Gel for washing baby clothes

Gel for washing baby clothes takes a leading position in the list of washing products chosen by parents to care for the things of their beloved babies. It is this consistency that gives a number of advantages, which we will discuss in this article.
to contents ↑How to wash children's clothes?
From a variety of beautiful packages on the shelves, one's eyes run wide, from mass advertising there is nowhere to go, and the advice of friends is a completely different story. What means to wash children's clothes so that they are clean, do not lose their shape and color, and most importantly - are safe for kids?
Many housewives believe that laundry soap is an environmentally friendly and harmless laundry detergent. Therefore, it is often used to clean baby clothes.
We hasten to warn you that this opinion is erroneous, because such a product has great acidity, which harms the baby’s delicate skin. Soap is clogged into the space between the fibers of the fabric, poorly rinsed. As a result, air hardly penetrates through matter, the skin becomes drier, itching and irritation may appear.
Important! An allergy to laundry soap is just as common as an allergy to laundry detergent. You might be wonderingwhat laundry soap is made of.
Another option for washing detergent is baby soap. But it is ineffective for removing serious stains, which are so rich in children's clothing. Therefore, even if this tool is safe, it is not in great demand among parents. But in any case, it will come in handy for the baby, so use our rating to choose good baby soap.
Soap nuts
In countries of Asia and America, soap nuts are actively used for washing children's and adult things from various fabrics. They are effective enough to remove contaminants, do not spoil the fibers of the matter, do not wash the color of the product. Things after washing have no smell, become soft.
This tool is absolutely safe, so the mothers of our country began to diligently look for them in pharmacies and stores.
Important! Regarding consumption, then a pound of soap tree fruits is designed for approximately 80 washes.
Using them is quite simple:
- A few nuts are thrown directly into the drum of the washing machine. In collaboration with warm water, they begin to secrete a soapy solution.
- If the fabrics need to be washed in cold water, then the fruits are pre-filled with boiling water, after which the water is decanted and used as a detergent in the machine.
Soap root
Another ecological detergent is the soap dish plant. You can buy it at the pharmacy. To prepare a soapy solution for washing:
- Pour 100 g of root with a liter of boiling water.
- During the day, defend the infusion.
After - use as directed.
to contents ↑Important! This product is best suited for items made of woolen fabric.
Powders and gels for washing baby clothes - composition
Powder is a more common form of household washing chemicals. Gels for washing children's underwear and adults have appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently, so they cause less confidence among housewives.
Why do so many popular household chemicals often lead to irreparable health problems? Because regardless of the form of release of the product on sale, they can include a large number of harmful components.
Important! To avoid adverse effects, first of all, pay attention to the composition of the goods, and not to the beautiful packaging, advertising or advice of friends. The main danger to human health are surfactants and phosphates.
Hazardous Surfactants
Almost any detergent contains a certain percentage of surfactants. They are added to the detergent for a better wash. It is these components that break the connection between the spot and matter.
Important! Surfactants significantly reduce the surface tension of water, which facilitates the process of removing contaminants. There are two types: anionic and nonionic.
The dangers of these substances have been proven through ongoing research and experimentation. They penetrate the body through the skin, destroy the protective shell of living cells and have a detrimental effect on them.
Most often, for the manufacture of detergents, anionic surfactants are used, which are the most aggressive. Therefore, choosing a detergent for children's things, take the trouble to find one that includes nonionic surfactants.
Important! The concentration of surfactants in children's detergents should not exceed 15%.
Visual inspection of surfactants in powder or gel
Pay attention to the amount of foam during washing. If its amount is plentiful, then the washing agent incorporates a large percentage of surfactants. Such a tool is dangerous to the health of your child.
These components of household washing chemicals cause dermatitis in children and adults. They also:
- negatively affect the human immune system;
- cause diseases of varying complexity of organs such as kidneys and liver;
- become the cause of metabolic problems.
Important! They are added to powders and other types of detergents, including in gels for washing baby clothes, to reduce the hardness of the water.
On some packages you can find the names phosphonates and phosphorites. These are less aggressive modifications of phosphates, which, however, under certain conditions can turn into phosphates. Therefore, these components are also undesirable in the composition of children's washing powders and gels.
Important! Sesquicarbonate, which is the safest raw material for washing chemistry, is considered a worthy substitute for phosphates.
Fragrances, bleaches and dyes
To give things a pleasant aroma after washing, fragrances are added to the products. To make the powder or gel for washing children's clothes have a more beautiful appearance, dye is used in its manufacture. And so that the washed clothes have excellent whiteness and retain their original colors, optical or oxygen bleaches are added to its composition.
Important! The gel for washing children's clothes should not have a pungent smell, which is felt even through a sealed package. Fragrance-free powders and gels are considered the best option.
As a bleach, some manufacturers add chlorine to their product. It is very dangerous for health, especially a child’s body. Optical brighteners are not much better than chlorine. They remain on things even after washing.
Important! The best option for the whitening component is oxygen bleach, which should be part of the detergent for washing children's clothes.
Baby washing gel or powder?
What form of detergent to choose for washing baby clothes? Baby washing gel or liquid detergent is better for these purposes. They have several advantages over powders:
- Wash fabrics more carefully.
- Do not dust like powders, because it is this action that often causes an allergic reaction, even in adults.
- Conveniently and easily dosed, providing economical consumption of funds.
- More convenient to store: they do not crumble and are not exposed to moisture.
- More quickly and completely soluble in water.
- Easy to rinse out.
- Convenient for direct application to the stain.
- Universal in relation to the type of fabric.
Children's washing gel - how to choose?
Now, children's washing gel no longer causes such a surprise as, for example, ten years ago. Moreover, the choice of manufacturer and brands has expanded greatly. It is difficult for people to choose a safe and high-quality product from a wide range. How to determine which product is better and safer for washing children's things?
Packaging and labeling
The first thing the buyer pays attention to is the packaging of the goods. That is why manufacturers of household chemicals constantly pay great attention to the design design of their packaging, containers, give them an original enticing form and an unusual color. Everything is solely for the purpose of attracting the attention of a potential consumer.
Do not choose a gel for washing children's clothes according to the external beauty of the bottle - this is the main rule that you need to remember and what to follow. In addition, pay attention to such recommendations:
- The presence of instructions and clear recommendations in it on the use of the product. The full composition of the product, storage conditions and expiration date must be indicated in an understandable form, clearly, in the language of your country. Information should also be present, such as the coordinates of manufacturers or representative offices of such in our country.
- Gels for washing baby clothes are available either in transparent or opaque plastic bottles of different volumes, or in replaceable plastic bags. The first type of packaging, as a rule, has a handle for comfortable wearing. A package of gel is always cheaper and get it in case you already have a bottle into which it can be poured for tight storage.
- The cap on the bottle acts in most of them as a dispenser. In this case, the instructions indicate the dose not only in milliliters, but also in caps. Most manufacturers make the cap double - with an internal drain. Due to this, when the bottle is twisted, the remaining gel flows inside, and does not spread on the outer walls of the bottle.
Baby Laundry Detergent Test
After testing the most popular and affordable children's washing gels for most consumers, the following results were published.
Important! The following brands participated in the test:
- Burty Baby (1.5 L);
- Dallі med (1.5 L);
- Luxus professional - liquid detergent for washing baby clothes (1 l);
- Domal Baby fashion (1.5 L).
External indicators:
- All products are packaged in a bottle with a handle made of opaque plastic.
- The cap, in addition to its direct use, also serves as a measuring cup in all samples.
- On the labels, the dosage of the gels is indicated not only in milliliters, but also in caps.
- The information is most clearly and clearly presented on the packaging of Domal, which shows the number of caps required for washing. On the rest of the funds, the information is presented in such a way that it is necessary to carry out some mathematical steps to obtain the number of gel caps needed for washing.
- It is also worth noting that in all samples undergoing testing, the cap is doubled.
- The most complete safety information is listed on the Domal tool. There are no precautions on the packaging of Burti, which is a disadvantage of this gel.
- Laundry detergents Domal, Burti and Dalli are composed of anionic and nonionic surfactants.
- All tested gels do not contain dyes, which is very important for children's washing products.
- Enzymes are absent in Dalli and Luxus gels - these are the components that are responsible for removing specific stains from the tissue, such as blood, grass, fats, milk. Enzymes are absolutely not suitable for washing delicate fabrics - silk and wool.However, there is no such indication on Burti packaging, and on the Domal label it is indicated that absolutely any fabric can be washed.
Manufacturers Luxus, Dalli and Domal declare that their product is a concentrated product. But comparing the dosages of all test samples, it turned out that the non-concentrated Burti gel should be used less than some other concentrated products.
Dosage of gels for washing very soiled laundry in water with a high level of hardness
- Dalli: 113 ml.
- Burti: 125 ml.
- Domal: 148 ml.
- Luxus: 200 ml.
Parents never save on children. But choosing a gel for washing baby clothes, it would be nice to know which one requires less consumption. The price of each sample may vary in different stores. The calculation was made according to the maximum flow rate of the gel.
Cost of samples by rating from the cheapest to the most expensive:
- Luxus professional Liquid detergent for washing baby clothes (1 l).
- Burti Baby (1.5 L).
- Domal Baby fashion (1.5 L).
- Dalli med (1.5 L).
The cost of one washing in hard water, taking into account the consumption:
- Burti.
- Luxus
- Dalli.
- Domal.
Shelf life
The longest shelf life for Burti Gel is 60 months. The remaining children's washing gels are valid for 3 years from the date of production.
Important! All manufacturers, except Dalli, indicated the presence of preservatives. These components extend the life of the product, preventing the formation of pathogenic microflora. But, as we see, the shelf life of Dalli is the same as that of other gels with preservatives, from which we can conclude that the composition is not completely indicated.
Practical qualities
According to the results of washing, it turned out that all products are suitable for lightly soiled items, since no gel for washing children's clothes has completely washed the more difficult stains.
Important! Means, during testing, had to cope with such stains on various types of fabric, such as: grass, tea, fruit baby food, blood, ketchup, cherry juice, chocolate, vegetable oil and felt-tip pen. No remedy could cope with the tea stain at all.
Testing Conclusions
Summing up the results of all testing, given the cost-effectiveness of detergents for washing children's clothes, Burti Baby is recognized as the best children's washing gel. It coped with a lot of stains compared to competitors, and the cost of one wash is the lowest.
Important! To be completely sure that the tool you use is safe, you might like the idea of doing it yourself. On our portal of useful tips there are detailed recipes:
Recommendations for washing baby clothes
For things to always be neat, you need to not only buy a quality gel for washing baby clothes, but also know a few simple rules:
- Children's clothing must be washed separately from adults. Often, adult clothing has a different composition of fabric than children’s, therefore, the washing regimes should be different.
- Sort white and colored items and wash them separately.
- The best way to wash children's clothes in the washing machine is to wash the cotton fabric.
- The detergent for washing baby clothes should be safe in the first place. Look for phosphate-free gels labeled “hypoallergenic.” Use products based on soapy water.
- The temperature of the water depends on the type of things that you wash. Diapers and bedding can be washed at temperatures above 90 degrees. This regimen will kill germs and replace boiling. Wash your baby’s clothes at more gentle water temperatures - from 40 degrees.
- Be sure to use additional rinse cycles - this will allow you to be more relaxed with respect to the presence of detergent residues in the fabric fibers.
Important! It is advisable that the temperature of the rinse water be at least 50 degrees.
- Try to wash children's clothes when the child is not at home.
- Do not use conditioners when rinsing children's things.They can also have harmful substances in their composition. Protect children from additional risk.
- Things of newborns must undergo heat treatment. Therefore, after washing and drying, they should be ironed on both sides.
- All new children's things, regardless of the age of the child, should always be rubbed before the first wear, because you do not know how many children they tried on and which hands touched them.
- Clean and ironed clothing is recommended not to be worn for 3 days. The concentration of harmful substances on the tissues, if any, decreases during this time.
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Caring for the things of the child, you take care of himself. You should not rely on the advice of friends, advertising and the case. Buy funds based only on their composition. Be wise parents, because these are the ones who have healthy and strong children.
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