Cashmere coat

It is safe to say that such an element of clothing as a cashmere coat will never go out of fashion. Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that for over two centuries no fashion show of outerwear has been complete without this product? And it’s not about the whims of famous designers who promote the material they like.

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Why is a cashmere coat comfortable?

The thing is that a cashmere coat is always exquisite, luxurious, beautiful and practical. What explains the practicality of such a delicate material as cashmere?

Only those people who did not have such a thing in their wardrobe do not know about all the advantages of this material. Cashmere is not only beautiful, it is also warm. In cold weather, he will warm his master, and in warm weather he will not let him sweat. Naturalness is another advantage of this material over other coat materials.

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What is cashmere?

So, what is cashmere as a fabric, what is it made of and what is its value explained by?

Cashmere is a very soft, delicate and delicate matter woven from the down of mountain goats.

Important! Cashmere goats live only in certain countries - Nepal, India, Pakistan, China. Attempts to grow them in other countries that are profitable for the producer have failed. The name of the fabric comes from the name of the region where this species of goats lives - Kashmir.

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During the period when goats actively shed, as a rule it is warm in the spring, their soft hair and fluff are combed out manually. From the raw material thus obtained, cashmere is made. About 150-200 g of raw material can be combed from one goat per year. After processing, it remains half as much. This explains the considerable cost of cashmere items.

Important! To better understand the tenderness of the material, we give the following comparison: human hair has a thickness of 50-70 microns, and a cashmere thread of a quality sample is 19-20 microns.

The history of the use of cashmere for sewing a coat

They began to sew coats from cashmere for the first time in the 18th century and did this mainly for aristocrats. A lot of time has passed and now every woman and any man can afford it, because a self-respecting outerwear store always has cashmere coats in its assortment. Now they have the widest choice, which is represented by a different cut models.

Every year, tireless fashion designers come up with new interesting styles, play with the color of cashmere and make the image of a woman and a man unique. Coats from cashmere are winter and demi-season. With and without fur. Hoods, pockets, buttons - it's all for every taste and color.

Important! Very rarely in our time you can find 100% cashmere. As a rule, a part of synthetic fibers, viscose or wool of other origin is added to the fabric. This is done to improve the quality and extend the wear period of the product. But cashmere at the same time loses its original rich appearance and is not as soft as without additives. Be careful when choosing a coat from cashmere and read the manufacturer’s tag, so as not to be cheated and not pay more. And to have a better understanding of alternative materials, read our separate Coat fabric review.

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Cashmere and Wool Coat Care Tips

Holders of such a chic thing as a cashmere coat are ready to do a lot to preserve the longer beautiful appearance of the product. The following recommendations are sure to come in handy:

  • During wet and wet weather, keep from wearing a cashmere coat. Choose more practical outerwear.

Important! If you still get caught in the rain, then when you come home, hang a coat on your shoulders and let it dry well. In no case do you need to accelerate the drying of the fabric with the help of heaters, hair dryers, irons, fires or direct sunlight.

  • Keep a cashmere coat in a closet on a hanger, and it should be suitable for the size of the product and not stretch the fabric. It is even better to store the coat in a special case. If you are not ready to allocate your budget funds for the purchase of an additional accessory, use our simple master class to make a do-it-yourself clothing pouch.
  • The cabinet where the product is made of cashmere or wool should be regularly treated with special insect repellents that can harm natural tissues. For example, moth is very fond of spoiling woolen and cashmere products, so look through our selection and choose a more convenient for yourself moth remedy.

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Cleaning a cashmere coat

No matter how you protect a thing, it will get dirty sooner or later. This is inevitable for a cashmere coat. Even if there are no spots on it, it should still be refreshed after a long wear.

Important! Carefully read the manufacturer’s tag on the product. Some of them allow you to wash a thing and indicate the conditions under which this process can be performed. It all depends on the composition of the fabric and the percentage of natural fibers.

But in most cases, for cashmere products, dry cleaning is always preferable to wet cleaning and washing. Water causes deformation of the coat shape, thinning of the fabric, and the appearance of spools.

If you have not saved your coat from the stain, the sooner you start to “save” it, the better the result, because cashmere, like other woolen fabrics, does not immediately absorb stains.

To clean a cashmere coat in this way:

  1. At the initial stage, it will be quite simple to get wet.
  2. If the stain remains, use a solution of table vinegar or medical alcohol. Dilute any of these liquids with warm water in 1: 1 proportions. Gently blot the stain with the made solution. After removing the stain, let the fabric dry and walk with a soft brush, aligning the fabric texture.
  3. If the stain on the coat is difficult to remove, for example, from wine or from berries, it is best to seek professional dry cleaning.

Important! When cleaning cashmere coats, do not use hard brushes and rub the fabric hard. This will lead to the appearance of spools and loss of density of matter.

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How to remove the spools on a cashmere coat?

Spools are an almost inevitable occurrence on cashmere fabrics. They arise from frequent wear of a thing or from friction, because often the coat remains in perfect condition everywhere, except for the part where it comes into contact with your handbag daily.

The spools can be carefully removed independently:

  • To clean the cashmere coat from the spools, use thin manicure scissors. Carefully cut the spools with them.
  • Even easier to restore the aesthetics of the fabric, if you use special machine for spools. This method will take much less than your time.

Important! Do not pull the spools with your fingers. In this way, you can damage the fabric by pulling precious cashmere fibers from it.

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How to choose a coat?

To make the choice of a coat in the store faster and after not regret your decision, we offer a couple of tips on this:

  • Decide on the seasonality of the coat. Consider the temperature at which you plan to wear it.
  • If you lead an active lifestyle and buy a coat for everyday purposes, then it is best to take shortened models. They will be more convenient to ride in a car and move around quickly.
  • With a measured lifestyle, you can look at elongated models, because they always look more feminine.
  • Also, when choosing a coat length, you should definitely consider your height. For girls with low stature, short models, no lower than the knee, are more suitable. But for tall girls - elongated. You can also consider the option of length "in the floor."
  • If you want to emphasize your waist, then choose flared cut models with a belt at the waist. This style makes the waist more elegant and even thinner.
  • For a girl with a fragile physique, a cashmere coat with a small, slightly rounded collar is more suitable.
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Whatever cashmere coat you choose, the main thing is to wear it with pleasure. Although what are we talking about? It is simply impossible to wear a cashmere coat in a different way! Such a thing in your wardrobe guarantees you pleasure, good mood and self-confidence.


