How to remove felt-tip pen from clothes?

In almost every family, there comes a period when children begin to discover the talents of great artists and all objects with which you can draw, including felt-tip pens, are used. In this article we will talk about how and how to remove the felt-tip pen from clothes.
to contents ↑Varieties of Markers
Before starting to describe how to clean your things from patterns and paintings, let's determine with a marker with which main component all this was created.
The present is replete with inventions, and if earlier we had only alcohol felt-tip pens, now they are created not only on the basis of alcohol. This cannot but rejoice, because now the task of how to remove the felt-tip pen from clothes has been much simplified. You will soon understand why.
So, we will determine what is now included in the basis of our drawing supplies:
- alcohol;
- varnish and paint;
- a piece of chalk;
- oil (fat);
- water.
to contents ↑Important! When you buy your little ones markers, and you are not sure that he will not draw on clothes or other fabrics in the house, carefully read the composition on the package. Buy felt-tip pens on a water or chalk basis - these spots will be easier to remove.
Alcohol Markers
To remove alcohol-based felt-tip pen from the fabric is one of the most difficult tasks. But this is very possible, because it is in this case that the principle of “we remove with the same thing that caused” works. There are two most effective ways how to remove a stain from a felt-tip pen from clothes if its main component is alcohol.
Method 1:
- Grind the soap.
- Mix the crushed soap with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 1.
- Apply the mixture to the stain, having previously placed something dense under it, so that the colored liquid from the stain does not leak down onto anything else.
- Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse the product in warm water.
- Wash by hand or in a machine in the usual way with the addition of oxygen bleach (if the clothes are white) or a stain remover for colored clothes (if the clothes are colored or with patterned patterns).
Method 2:
- Pour regular or liquid ammonia onto a cotton pad.
- Rub the disc with a disc until it disappears completely.
- Lather the spot.
- Leave for 1 hour.
- To stretch a thing manually or in a typewriter in the usual way, as described in Method 1.
to contents ↑Important! If the trace from the dye does not disappear completely - do not despair. Repeat the procedure again, and again, and the stain will come off.
Paint and varnish
Just as in the case of alcohol markers, there are few ways, but they work “with a bang”. It’s not necessary to think about how to remove a felt-tip pen on a fabric on such a basis - from its name it is clear that solvents of paints and varnishes will help best. It can be: white spirit, acetone, colorless nail polish remover, gasoline.
Here is just one method:
- Soak a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad with any of these solvents.
- Apply to stain until it dissolves and disappears.
- Wipe the area from soap contamination.
- Wash completely in the usual manner as described in Method 1.
to contents ↑Important! Never neglect stain removers and bleaches. How to remove a felt-tip pen from colored clothes after the stain has been removed? - Only with a stain remover for colored fabrics, from things of white color - with a bleach without chlorine.
Chalk and water
You are lucky if your baby has stained things with just such a marker. Removing stains after felt-tip pens, if they are based on chalk and water, is almost as easy as washing.
They will help you:
- laundry soap;
- washing powder;
- oxygen bleach (if things are white);
- stain remover for colored items (if colored);
- hydrogen peroxide;
- soda;
- ammonia.
There is a variety of options on how and with what to remove the felt-tip pen from clothes when it contains just such basic components.
Important! To continue to use your irrepressible imagination and energy for your intended purpose, read our other useful articles:
Option 1:
- Wash the problem area with laundry soap.
- Send clothes as usual.
Option 2:
- Prepare pulp from soda and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1 to 2.
- Apply it to areas with spots.
- Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
- To rub problem areas with a toothbrush.
- Rinse off and rinse in warm water.
- Wash as described above.
Option 3:
- Lather contamination with household soap.
- To rub.
- Rinse in warm water.
- Send to wash.
Option 4:
- Dilute the detergent in a small amount of warm water.
- Add 2-3 tablespoons of ammonia.
- Soak a thing in the resulting solution.
- Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
- Rub with a sponge.
- Rinse off.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use hydrogen peroxide for colored items; they may lose color and pattern.
Oil (fat)
How to remove a felt-tip pen from clothes when its main component is fat (oil)? Here, too, the concept of "what I put, the more I removed it." Therefore, you just need to take any oil that is in the house, and use it as a stain remover:
- Apply oil to stain.
- Oil well the damaged area.
- Leave for 1 hour.
- Remove oil with traces of dye using any degreasing agent.
- Wash as described above.
to contents ↑Important! Depending on the situation, you may also find our tips useful:
Type of fabric matters
There is no one scheme for how to remove a stain from a felt-tip pen from clothes. You need to consider not only the type of marker with which the pollution was made, but also the type of fabric on which the pollution was formed:
- Both natural and synthetic white items are best washed with hydrogen peroxide, which treats problem areas before washing.
- With denim and cotton, it is easier to remove such dirt with solvents.
- For wool, soda and lemon juice are best.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use lemon when you have stains on colored fabric - this can ruin the basic shades of the product.
Stock footage
Drawings with felt-tip pens on clothes look beautiful, from the point of view of your crumbs. And now, with our help, it’s also safe - from the point of view of us adults. How to remove the felt-tip pen from clothes is not a problem when you are armed to the teeth. Let the children develop creatively and without restrictions, our task is that they do not stop.
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