Danger of low humidity
Failure to comply with the required humidity level entails the following consequences:
- dust level rises;
- the occurrence of various allergic reactions;
- negative effect on the skin;
- irritation of the mucous membranes;
- poor effect on the lungs.
Thanks to what has been said, it is completely clear for what purpose a humidifier should be in the house. And if with an ionizer, it will be the best thing you can do for yourself to maintain health.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As a rule, the ionizer is combined with other types of climate technology. To purchase a separate ionizer is impractical from the point of view of economy. For a small surcharge, you can purchase a high-quality comprehensive humidifier-ionizer-air purifier that can provide a good atmosphere in a room of various sizes and volumes.
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