How to replace washing powder?

During a camping trip, it often happens that it is necessary to wash things, but there is neither laundry detergent nor any other suitable modern means at hand - there are natural substitutes for this case, they will help temporarily get out of the situation. But if you live in a city and no longer want to use washing powder, then you are wondering what to replace washing powder in an automatic machine? The topic is worthy of discussion, which is why we will consider it in this article.

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How to replace washing powder in a washing machine?

In the event that you need to wash it urgently, and there is not a gram of washing chemistry at home or nothing at all, try to solve the problem in the easiest way. Just put things in the washing machine without using powder. But this option is not suitable for heavily soiled things.

You can also use soda or laundry soap:

  1. The soap must be rubbed on a fine grater and dropped straight into the inside of the drum of the machine.
  2. A couple of tablespoons of soda is poured into the usual compartment for the detergent.

Important! If we talk about substitutes for washing powder, then there are soap nuts. Soap nuts are a natural herbal detergent without chemicals. You can buy them in hardware stores or order on the Internet.

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Environmental Wash: Alternative Wash Methods without Laundry Detergent

The question of how to replace washing powder arises before many conscious housewives quite often. Because no matter how anyone advertises modern chemical detergents, synthesized surfactants, phosphates, optical brighteners, as well as other overly active components of washing powder do not leave housewives alone.

I absolutely do not want to experience the negative effects of these chemicals on myself. And that is why we enter the world famous search engine Google and try to find a revolutionary tool that will replace washing powder. But the question is, why invent new things when everything was invented long before you and I.

Not sure how to replace laundry detergent? Replace it with natural detergents that our ancestors used in their everyday lives.

Here is a list of those natural products that can safely replace washing powder, and they will not be inferior to it in effectiveness.

Mustard powder, table vinegar, ammonia

Mustard has established itself as an excellent detergent: starting from washing hair, continuing as a dishwashing detergent and ending with washing clothes. Mustard powder is particularly suitable for gentle washing of woolen and silk products - after it they become pleasant to the touch, soft, and also smell of freshness.

Important! Before replacing laundry detergent with this product, keep in mind that cotton cannot remove mustard.

To wash one load of laundry in a washing machine:

  1. Take 40-60 g mustard powder.
  2. Pour them directly into the drum of the machine itself, after you load the laundry.
  3. Set the washing temperature to no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the mustard will brew.

Important! If the contamination is strong, first apply the pulp consisting of mustard powder, as well as water directly to the soiled area of ​​the fabric and leave for 10-15 minutes, then immediately put to wash.

By the way, this environmentally friendly tool can also be used for other purposes. For example, find out how to wash dishes with mustard.

If you decide to wash by hand and replace the detergent with such available folk remedies, then:

  1. For 1 liter of hot water, take 10-15 g of mustard powder.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours to dissolve.
  4. Then drain the liquid without residue into a container of hot water.
  5. Pour the sediment that has remained in the vessel again, stir thoroughly and after a short amount of time again carefully pour it into an empty basin or bucket.
  6. Wash things lightly soiled 1 time, heavily soiled - wash twice, each time pouring fresh mustard tincture.
  7. After washing, rinse thoroughly several times in plain clean water.

Important! During the final rinse for the wool, add 1 teaspoon to the solution. ammonia, and for silk - 1 tbsp. l table vinegar per 1 liter of water. Remember that wool and silk do not like sudden changes in temperature, so wash and rinse them better in water, the temperature of which is 30-40 degrees.


Ordinary table salt, which we used to use in the kitchen as a seasoning, turns out to be an excellent way to remove dirt from chintz and flax. In addition, colored fabrics absolutely do not lose their bright appearance, even after repeated washing.


This washing option is suitable for those things that are slightly contaminated, from everyday wear just lost their former freshness. Advantages of your decision if you decide to replace washing powder with salt:

  1. All clothing will be washable. Due to this, it will be preserved and will serve you longer.
  2. Save on laundry.
  3. Caring for the environment, since you do not drain chemicals into the sewers that adversely affect the atmosphere, as well as the living creatures of water bodies.

To use just such a tool:

  1. Take the dirty stuff.
  2. Put them in a basin.
  3. Use a measuring cup to fill things with warm water and remember the volume.
  4. After - pull out of the basin, squeeze thoroughly and put in another container.
  5. In the available water, make a solution of 1 tbsp. l with a slide of salt in 1 liter of water.
  6. Stir to dissolve the salt as quickly as possible.
  7. Put wet things in the basin, leave them to soak for 1 hour.
  8. At the end of the specified time, remember the clothes a little, push them in saline, and rinse after such procedures.

All washed laundry is again clean and pleasantly smelling!

Soap root or soap dish

Soap dish or soap root - this plant is a pretty pink and white flowers that can be purchased in many markets, in a pharmacy, as well as grow with your own hands on your own land.

Important! For washing, you need to use not the tip, but the root of this plant. Its solution perfectly copes with washing silk and wool.

The recipe you suggest below is best suited either for a large amount of laundry, or for heavily soiled items. So, how to replace soap powder with soap dish to get an excellent result:

  1. Grind 50 g of soap dish.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of fresh boiled water.
  3. Leave to infuse for 24 hours - during the specified time it is necessary to mix the solution periodically.
  4. At the end of time, put it on the stove and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour.
  5. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.
  6. You can fill in the remaining thickener once again with hot water and do the same operation again - this solution is quite suitable for washing not so dirty things.
  7. Pour the first soap solution into a bowl of warm water, beat the foam with your hands. Divide the resulting volume into 2 parts - this way you can wash clothes twice if they are very dirty, or 2 lots of different clothes.
  8. At the end of the wash, rinse all washed clothing with plain warm water.
  9. During the last rinse of white wool, you can add 2 tsp. liquid ammonia - such an additive will make the canvas soft and also pleasant to the touch.

Important! Note that the soap dish solution can not be stored, it instantly turns sour. The entire prepared volume of the solution must be used for 1 time.

Horse chestnut

This option is an alternative to chemical washing powder, but it is quite troublesome regarding the preparation of raw materials. At the same time, the recipe is suitable for hand washing, as well as to replace automatic washing powder:

  1. Collect the fruits of the chestnut.
  2. Dry and grind with a coffee grinder, while do not forget to remove the brown outer shell - it can dye the fabric of things.
  3. Pour the ground chestnut powder into a bowl and pour hot water.
  4. Beat the foam - it will resemble the foam from a regular washing powder.
  5. If you will wash by hand, then to facilitate the task, pre-soak the laundry for 1 hour in this water.
  6. When you have finished washing, rinse your items in plain clean water.

Important! If you decide to wash clothes with this product in the machine, add the powder to the standard detergent drawer.


An unexpected product that has come to replace harmful detergent is beans. However, beans are exactly what is needed for quick and efficient washing of woolen products.

At the same time, the possibility of non-waste production entices: use beans as a side dish to the main dish on the table, and you will wash them in the water left from under it.

For hand washing:

  1. 200 g of beans pour 1 liter of water.
  2. Cook in a pan.
  3. Allow to cool slightly and decant the broth with gauze.
  4. After that, pour it into a basin in which you first fill in hot water.
  5. Beat the foam with your hands.
  6. After washing, things must be thoroughly rinsed, and during the last rinse in the basin add 1 tbsp. l table vinegar in 1 liter of water.

Important! Do not forget that regardless of the laundry detergent used, other things must be observed. In more detail, all the nuances of each stage are disclosed in our following articles:

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We hope that we were able to help you in resolving the issue of how to replace the washing powder. Apply our tips, save your family budget, get great results in the form of crystal clear things and be healthy!


