How often should I wash my jeans?

Since the invention in the mid-19th century to this day, jeans have been the favorite clothing of many people - practical, comfortable and at the same time stylish. Moreover, the basis of a modern wardrobe is precisely jeans and denim items. Beautiful and reliable jeans, with all their reliability and practicality, only seem to be such. The problem is that the basis is cotton fabric, which is very sensitive to various types of processing, and most housewives do not even know how, at what temperature, how often to wash jeans. We will deal with all these questions in this article so that your things retain their strength, size and attractive appearance for longer.
to contents ↑Laundry Prep
An important step in the care of a jeans product is its preparation for the washing process:
- All pockets must be emptied.
- Button all buttons, rivets and zippers.
- Turning a thing inside out is less likely that the fabric pattern will be damaged. This is especially true for products with rhinestones and other decorative elements.
to contents ↑Important! If the dirt is very severe, you can soak the jeans with a liquid product and vinegar - this way the spots disappear faster and the color remains.
Machine or your own hands - which is better?
There are only two ways of washing - manually and in a washing machine, and, if possible, it is worth giving preference to the first option, since it is unlikely to get a full drum of only jeans.
So that the jeans do not deteriorate and serve you for a long time, it is worth observing some rules that will help maintain color and shape:
- If a thing is wet accidentally in the rain, it is advisable to wash the thing as quickly as possible in clean water and dry it.
- Do not wash at high temperatures, as this leads to deformation of the fabric and rapid abrasion of the color.
Important! Do not soak jeans in hot water and with other things. Especially if you need to wash black jeans so that they do not lose their color.
- In the case of washing in a washing machine, it is better to do without spinning, or choose the most gentle mode up to 600 revolutions.
- Best to choose liquid detergents, and so that they have a more gentle formula.
- Do not forget about color-preserving compounds. Choose a powder with such an additive or a special tool.
Important! To preserve color, you can use ordinary table salt or simple vinegar.
How to wash products by hand to maintain color?
The more natural the composition of denim, the more delicate the wash should be - optimally if the wash is done by hand and with gentle means. To better understand the materials, read our review "What are jeans made of?".
Important! In the homeland of these amazing trousers, it is believed that washing black jeans so as not to lose color should be done only several times a year and only when dirt is really visible on them.
There are several tips from those who decide to give preference to this method of purification:
- After the purchase, before putting on jeans for the first time, it is better to wash them - so the fabric will become softer and excess paint will be washed off.To know how to properly wash your jeans for the first time, you should definitely study the information on the label regarding the temperature and other features. To quickly deal with them, use our decoding of badges on clothes.
- Do not use basins and bowls, as the product may lose its shape. It is better to place it at the bottom of the bathroom so that it is thoroughly wet.
Important! If the item is very dirty, you can leave it to soak, but not more than two hours.
- You can not rub sections of fabric against each other - it is better to use a brush of medium hardness.
- For washing, it is better to take laundry soap or liquid powder. If there is only a dry product, then you must first completely dissolve it in water. In this case, it is better to apply it on a brush, and not on a cloth.
Important! Dry powder spoils the appearance of metal elements.
- Then it is necessary to unscrew the legs on the front side and repeat the manipulations, only not so intensively and clearly observing the direction of weaving of the threads.
- Next, it is necessary to drain the soap solution, draw clean water and rinse or hold under the pressure of water.
Important! If there is a suspicion that the thing may sit down, then you need to know how to wash the jeans so that they do not sit down. Wash yourself. The sequence of actions is the same, only performed on the host's body.
How to wash in a washing machine?
Often time plays a crucial role, and washing jeans by hand cannot be done due to a number of reasons. Then one of the greatest inventions of mankind comes to the rescue - a washing machine.
So that your new beloved jeans after a couple of washes do not get a shabby and dead look, you need to carefully configure the “washer” operating mode:
- It is necessary to select the temperature regime according to the requirements of the manufacturer.
- Manual mode "delicate" or “for jeans.” If there is a grid for washing delicate things, you can use it.
Important! Black dye is quite aggressive, so you need to know how to wash black jeans so that they do not lose color. It is better to do this with things of the same color or just dark things.
- Jeans are not allowed to be squeezed. It is recommended to turn off the spin or select the minimum possible number of revolutions.
- In conclusion, shake, stretch, so as not to sit down and hang to dry.
How to dry jeans?
Regardless of the chosen method of washing, you still have to dry things, so there are also some nuances here:
- If machine wash was preferred, then the jeans would be drier than when washed by hand. It will be enough to spread them and hang them to dry.
- Twisting jeans is not recommended, as there may be a skewed mark on the fabric. It is best to lift them by the belt and let it drain, and then hang it.
- When you need to dry things faster, the old proven method will work. To do this, you need to shift the jeans with towels and roll them into a roll, you can even sit on top - this will reduce the time for runoff.
- Jeans must be dried either on a hanger or hooked on a belt, then deformation will be minimal.
Important! Natural fibers in the composition of denim do not respond well to sunlight. Drying things from this material is better outside direct sunlight.
Subtleties and nuances
A common denim problem is losing shape. But if you track the moment of deformation in time, you can still fix it. So:
- If the item has sat down, it is necessary to treat it with steam or wrap it in a wet warm towel for 5-10 minutes, then put it on yourself until it dries completely.
- If the problem is the opposite, then you just need to wash your pants in hot water. So that in such a situation the color does not deteriorate, it is better to wash it in hot water, then use the built-in drying function of the washing machine or hang it to dry near heating appliances.
to contents ↑Important! How often should I wash my jeans? This must be done as they become soiled, and this is not more common than after 4-5 socks.
How to care for jeans so that they last you a long time?
In order for any thing to work as much as possible, it is necessary to protect it. For jeans products, there is a set of rules that must be observed during their operation:
- Wear correctly. If the item is branded, then do not wear it to weed the beds and squat. Elongated knees do not dye any clothes. It is better to have several pants in one shift and in different models, so that it is easier for you to diversify your everyday look. In this you may find our review useful. "Fashionable jeans styles".
- Wash correctly. It is advisable to manually, using the necessary detergents and at the correct temperature conditions.
- Dry properly. The best option would be natural runoff and subsequent drying out of direct sunlight.
- Correctly ironed. In fact, jeans can not be ironed - it is enough to straighten them when drying. But if such a need arose, then the choice of temperature should be coordinated with the label on the product.
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This article presents all sorts of subtleties for caring for jeans and products made of this beautiful material, having studied which you can bring your things in proper condition without harmful dry cleaning, and your jeans will serve you faithfully for a long time.