Jacket stretched after washing - what to do?

Sweaters and sweaters made of wool are a very popular type of clothing, especially in the winter. Wool perfectly warms, and various knitting methods make clothes attractive to even the most fastidious buyer. Knitted sweater stretched after washing - what to do in order to restore its former appearance? - This issue is relevant for many, because from everyday wear, the wrong washing and drying regime, knitted products are often subject to deformation.

There are several ways to knit this type of clothing. In the first case, they are knitted on production machines, in the second - it is a manual individual knitting. And for one, and for the second type, there is a certain algorithm of what to do if a thing is stretched after washing. We will talk about this in detail in our article.

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Causes of clothing deformation

Not always the reason that the sweater has lost its shape is due to improper washing in the washing machine. The threads from which the products are knitted have high elasticity, respectively - they can easily be stretched during socks.

Very often in stressful situations, a person can pull the hem down, pull the sleeves or cuffs, as a result of which the clothes stretch unevenly and lose their shape. Do not rush to panic and throw your favorite warm sweater in the trash can. It just needs to be “pulled back". The following are ways to do this most efficiently and quickly.

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Restoring clothes with a washing machine

What to do if the jacket is stretched as a result of washing in a car? Most likely, this happened due to improperly selected temperature mode, rotation speed, spin. Or vice versa - the product should never be washed in a washing machine, but you did not heed the advice of the manufacturer.

To restore the original size of things, we again use the machine, thanks to which they stretched out. Only this time will have to follow a special sequence of actions to get the desired result.


  1. Get a special bag for washing clothes at a hardware store.
  2. Put the stretched item in a prepared bag.
  3. Load a bag of clothes into the washing machine.
  4. Add a special wool detergent instead of regular washing powder.
  5. Set the appliance to the quick wash mode and start the process.

Important! Be sure to deactivate the spin.

  1. At the end of the wash, remove and wring the sweater by hand.
  2. For drying, lay the product in the correct form, in a horizontal position on a terry towel.

Important! Once the towel has absorbed enough moisture, replace it with a dry one. Otherwise, mold odor may form. Keep in mind that the jumper will dry for several days. But it is impossible to speed up this process by laying things out on heating devices, otherwise - all your efforts will go down the drain, and the product itself may completely become worthless.

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Manual method to restore a knitted sweater

Sweater stretched after washing - what to do? - Experienced housewives and lovers knitting, know very well how to restore its previous shape.A sweater knitted in production workshops differs slightly in density of knitting in comparison with a manual knitted product. Hand knitting, no matter how hard the craftswoman tries, has a weaker density of loops. Based on this, such products are stretched much faster. To save the spoiled thing, it is necessary to approach this question with special delicacy.

Work sequence:

  1. Pour some warm water into the bathroom.
  2. Unwrap your stretched clothing in water. Let the threads soak in water.
  3. Take out a wet jumper and wring out excess moisture.

Important! In no case do you unscrew the product, as a result of such exposure the threads will stretch even more.

  1. Lay the product on a terry towel, after giving it the desired shape. To avoid unpleasant odors, always replace a damp towel with a dry one.

Important! In addition to deformation, other problems can arise with products from natural and blended yarns. How to quickly and easily solve them without buying a new thing, read in our articles:

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Partial recovery of stretched things

About the situations when the sweater was stretched, what to do to restore it we described above. But sometimes after a wash or improper drying, a certain part of the sweater stretches. Basically, sleeve cuffs, the neck of the product or the bottom are prone to this. To give the original shape to the individual parts of the product, there is no need to completely expose the clothing to water.

Processing sequence:

  1. Take a spray bottle or just dampen the sleeve cuffs with a little water.
  2. Give the desired shape to the product.
  3. Lay the knitted item on a flat surface on a dry terry towel.
  4. Leave the clothes to dry.

Important! To speed up the drying process, you can use a hairdryer to dry your hair, while setting the regime of cold blowing.

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Knitting Care Tips

You already know how to restore a sweatshirt stretched after washing, but in order not to have to deal with this problem again later, we offer you some practical tips and advice on washing and storing wool items:

  • Wash knitted items only by hand in warm water.

Important! Too hot water can deform your favorite sweater even more, shrink several sizes, and also lead to shedding of threads. If you want to simplify your task and use a washing machine, use the instructions from our separate article “How to wash wool?”.

  • For washing delicate woolen items, purchase special liquid powderintended specifically for this type of matter.
  • Dry woolen products only in a horizontal position.

Important! Drying on the shoulders or in suspension will cause the product to warp. Subsequently, it will be impossible to restore it.

  • Do not leave the knitted sweater to dry in the sun or on the battery. From such actions, the sweater will lose its elasticity and become more rigid.
  • It is desirable to store woolen items folded in a closet.

Important! It is extremely undesirable to hang a product on a coat hanger; it can stretch out under its own weight.

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If you have any trouble and your favorite knitted sweater is stretched, what to do and how to act you already know. In addition, you can easily avoid such disasters with your other clothes. You just need to follow the simple and reasonable advice from this article. Following all the recommendations for proper washing and storage of things, your favorite sweater will please you with its excellent condition for a long time.


