How to return color to jeans?

Jeans have become an integral part of the wardrobe of both women and men, and of course, children. We like some models so much that we don’t want to part with them. But alas, with each wash, the pants lose their appearance. The color becomes dimmer. This happens especially quickly with black jeans. We are wondering how to return the color to jeans? This problem is very easy for you to solve after reading this article.

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How to prevent the rapid loss of color of trousers and jeans?

How to update or return the jeans to their former color if they faded? First of all, I would like to give some simple tips, observing which you can “extend the life” of your favorite black jeans.

Tip 1

Turn the inside out before washing the product.

Tip 2

Look at the trouser tag - it indicates at what temperature this product should be washed.

Important! To learn more about this type of product, learn about what jeans are made of.

Tip 3

When washing black trousers, use special products for black clothes.

Tip 4

Do not soak the product for several hours.

Important! If at the first wash or sock it turns out that the jeans are stained, check out all the tips, how to fix paint on fabric at home.

All these simple rules will allow you not to be puzzled by the problem as long as possible: “black jeans have lost color - what should I do?” But sooner or later it will still arise. And here you will find useful our useful tips.

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Jeans are losing color. What to do?

Do not despair, using one of several simple ways you can easily return the black color. Let's get started.

Method 1

Use of special conditioners for washing black linen. This method can be applied when your black color is not completely “hopeless”.

Important! Before use, carefully read the instructions.

On your washing machine, set the washing mode at low temperatures, since high ones even more help wash the paint from the fabric.

This procedure needs to be carried out several times - for the best result.

Method 2

For him, we need another pair of black trousers with a similar fabric - we need those that still molt. How to use them to return color to jeans? - Easier than simple:

  1. We turn both pairs out and put them in the washing machine.
  2. On the washing machine, set the mode to 40 degrees, turn it on.
  3. Somewhere in 25-30 minutes. you need to stop the process for 2 hours so that the trousers share the paint with each other.
  4. After - continue the process.
  5. When rinsing, you need to add table vinegar 100 g - you can in the compartment for the air conditioner. Vinegar will help fix our black color.

Method 3

This option involves normal hand wash:

  1. We erase at a low temperature up to 40 degrees.
  2. Rinse in cold with the addition of vinegar.

Method 4

For this way to restore the black color of jeans, you will need:

  • black hair dye - ordinary dye that we use for hair coloring, no more than 2 packs;
  • pelvis - more so that the trousers lie “freely”;
  • common salt;
  • table vinegar;
  • gloves.

In detail, we describe the process itself:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. The active component of the paint is dissolved in warm water.
  3. Soak pants for 1 hour, occasionally need to rinse.
  4. Rinse with plain water.
  5. Then soak cold in a solution with salt and vinegar for 5 minutes.
  6. Dry the product.

Important! Keep in mind that hair dye is not particularly suitable for dyeing fabrics, so it goes off pretty quickly. That is, the effect will be, but short-lived.

Method 5

This method also involves dyeing to return the color to jeans, only you will do this with a special paint for the fabric.

This time you need to prepare:

  • a basin with a capacity of more than 15 liters;
  • special powder for dyeing fabrics in black;
  • water;
  • tight rubber gloves.

Important! When choosing a paint, give preference to a paint for cotton or universal, so that it is suitable for products made from natural material. Or read our separate review, which details all kinds of the best paints for fabrics.

Before you start staining, carefully read the instructions on the paint bag and:

  1. Make a mathematical calculation. How much paint do you need?
  2. Put on gloves.
  3. Pour the required amount of paint into the basin.
  4. Add hot water - in the amount indicated on the package to dissolve the paint.
  5. Leave everything as it is for 30-40 minutes. until completely dissolved.
  6. Add warm water to the desired amount, immerse jeans.

Important! In order for the paint to lie uniformly on the product, you need to turn it over several times. The staining process lasts 30-40 minutes.

  1. After - pull the pants out of the water and rinse first in warm water several times, then in cold. Rinse until the water is clear.
  2. The last step is to wash in a washing machine at low temperature. And when rinsing add table vinegar.

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How to restore the color of jeans of different colors?

In our wardrobe there are definitely jeans and other colors. Now we will reveal all the secrets and features of restoring the color of jeans. So, if you want to refresh the color of blue jeans, you can use all of the above methods, only you need to take into account some of the features of color.

Important! You can act as described above in Methods 1 and 2, only in the first case you will need conditioner for colored linen, and in the second case, trousers of a more saturated dark shade.

Method of using blue

Bluing is sold as a powder or liquid in all stores that have a household chemistry department. This is the cheapest method. But it is worth considering that blue is quickly washed off already at the first wash.

We will prepare the following components:

  • blue;
  • gloves
  • pelvis;
  • table vinegar.

Let's consider in order what actions need to be performed:

  1. Dissolve blue in warm water.

Important! The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

  1. The brightness of the color is adjusted independently - depending on the result we want to get.
  2. The product is soaked in a solution for 1-1.5 hours.

Important! Turn over several times.

  1. Rinse in cold water, then in water with vinegar.

Return color to white jeans

Your white jeans will help restore the color of bleach. But here, listen to our tips:

  1. Give preference to oxygen bleaches.
  2. To keep white when washing, add baking soda to the powder compartment.

Whitening steps:

  1. Dilute the bleach in water - according to the instructions.
  2. Soak for 1-2 hours.
  3. Wash with powder for white fabrics.

Important! From the pages of our portal you will also find outhow to return white things to whiteif they are sewn from other fabrics. All tips are really practical and easy to use.

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How to dye black jeans?

Of course, at present there are more advanced methods of color restoration - this is the method of staining. When using this method, we will get a richer color that will not fade after the first wash. There are different types of paints:

  • aniline;
  • acrylic;
  • powder.

Now consider the pros and cons of these dyes, and you can choose the right paint for you.

Aniline paints

Very easy to use.Here you can apply your imagination. Mix several shades and get an original result.

Acrylic paints

They have a more resistant coloring element. With their help, you can decorate pants by applying a picture. Even after the next wash at high temperatures, your pants will not fade.

Powder paints

Used in the washing machine. Of course, with them less trouble. He turned on the machine, filled the substance, having previously dissolved it according to instructions in water, and no problems. But there is a small minus. This species has a very meager color scheme.

To dye black jeans, you can use any dye described above.

Powder black in a washing machine

Painting your favorite trousers in a rich black color will not bring any worries if you follow the recommendations for staining:

  1. Make sure the pants are clean and there are no foreign objects in your pockets. They should not have various spots.
  2. Turn inside out.
  3. Set the washing mode on the machine according to the label on your label.

Important! Do not use any powders or rinses.

  1. Pour the paint, after diluting it with water into the powder compartment according to the instructions.
  2. Turn on the wash mode.
  3. If your coloring matter does not contain elements for fixing color - read the information on this on the packaging, then you need to use the rinse mode with the addition of vinegar.
  4. Wash jeans with powder or gel for black items.
  5. This is followed by natural drying.

Important! Do not worry, the paint will not damage your washing machine. Only a little dye can remain on the elastic, but this can be easily removed with a damp cloth. In order not to doubt it at all, you can once again start the washing cycle once the dyeing has finished — even the shortest one, but without any detergents or linen.

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Regardless of the methods that you choose, remember the process technology. This will help you get a good result. But if the thing is very dear to you, then do not risk it - entrust the coloring to professionals. Take to dry cleaning.

Important! You might also be interested in how to dye a bologna jacket at home. Then do not hesitate, follow the link!


