How to care for suede shoes at home?

Suede shoes are comfortable and comfortable. In addition, suede warms up well in cold weather, and thanks to its softness, it is suitable for people with leg problems. At the same time, shoes made of this material require special care, so few decide to buy products from it. In the article we will tell you how to care for suede shoes at home, because only competent care is able to extend the life of the shoe and save things from wear and tear.

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Types of Suede

This material can be of two types - artificial or natural. So, natural suede is made from goat skins and processed by fat tanning.

Important! Sometimes you can find deer or elk leather products, which differ not only in increased protection from the cold, but also in high price.

Artificial analogues, of course, are of less quality and convenient, but many prefer them, due to the low price.

Natural suede

Natural suede is a porous material. Due to this, it lets air through, so the legs in such shoes practically do not sweat. In addition, the product made of genuine suede leather is soft and able to stretch, giving the shoe the necessary shape.

Important! You can find suede made from goat skins with a very short pile, so outwardly it resembles not dense types of fabrics.

Faux suede

Those who cannot afford natural suede shoes can take a closer look at the artificial materials. By their properties, they are less reliable, but their price is several times lower, and caring for shoes from suede at home is less demanding.

There are two varieties of faux suede:

  • The woven type of manufacture involves the creation of microfiber yarns that look very much like suede from natural artiodactyl skins. The longer the threads split during the work, the more expensive and better the suede. The real woven material obtained by long-term processing of the pile is very difficult to distinguish from natural analogues.
  • Non-woven suede fabrication is much easier with technology. During it, fibers with different thicknesses are applied to the base of artificial and cheap materials with the help of glue, as a result, it looks like natural suede. Shoes created by this method are the cheapest in price and low in quality.

Important! To understand all the intricacies and properties of different materials, read also about what is the difference between leather, suede, nubuck.

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Basic rules for the care of suede shoes

Care for shoes made of suede at home is to follow simple rules for using this material. Therefore, if you have a product made of this material, it is important to observe the following tips.


Suede is very resistant to moisture. After getting wet, it loses its properties, and also looks worn out, as the fabric structure deteriorates. In addition, spots appear, especially on light shoes, which are subsequently extremely difficult to remove.

Therefore, do not wear suede products during rain and snow. And if you still couldn’t avoid getting wet, try to dry your shoes as soon as possible.You can use the usual old newspapers for this - drying a suede on a battery is not recommended.

Important! For the prevention of getting wet shoes from suede, specialwater repellent impregnation.



Cleanliness is the second rule of using suede shoes. Due to the fact that the dust from the villi is very difficult to remove, it is necessary to clean the shoes after each exit to the street. Especially easy care in the summer - dry dirt deposits can be removed with a flannel cloth.

The soles of dirt can be cleaned with a sponge moistened with warm water. And after each washing of suede, it must be dried from moisture.

Careful use

Suede is a beautiful and comfortable material, comparable only to velvet. However, in order for the shoes to last for a long time and not lose their appearance, it is very important to treat it carefully.

Important! Remember that shoe care must be competent even when you are not wearing it. Be sure to read our article on proper storage of shoes.

How to care for suede shoes at home? - It's simple. Do not wear shoes during bad environmental conditions - rain, wind. Suede products are very impractical, so they do not withstand extreme conditions. But for unhurried walks on dry asphalt or for publication, suede is very useful.

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Washing suede shoes

Caring for suede shoes at home in some cases implies more intensive cleaning methods. So, if the shoes become so dirty that simple cleaning methods do not help, it is recommended to wash them. Washing suede is very different from other materials, because it is a very delicate fabric.

Important! Cheap analogues of suede may not survive the effects of water, so it is advisable to use other methods to clean them. And of course, you cannot use a washing machine to wash suede shoes.

Washing takes place as follows:

  1. In the washing container, draw warm water and add a handful washing powder. Shake until a small amount of foam appears.
  2. Add a few drops of ammonia - this will help remove the most persistent dirt, without spoiling the structure of the material.
  3. Dampen the suede brush in the resulting solution and wash the shoes thoroughly. Pressure on the shoes should not be strong, in addition, it is not recommended to make sharp and intense movements. Brushing should be smooth.
  4. After that, wash your shoes or shoes under cold running water, but it is better to use a damp sponge. Make sure that no soap stains or stains remain on the shoes.
  5. Set your shoes to dry. Use special dryers or crumpled newspapers for this purpose. As a rule, suede dries well at room temperature. But put on a battery or keep similar products near a heat source is not worth it.

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Steam cleaning

Steam cleaners are a great help in how to care for suede shoes at home. It is with the help of steam that they clean things in dry cleaners, because it does not spoil the appearance, but it also helps to remove even the most severe impurities. To achieve good results, without ruining your shoes, stick to the following algorithm:

  1. Using any home steam cleaner affects the product of suede. It is important to use only hot steam - it helps best in cleaning.
  2. After that, use a suede brush to comb the fibers in one direction.
  3. Wipe the material with a flannel cloth and set it to dry at room temperature.
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How to raise a pile?

It is the villi that give suede such an exquisite appearance. But over time, the pile begins to shine, look worn out. There are two ways to remedy this situation:

  • Wet the cotton pad with ammonia and wipe the places where the pile looks ugly. After that using special suede brush walk over the entire surface. As a rule, one procedure is enough to fully revive the product.
  • Hot steam perfectly helps restore the quality of the villi. To do this, hold the shoes over a boiling kettle or pot, and then wipe the shoes with a flannel cloth. Pile after a similar procedure looks like new.

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How to restore the color of suede shoes?

Especially for natural suede, direct sunlight and bright light are detrimental - the paint fades, giving it a bluish or greenish tint. Summer shoes especially suffer from this. To avoid this problem, you can apply a special paint for suede:

  1. Before applying the paint composition, thoroughly clean your shoes with a wash, damp sponge or hot steam.
  2. After that, evenly spray the paint over the entire surface of the shoes or shoes, set them to dry.
  3. Once the paint has dried, pick up the pile with a brush or eraser for suede.

Important! It is very important to use only special paints for suede productsotherwise you can permanently ruin the structure of the material.

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Thanks to these simple rules, caring for shoes from suede at home becomes simple and affordable for everyone. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the villi, not to wear shoes in wet weather and to clean from dust after each use. Only in this case, suede will last a long time and will look beautiful and presentable.

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