How to bleach tulle at home quickly?

Nothing refreshes the interior of a room like a light, delicate tulle dazzling with its whiteness. Despite the presence of a huge number of window decoration options, white classic tulle remains for many years the number one favorite for many housewives. But unfortunately, this lightweight material has a “capricious character”, and over time, under the influence of sunlight, street dust, kitchen fumes and cigarette smoke, it becomes an unpleasant yellowish or grayish tint. How to bleach tulle at home quickly and without the use of special store tools, we will tell in this article.
to contents ↑Which way to whiten choose?
To whiten tulle at home effectively, you need to choose a method and tools based on the type of fabric. To date, the most common tulle from kapron and organza.
Organza is a beautiful, but very moody fabric. This material does not tolerate contact with hot water and aggressive industrial bleaches. From folk remedies, you can use for bleaching tulle from organza:
- Soaking in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
- Rinse in brine with the addition of green.
- Rinse with a blue solution.
Recipes for whitening using folk remedies, we will give below.
Kapron is a gentle synthetic material. He needs gentle washing and delicate whitening. Nylon can not be washed at high temperatures - a maximum of 30 degrees, the speed of revolutions should not be higher than 400.
It is also impossible to use industrial bleaches for this material, since they can play a trick on him and ruin them irreparably. Of folk remedies, only those that provide a stable and reliable effect, even in cold water, can be used.
Kapron is not afraid:
- Wash and soak in saline.
- Rinses in a solution of potassium permanganate.
- Rinses in a solution of brilliant green.
Important! Voile curtains created by weaving thin threads quickly become dirty. In order not to harm the thin fabric during bleaching, wash the curtains in water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (in a ratio of 1: 2). Let the tulle lie in the solution for half an hour, and then rinse it thoroughly and let it dry.
Cooking any whitening composition at home will not take much time, and a pleasant snow-white result will last a long time. Consider the most popular whitening recipes.
to contents ↑Important! Even a tulle or a curtain shining with purity will look tasteless in the interior if it is dented or hanged anyhow. Therefore, we suggest that you also familiarize yourself with interesting ideas and tips that will help you bring the room's interior to perfection:
Whitening tulle at home is the best way.
For curtains made from kapron and organza to get their original whiteness, use one of the simple but effective and effective recipes for cleanliness.
This method is suitable for nylon tulle, which has lost its appearance.
Important! Salt is a safe, non-allergenic product that can be safely used to whiten any tissue found in all rooms, including the nursery.
To prepare the bleaching solution you will need:
- 3-5 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse salt.
- 100 g of regular laundry detergent (not necessarily bleach).
- A basin of water.
Proceed as follows:
- Pour warm water into the basin.
- Dissolve the salt and washing powder with water.
- Immerse the tulle in the resulting solution.
- Leave it to soak for 5 hours, or better - all night.
- In case of heavy soiling - wash in the machine under delicate conditions, in light soiling - rinse the curtain.
Important! For prevention, rinse the tulle in saline after each wash. Place the curtain for 15 minutes in the solution: 5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water. Salt makes the fabric crisp and snow-white.
To use blue rinse, prepare a solution: in 7-10 liters of warm water (up to 40 degrees) dilute half a teaspoon of blue. Be sure to ensure that there are no lumps of the product, otherwise - spots will remain on the fabric.
Proceed as follows:
- Wash the tulle by hand.
- Rinse the curtain in a blue solution for 5 minutes.
- Rinse with clean water.
Important! If you use a washing machine for bleaching, pour a blue cap into the rinse aid compartment.
The disadvantages of this method:
- It is very difficult to find blue in household chemical stores and chain supermarkets.
- If the product is not thoroughly stirred, stubborn stains will remain on the fabric. That is why it is better to use a hand rinse.
Important! To minimize the need to clean curtains and keep their shape longer, also use recipes to starch tulle.
To whiten the tulle from yellowness quickly at home, prepare the following solution:
- Dilute 5-10 drops of brilliant green with a glass of warm water.
- Place the container on the table.
- After 2 minutes, evaluate the result: if you do not see the precipitate, then the solution is ready and it can be used for bleaching.
Use the solution as follows:
- Fill the basin with water (7-10 liters of warm water).
- Pour the brilliant green solution. If sediment still remains, strain the solution.
- Mix well.
- Wash the tulle in the usual way.
- Dip the washed rinse curtain in a bowl of mortar for 3-5 minutes.
- Turn the tulle over several times to evenly bleach it.
- Gently wring out the curtain and hang to glass water.
The advantages of this method:
- The tool is very affordable and cheap.
- Whitening takes a minimum of time.
- The fabric becomes much fresher and whiter.
The disadvantage of this method: if you do not mix the brilliant green greens well enough, then the fabric will not acquire a snow-white hue, but light green stains, which are quite problematic to remove.
Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia
This method can only be used for cotton curtains. Peroxide with ammonia will perfectly clean the kitchen tulle from yellow deposits, dust, grease and burning.
To prepare the solution you will need:
- 1 tbsp. a spoon of ammonia.
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Instructions for use:
- Fill the pelvis with water heated to 60 degrees.
- Add the ingredients and mix the solution thoroughly.
- Lower the fabric there for 20-30 minutes.
- Rinse the tulle.
- Squeeze (without twisting).
- Hang to dry.
Important! This method is not suitable for bleaching synthetic fabrics.
Potassium permanganate
This method was also used by our grandmothers to bleach kapron tulle at home. It is considered one of the most effective.
To prepare the solution you will need:
- Laundry soap - 100 g.
- Potassium permanganate.
- A glass of water for dilution.
Use the ingredients as follows:
- Fill your pelvis with warm water.
- Grate the laundry soap and add water.
- Stir the soap solution thoroughly.
- Dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate with a glass of water.
- Make sure that there is no sediment at the bottom of the glass; pour the solution into the basin.
- The whitening water should be pale pink, with a small amount of soapy foam.
- Pre-wash the tulle.
- Dip the cloth in the cleaning solution.
- Leave on for 30 minutes.
- Rinse the curtain.
- Hang to dry.
Advantages of the method:
- An excellent result that lasts long enough.
- Whitening takes a minimum of time.
Disadvantage: It is quite difficult to find potassium permanganate.
Laundry soap
Use soap suitable for washing white things:
- Grate the soap on a grater.
- Add to pan with water.
- Bring the soap solution to a boil.
- Remove the prepared solution from the stove.
- Mix the contents with cool water.
- Soak the yellowed curtain for 5-7 hours with a warm solution.
- Wash the tulle by hand.
- Rinse thoroughly.
Important! Laundry soap is present in many recipes for removing stains, preparing detergents. At the same time, it is effective, but mere pennies cost. What is the secret - find out from our special article “What is laundry soap made of?”.
This method can be used to bleach nylon tulle and organza curtains.
Proceed as follows:
- Clean the tulle from dust.
- For heavy soiling, wash the curtain.
- Dissolve 250 g of starch in a basin of warm water.
- Lower the washed tulle there for a few minutes.
- Rinse the curtain with water.
The curtain will not only get rid of dullness and yellowness, but will also keep its shape well in the future, and dust particles will settle not on the fabric, but on the starch, which will facilitate further washing of the curtain.
Like salt, soda is present in any kitchen, so it can return the original whiteness to the curtains at any time.
Use pre-soak before machine wash this way:
- To 4-5 liters of water add 50 g of washing powder and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda.
- Stir the solution thoroughly until the powder grains are completely dissolved.
- Soak the tulle with this compound for 20 minutes.
- Put the curtain in the machine and wash in delicate mode.
- Rinse thoroughly.
Important! Soda is another universal remedy, the use of which is practically unlimited in everyday life. About how it can be advantageously used to solve various domestic problems, read in our articles:
Lemon acid
With the help of citric acid, it is possible to clean products that are heavily soiled and gray from time to time.
Instructions for use:
- Thoroughly soap the curtain with laundry soap.
- Soak the soapy tulle with hot water.
- Add 2 tbsp. To 5 liters of water. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, if the curtain is covered with burning.
- Leave the product for half an hour.
- Rinse with warm water and a bag of citric acid.
Important! Citric acid is an excellent descaler for various household appliances. In this case, you can use it to clean the washing machine.
How to bleach an old nylon tulle at home?
Returning the old curtain to its original whiteness is quite difficult. In this case, an integrated approach is needed.
To reanimate burned out and grayed out material, perform the following procedures:
- Thoroughly shake the curtains away from dust.
- Wash the curtains in the washing machine.
- Boil the tulle in a strong soapy solution for an hour.
- Soak a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
- Rinse in brine.
- Fix the effect by rinsing in slightly warm water with the addition of 200 g of starch.
How to bleach tulle in a washing machine?
To effectively bleach tulle, use the following tips:
- Before washing the curtains, be sure to shake them from dust.
- Soak too dirty curtains with soapy water or hot water and salt (4 tbsp.spoons of salt per 5 liters of water) overnight.
- Wash curtains with delicate mode and water temperature of 30 degrees.
- For washing with a washing machine, a normal washing powder and 2 drops of ammonia are suitable. An alternative to ammonia is 5-10 tablets of hydrogen peroxide.
- Chlorine-free bleach can be added to the washing machine.
- Wash the curtains by folding them several times to the size of a small rectangle. We recommend putting the folded curtain in a special bag so that the fabric does not deform, and at the same time this will help facilitate the ironing process after washing.
- When rinsing, add 2-3 drops of brilliant green to cold water.
- Do not activate the spin function in the washing machine.
- After washing, wrap the curtains in a white sheet and wring them slightly, without twisting.
- Hang wet curtains on a curtain rail to dry.
How to remove tulle from grayness: useful recommendations
To make curtain whitening the most effective, use the following guidelines:
- To prevent dust and dirt from absorbing during soaking, shake out the curtains.
- For soaking, washing and bleaching, use only warm water (not higher than 35 degrees). At high temperature, yellowness is eaten into the fibers of the tissue and it is almost impossible to remove it.
- Remember that a slight color change is much easier to display than an old one. Apply whitening measures immediately at the first sign of color loss.
- Before bleaching the tulle at home, be sure to wash. For hand washing, do not rub the fabric, but only squeeze it slightly.
- In order for the tulle to acquire a beautiful shine and shimmer in the sun, add a little table vinegar to the washing water (1 dessert spoon per 1 liter of water).
- If the tulle from kapron or organza is new and you wash it for the first time, then add the required amount of liquid store bleach to the water. The next time you can’t use chemical bleach for curtains, because after the second wash with the product the fabric will not get a snow-white, but a yellow tint.
- After washing, do not unscrew the curtains by hand and do not use the “Spin” function in the machine. Wait for the water to drain from the tulle and hang the damp curtains on the windows. Let the folds straighten under their own weight.
- Do not iron the tulle. If ironing is still necessary, then use a minimum temperature, otherwise - synthetic fibers can acquire yellowness, which will be impossible to remove.
Safety precautions
Even at home, you should never forget about safety. To protect your hands and curtains from possible unpleasant surprises, follow these guidelines:
- Perform all bleaching procedures with special gloves.
- Strictly follow the drug instructions and dosage.
- Do not experiment with mixing substances. For example, hydrogen peroxide cannot be mixed with brilliant green, as it contains alcohol and neutralizes the effect of brilliant green. Soda and brilliant green also neutralize each other, and household bleaches in combination with ammonia or soda can give harmful fumes.
- Try not to use chlorinated water in the bleaching process and never use hydrogen peroxide with chlorinated water.
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As you can see, washing and bleaching tulle is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Having spent a minimum of time and effort, you will decorate the windows with a snow-white, flowing tulle and create comfort in the whole house.
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