How to remove the smell from shoes 🥝 How to eliminate the smell of sweat at home

Regardless of the time of year, every time we leave the house we put on a particular pair of shoes and spend most of the day in it. It can be boots, sneakers or winter boots. And if your pair of shoes or sneakers exudes an unpleasant odor, this can become a real problem for you. Why does the shoe smell bad? The reasons can be completely different. Most often, this problem arises due to the fact that the shoes or shoes themselves are made of substandard materials. Such shoes do not let air in and legs “suffocate”. But this is not the only reason. In fact, there are many factors for the occurrence of this kind of trouble: increased sweating, socks made of artificial materials, foot disease and others. But whatever the cause of the amber, you will have to take action and think how to remove the smell from the shoes at home quickly.

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Footwear odor remedies

Currently, there are many different tools on sale that can fix this problem without any effort on your part. The most popular of them are as follows.

Deodorant Sprays

Eliminate odors due to the antibacterial components that make up their composition, as well as various fragrances. You just need to spray a little of such a tool in shoes and leave until completely dry.

Important! How long the effect will last depends on the manufacturer of the product. On average, a positive result lasts for several days, then the procedure needs to be repeated.

Deodorant Dehumidifiers

These are special bags that need to be put in shoes at night. They absorb moisture well and also have an antibacterial effect. After use, they must be thoroughly dried.

Important! We devoted a separate publication to this group of odor control drugs, from which you can learn about top shoe deodorant manufacturers.

Pills for shoes

They are left in boots or shoes for the night, they perfectly eliminate all unnecessary aromas, but at the same time have a high price.


There are disposable insoles on sale, they are inexpensive, you can change them once every few days.

Important! There are more expensive, while more effective options, for example, insoles with activated carbon. They will keep your feet fresh for a long time.

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Eliminate odors with improvised means

In addition to purchased products, there are many ways how to remove the smell in shoes from feet by improvised methods. The advantage of these funds is that they do not need to be spent on and many components are in almost any home, that is, everyone can choose a method for their liking.

Tea bags

If you drink tea from bags, do not throw away used ones, but rather dry them - they may come in handy. So, for example, they can be put inside the shoe, and they absorb an unpleasant odor.

Important! If you do not have tea bags, you can replace them with regular tea leaves. And tea has its own pleasant aroma, which he will gladly give to your pair of shoes.

Baking soda

In the difficult fight against the smell in shoes, ordinary baking soda, which is an excellent adsorbent, will help you. It is enough to sprinkle your shoes or sneakers with soda for the night, and in the morning a fresh aroma will come from them. All that remains for you is to shake out the remnants of soda.

Important! Instead of soda, you can use starch, talc, boric acid. And you can make soda sachets with your own hands from soda. And soda also helps to cope with various pollution on things. How exactly to apply it - read in our special article "Removing stains of soda".


Do it yourself sachet

To make sachets, you will need soda and essential oil. Put the mixture in bags and leave it overnight inside your long-suffering shoes.

DIY deodorant

To prepare a miracle remedy that will relieve you of problems with an unpleasant odor, you will need vodka, water, essential oil and a spray:

  1. For 1 part vodka, you need to take 2 parts of boiled water and a few drops of any essential oil.
  2. Mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Sprinkle the inside of your shoe sufferers and let it dry completely.

Baby powder

It can be used to process insoles - before you put on shoes, sprinkle the insole with baby powder, which will absorb sweat and the shoes will remain dry.

Orange peel

This is one of the easiest ways to remove smell from shoes overnight. Take an orange and eat it. And put the peel in the shoes at night. In the morning, your shoes will smell good.


Everyone knows that with the help of old newspapers you can dry your wet shoes. You can improve this method:

  1. Put a few drops of any essential oil on the newspapers and push these scented newspapers inside your shoes.
  2. Leave as it is until morning.

Important! Newspapers absorb all moisture, and essential oil gives your shoes a pleasant aroma.

Coffee beans

Coffee can remove an unpleasant amber in just a few minutes, just pour it inside your sneaker or boots and leave it for a while.


If you don’t know how to remove sweat from shoes, try regular vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a cotton swab in vinegar or peroxide and wipe the inside of the product. This will help to neutralize the smell, however, after vinegar the product will have to be ventilated. These funds can be used regularly for prevention.

Important! When using these products, be careful, as these substances can adversely affect the internal surface of the product, for example, lighten some of its parts.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon perfectly absorbs moisture and various aromas, so it can also be successfully used in the fight against shoe aromas. Crush 10 tablets and put them overnight in the shoe. In the morning, just shake out all the powder.

Important! The only negative is that coal can leave black marks on the inside of your favorite pair of boots. Therefore, for a light pair, it is better to use white coal.


Low temperatures

How to remove the smell of winter shoes? There is a great way to do this - put your boots or winter boots in the cold, for example, on a balcony or on the street. You can wrap them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for several hours.

Important! Leatherette shoes do not like low temperatures, so this method is not suitable for her.

Shoe rotation

No need to wear the same shoes every day. She needs to be changed and give her time to dry.

Important! So that from now on you do not have such a problem, make yourself a rule once a season to spend shoe disinfection.

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How to get rid of the smell of urine?

There are times when the cause of all the trouble is not sweat, but the tricks of the pet. In this case, it will help you:

  • A pharmacy drug called Formidron. The treatment with this drug should be carried out in the open air, for example, on the balcony. Gloves for protecting hands will not be superfluous.After the procedure, the processed product must be well ventilated.

Important! Do not get involved in such drugs, it can harm your health.

  • A pet odor absorber can be purchased at the pet store. The instructions will indicate how to use it.
  • If there is nothing at hand, then you can simply pour a bottle of hydrogen peroxide into the damaged product, chat and pour in a minute. After this, the shoes need to dry well.

Important! If you regularly monitor such actions of your pet, and not only in relation to shoes, it makes sense to solve the problem radically. For this, read the information "Why is a cat shitting on shoes or on a bed?".

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In order not to decide each time, how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes, it is necessary to carry out the prevention:

  • Always take care of your shoes, regularly wash and clean the inside and dry well.
  • Change your insoles more often.
  • Watch your feet and observe personal hygiene.
  • Ventilate the shoes regularly.
  • Wipe your shoes periodically with alcohol.
  • If the quality allows, wash it with soapy water or machine wash.
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That's all, now you can easily solve the problem of stinking shoes. And so that such situations do not continue to recur, pay attention not only to the care of shoes, sneakers or boots, but also to the hygiene of the feet, the prevention of fungus or excessive sweating. It is better to do this, following the advice of a doctor.

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