How to starch a bandage 🥝 bedding, tulle, curtains, lace in a washing machine

Today, not every young housewife uses the method of starching and knows how to starch things at home. Previously, our predecessors passed on the starching skills of things in the same way as preservation recipes from generation to generation. To wear a non-starched collar of a blouse or cuffs of sleeves was considered, so to speak, "bad manners." Everything was starch - from clothing items to bedding. Simple tips on how to starch things correctly will help to create a strict business look and give a stable shape to your things.

Important! Starch should only clean things on which there are no spots. In order to get rid of stains on white clothes, rub them with 3% hydrogen peroxide and leave for several minutes. This method easily removes stains from wine and tea.

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Why starch fabric?

The principle of starching is based on the fact that clean clothes are rinsed in water, with the addition of starch. As a result of such actions, a protective film forms on the surface of the shirt or blouse, which has a beneficial effect on matter:

  • Makes the fabric denser.
  • It keeps its shape well.
  • Prevents crushing of material.
  • Dirt does not soak deeply into clothing.
  • The yellowed clothes are bleached and take on a fresh look.
  • Creates an environmentally friendly barrier.

Important! The only drawback can be considered that when processed with starch, the fabric passes less air. Therefore, if you process summer things, starch only their individual parts.

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Starching Options

We all know very well that tissue is different. It is distinguished by density, composition and color. Based on this, starching things at home also needs to be done in different ways, taking into account the characteristics of a particular material.

Important! Any starch can be used: corn, wheat, rice, potato. The most commonly used for these purposes is potato starch. If you compare it with corn starch, it has a bright white color and thickens perfectly.

Depending on the concentration of the solution used for starch, the following types of this process are distinguished.

Soft starch

Bed linen, curtains, light summer fabrics - for example, chiffon or cambric, do not require a concentrated solution. Therefore, in order to starch things from these fabrics, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  1. Dissolve 0.5-1 teaspoon of starch in 1 liter of water.
  2. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain in the solution.

Important! We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with a selection of useful tips for the proper washing of such products:

Medium hard starch

If you decide to starch men's shirts, tablecloths, items with lace, flounces, a bathrobe, bows or fabric napkins, it is worth increasing the concentration of the solution:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water.
  2. Stir until the starch is completely dissolved.

Important! Since the use of this method is common among needlewomen, you may also be interested in the following ideas:

Hard starch

In this way, you can starch collars, shirt cuffs and other details of clothing that need to be given a tough, resistant shape. The petticoats of the dance tutu are also processed in this way.

Important! By the way, the latter is very easy to sew with your own hands - look at our detailed master classes on this topic, how to sew a tulle skirt.

In addition to starch, borax (sodium boric salt) is added to the solution.

The method of preparation of the solution:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 1 liter of water.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Add borax, after dissolving 1 teaspoon of it in a small amount of hot water.
  4. Stir the entire solution thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and leave to brew for at least two hours.

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How to starch fabric at home with starch?

To achieve the desired result, follow this procedure:

  1. For a start, clothes should be washed well.

Important! Subtle stains after starching will disappear, since starch has a whitening property.

  1. Pour water into the basin and dilute the starch according to the proportion for your type of tissue.
  2. Add hot water to the resulting solution. Ideally, a viscous transparent consistency should be obtained, without lumps, slippery to the touch.

Important! If a turbid solution is obtained, it should be boiled for 5 minutes.

  1. In order to better impregnate the liquid, add a little more water to your product and dip the shirt into the mixture.
  2. You can remove the product when it is completely wet.
  3. Squeeze out the excess liquid, straighten the formed folds and leave to dry at room temperature.

Important! If you leave the starched thing to dry on the battery, it will be difficult to iron it later.

  1. It is best to iron damp starched clothes.

Important! Repeat starching process at each wash.

How to starch things in a washing machine?

Starching things at home is possible not only manually, but also with the help of a washing machine. For this:

  1. The diluted composition of water and starch should be poured into the air conditioning compartment of the washing machine.

Important! In this case, you will have to refrain from using the air conditioner.

  1. Turn on the wash mode that is suitable for the type of fabric of the garment.
  2. At the end of the wash cycle, spread out to dry the processed product.

Important! After completing the process, be sure to wipe the drum and the machine door with a clean, dry cloth.

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Professional Starch Products

For those who do not really want to bother with starch and brew it, there is a lightweight version of the process. To do this, purchase a special starch in the household chemistry department of the hardware store.

Benefits of special starch products:

  • Such products are available in the form of a spray, liquid or powder. Thus, you can choose the form of the product with which you will most simply work.
  • Tools are convenient and easy to use.
  • Sprays can be applied to individual parts of the clothing (cuffs or collars), which greatly facilitates the process. It is enough to spray part of the clothes while ironing.
  • For processing large items, special powders with starch are used. In this case, add the powder to the washing machine during the washing process.

Important! Before using any industrial product for this purpose, follow the instructions for use.

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How to starch things from different types of fabric?

As mentioned earlier, for each type of fabric, an individual approach to starch is needed. Consider the main recommendations regarding the processing of a particular type of matter.


In order to give stiffness to delicate silk, it is starch using silicate glue or gelatin. Thanks to processing with gelatin, the silk product becomes elastic and acquires a special shine:

  1. Wash clothing and remove stubborn stains if present.
  2. Prepare the solution, taking into account the proportions: dilute 1 teaspoon of glue into 5 liters of water.
  3. Place a blouse in the mixture and leave to soak.
  4. Squeeze the product lightly.
  5. Hang to hang on the shoulders, straightening the folds.
  6. Iron with a smooth cloth.


Such a fabric is very common in sewing production. It is used for sewing wedding and dance dresses, ballet tutus, various items for clothing decor.

Important! Starch such tissue should be in a solution of weak or medium concentration.

The basic rules on how to starch things at home from such a fabric:

  1. Mixing thoroughly so that there are no untreated areas, dip the product into the solution.
  2. After removing the product from the liquid, spread the creases on it and leave to dry.
  3. Ironed tulle in a wet state, smoothing out the folds.


Often gauze is made of petticoats for dance or ball gowns. In order to keep in shape in a multi-layer dress, gauze is starched with a harsh method. For this:

  1. Dip the gauze product into the solution.
  2. As soon as the fabric is saturated, remove the item and squeeze out the remaining fluid.
  3. It should be ironed in a wet state, smoothing out the folds.

Important! If you dry the cheesecloth with folds, eliminating them in the future will be problematic.


Moms of schoolchildren must know how to starch a school apron. To give a beautiful finished look, a lace apron or crocheted products starch in a solution of medium concentration:

  1. Initially, the product must be washed, squeeze out the water slightly and placed in a starch solution for 20 minutes.
  2. Having pulled the little thing out of the solution, you should straighten the folds and put to dry in a horizontal position.
  3. Iron the lace through gauze or a smooth cloth.

How to starch a white school apron:

  1. Dry, washed lace apron should be wet with a cloth dampened in starch solution.
  2. After processing, iron the product with a warm iron.

Canvas for embroidery

If the canvas for embroidery is starched, it will become much easier to embroider on it. To do this, do simple steps:

  1. In the hard starch solution, lower the canvas for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Squeeze out the excess liquid and spread to dry on a flat surface.

Starching embroidery

For lovers of cross-stitch or stitch embroidery, information will be useful on how to starch an embroidered picture:

  1. Before you lower the product into a container with starch, you need to wash the embroidery.
  2. Prepare a solution of medium concentration and leave embroidery in it for 15 minutes.
  3. To dry the product, lay it on a flat surface, straightening the folds.

Important! Products with embroidery need to be ironed from the wrong side.

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Other ways to stiffen different products

It is possible to stiffen objects made of fabric not only with the help of starch. Alternative remedies exist for this procedure. For this, the housewives use gelatin, sugar and PVA glue.


  1. It is necessary to boil syrup from sugar. To do this, use 100 g of sugar per 100 g of water.

Important! Do not digest the syrup; from this, things may turn yellow.

  1. Add starch to the syrup obtained in advance mixed in cold water.
  2. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Put the product in the mixture and leave until completely saturated.
  4. Take out a cloth thing and slightly wring out. Give it the right shape.

Important! If the cloth is wetted in water, all the effect obtained will disappear.

PVA glue

With the help of PVA glue, you can give the desired shape to knitted things and fabrics for needlework:

  1. Dilute the PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. Put the cloth in the mixture or brush it on certain parts.
  3. Leave to dry completely.


The gelatin method, as in the case of PVA glue, has a short effect:

  1. Soak 1 tablespoon of gelatin in cold water.
  2. When the gelatin swells, add water to it, so that a volume of 200-250 ml is obtained.
  3. Stir well, heat the resulting mixture.
  4. Put the product in the resulting solution.
  5. After getting wet, slightly wring out and dry a thing.

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How to starch shirts at home?

Starched shirts give a particularly elegant look to their wearers. This can be done both for items of male and female wardrobe. To do it right:

  1. Pour starch into the basin and add warm water to it.
  2. Stir until all lumps disappear.

Important! To remove small lumps, you can strain the solution through gauze.

  1. Put the product in a basin for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After the specified time, remove and squeeze out the excess fluid.
  3. To prevent things from deforming, hang to dry on broad shoulders.
  4. Iron the garment preferably in a wet state. During ironing, the overdried item may turn yellow. Carefully iron the cuffs and collar to give a stiff stance.

Important! The cuffs and collar are starch separately from the main body of clothing in a tough way.. And do not forget that such things should be not only clean, but also tastefully selected with the rest of the clothes. In this case, our following publications will help you:

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How to starch bedding at home?

After the procedure is carried out correctly, your linen will become very pleasant to the touch, completely unlike a wooden layer.

Important! Starched bed linens keep a fresh, clean look for longer.

Since such objects are voluminous, it is better to act this way to get a good result:

  1. After normal washing, prepare a medium starch solution.
  2. Put bedding in it and leave it for a while so that it is completely saturated with the mixture.
  3. Remove the product and squeeze out the excess liquid.
  4. Leave the linens to dry on a flat surface.
  5. Iron with a warm iron.

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How to starch tulle at home?

The beautiful, neat clean tulle on the window, first of all, shows how good and skillful the hostess is in the house. Therefore, it does not hurt to know how to make the appearance of your window attractive and properly starch such things at home.

It is done like this:

  1. Prepare a mild starch solution.
  2. Immerse the tulle in it for 30 minutes.
  3. At the end of time, remove the product and squeeze out excess liquid with your hands.
  4. While the tulle is wet, iron it with a warm iron. And then try to diversify the design a little with our ideas, how beautiful to hang a tulle.
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How to iron starched things?

Things that are processed with starch are different from ordinary clothes. Therefore, the ironing process for such fabric items is more delicate. When working with the iron, follow a few rules:

  • Wet starched products are easier to iron, so ironing them only when wet is highly recommended.
  • Wet collars and cuffs with a warm iron are ironed first.
  • You need to iron things after starching from two sides, starting from the inside. In this case, the iron should be very hot.
  • Starched clothes lose their properties from water, so when working with an iron, do not use steam.
  • Salt, if added to a starch solution, will prevent clothing from sticking to the iron. To avoid this effect, you can iron things through cheesecloth.
  • If the products are starchy using a harsh method, ironing until completely dry is not advisable. Subsequently, yellow stains may appear.

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What products are not recommended for starch?

Often the housewives are concerned about the question: is it possible to starch colored things? Almost all products and fabrics are suitable for starching.

To avoid an unforeseen situation where starching can affect the quality of the product, do not process the following things:

  1. Underwear. As you know, starched things do not allow air to pass through, so underwear is unhygienic to subject to such actions.
  2. Things are dark in color. When the product dries completely, whitish stripes may appear on it.
  3. Clothing or products containing synthetic fibers are virtually non-starchy.
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Useful Tips

There are some secrets that not all young housewives know. Following such tips in practice will help improve the condition of items of clothing and facilitate some processes:

  • Unusual brilliance of things will give a pinch of salt. Add it to the starch solution.
  • To prevent the clothes from sticking during ironing, add a few drops of turpentine to the starch.
  • Dry crocheted items (lace or napkins) in a horizontal position. Fix the edges of the product with needles so that they do not deform.
  • Never dry starches in the cold.
  • The product embroidered with mouline thread cannot be starch. From the effects of starch, the threads lose their luster and stick together.
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Maybe in our time it is not very important to starch all things in a row. But in special cases, this action will give your clothes an impeccable and neat condition, and decorative elements will get an incredibly clean and festive look. Therefore, use the recipes suggested in this article as necessary and keep your home and your things always neat and beautiful.

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