How to wash lipstick from clothes?

Lipstick is a cosmetic item that any woman has in her arsenal. Lipstick can not only make lips brighter and more attractive, but also protect them from the negative effects of external factors. But in life there are situations when due to sloppy or awkward actions on clothes there are pronounced traces that cause a lot of trouble. Such pollution seems persistent, but you can get rid of it - in this case there are several effective ways. So, how to wash lipstick from clothes?

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Useful Tips

If you have trouble in the form of traces of lipstick on your favorite thing, first of all, remember the following:

  • No matter what you remove this type of contamination, do it with neat and measured movements from the edges of the spot to the center, so as not to even smear the lipstick.
  • Wipe off traces of cosmetics from things with a cotton swab, sponge or sponge.
  • If the pollution is large, it is better to treat it from the wrong side.
  • Before treating clothes with the selected product, test it on a small inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. Thus, the likelihood that you spoil a thing will decrease significantly.
  • Before washing, carefully read the label on soiled clothing. This item may not be washable.
  • It is always easier to get rid of a spot until it has time to eat into the fibers of the tissue. Start the fight against spots as soon as they appear - so it will be easier for you to eliminate them.
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How to wash lipstick from clothes? The first thing you can do if the stain has just been put is to wash it with laundry soap. If the traces are old, you will have to use a stain remover. There are different types of such funds - in the form of powders, liquids or pencils:

  • If you have a liquid stain remover, fill the stain and leave for an hour to let the product begin to work. Quite suitable for this purpose inexpensive but good counterparts Vanisha. Then the thing needs to be washed to remove the remains of pollution.
  • If you have a pencil, moisten a place with traces of lipstick with water and rub it with a pencil until you get foam. Then leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse the contamination with water. A great option is Amway stain remover.

Important! The entire thing is not necessary to wash. This is especially important for cleaning things that are only dry cleaned.

  • If the stain remover is in the form of a powder, moisten the problem area, pour in the product and leave for half an hour or an hour, then wash.

Important! Use a product suitable for your type of clothing, carefully read the instructions before use.

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Folk remedies

There are many ways than to remove lipstick from clothes without resorting to household chemicals. Consider the most effective.

Medical alcohol

This proven tool will remove traces of lipstick from wool, silk or synthetics, as well as other materials. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and gently wipe the stain until it disappears completely.


A good alternative to medical alcohol is ammonia. It is inexpensive, can be found in any pharmacy, but it works with a bang. Dampen a swab in ammonia, wipe the dirt, then rinse with water.

Important! By the way, many cannot understand if there is a difference between ammonia and ammonia. On this subject, we have prepared a separate article, which may also interest you - “Ammonia is ammonia?”.

Denatured alcohol

Blot the stain with a cloth dampened in methylated spirit, and then wash the clothes in the washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove traces of lipstick from white things, hydrogen peroxide will help you. Mix the peroxide with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and treat this contamination solution.

Important! Be careful with this tool - too long exposure can ruin the fabric.


Clean gasoline

You need to use special refined gasoline, which is sold in household departments. Dilute it in water in a ratio of 2 to 1, pour the solution into the problem area and leave for several minutes. Then wash the treated clothes in the washing machine.

Important! Such a tool is not suitable for synthetic fabrics.

Soda with lemon

A mixture of lemon juice and soda is the best assistant to remove stains from delicate clothes:

  1. Mix the ingredients until a slurry is obtained and apply it to contamination, wait 15-20 minutes.
  2. Then just brush off the rest of the product and wash the item.

Dishwashing liquid

What else can you wash lipstick from your clothes? The dishwashing detergent will perfectly cope with this task. Apply it on a stain and leave for 10-15 minutes, then gently clean the cloth and rinse with water. You can use an old toothbrush for cleaning.


To remove various contaminants, you can use glycerin:

  1. Heat it and apply liberally to the stain.
  2. After an hour, rinse in salt water.


If clothes cannot be washed, then what should I do? How can I remove lipstick from such clothes? In this difficult situation, turpentine will be our savior. It perfectly dissolves fat, helps to cope with lipstick:

  1. Before using it, you need to thoroughly clean the clothes with a brush from dust and other contaminants.
  2. Dip a swab in turpentine and treat the stain.
  3. When it softens and soaks with turpentine, put clean paper napkins under the fabric and top, iron with a warm iron.

Important! In any of the methods, after removing the stains, you must completely wash the thing. In order not to make mistakes, use the information from our articles:

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Stock footage

Now nothing can darken your mood, even an awkwardly left lipstick stain on your favorite dress or blouse, t-shirt. In any situation, you can correct the situation and cleanse your favorite thing at home.

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