How to remove foundation?

The foundation is almost indispensable in every woman’s cosmetic bag, because this is the basis for any makeup. But there are often cases when a substance leaves traces on your favorite clothes, and you ask yourself the question: “How to remove foundation cream?”. Removing such stains from wardrobe items is difficult, but possible. Let's get acquainted with the methods of washing such contaminants.
to contents ↑How to remove makeup from clothes?
To understand how to remove the foundation from your favorite outfit, you need to know:
- What type of stain left the foundation for makeup.
- What type of fabric does the contaminated item belong to?
Before disassembling how to remove foundation, check out a couple of tips to get rid of the need to solve this problem in the future:
- To protect the collar of the jacket and coat from unpleasant brown spots, try wearing scarves. It’s easier to wash them regularly than to dry your clothes every time.
Important! By the way, with the help of such a simple detail, you can endlessly experiment with images every day, even in the same clothes. Check out our interesting selection of ways:
- If the base got on your thing, then get rid of pollution as quickly as possible so that the pigments do not absorb into the structure of the fabric. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to withdraw it.
Determine the type of spot
A liquid-based cream with a lightweight composition is easier to remove than a thicker, greasy-based cream. The color of the cosmetic also plays a big role - the darker it is, the more difficult it is to remove the foundation from your favorite clothes. The biggest problems arise when the greasy pigments of a cosmetic product are absorbed into the fabric and even after several washes, there are noticeable traces of them.
to contents ↑Important! If you are used to using such cosmetics very often, or maybe every day, then check out our publications to make sure that you have chosen the right product of good quality, or to find out additional nuances that will be useful in skin care:
How to remove foundation from different tissues?
To quickly deal with the pollution from cosmetics, you need to choose the right detergent. Advice on what to do before cleaning is also useful to you, so that the marks are washed off much easier.
Cleaning synthetics
It is much easier to remove the tonal base from synthetic fabric than it is on cotton or wool. Before washing such a thing - soak it for 5-6 hours with the addition of a stain remover, additionally dropping it and directly to the problem place. Next - wash until the pollution disappears and wash the whole thing.
Important! Usually after the first wash from the foundation there is no trace left. If this did not happen, repeat your actions until the stain completely disappears from the fabric.
Cleaning wool and cotton
Compared to synthetic things, removing the foundation from clothes made from cotton or wool is much more difficult. This situation will be especially troublesome if the cosmetics are very good and have already absorbed into the product.
The mechanism of action in this case is a little more complicated, it can be painted on several points:
- Apply stain remover to the contaminated area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes;
- Rub soap in a thick layer, rub and dip in water (repeat the action many times). From this treatment, the greasy base inside the fibers should soften and go outside, then rinse off with water.
- As soon as you see that the pollution has disappeared, wash the item completely in warm water with a small amount of stain remover.
- Carefully make sure that the fabric does not fade or stretch - if there is such a chance, try to rub as carefully as possible.
to contents ↑Important! During such washing, even the most difficult contaminants can be removed from cosmetics, and not only from the foundation. You need to rub the stain itself, not the fabric around it. Be careful.
Cleaning clothes from foundation with improvised means
How to wash away the foundation if it just got on your clothes and hasn’t absorbed it yet - if you approached the solution to the problem this way, did not hesitate, you will probably be able to deal with it quickly and easily. The simple tips from experienced housewives gathered here will help you with this.
Dishwashing liquid
To get a good effect, wet the stained item with water and apply the dishwashing concentrate to the problem area. Leave on for 20 minutes. After - wash the product as usual.
Important! During the final washing of your clothes after removing the stain, in order not to damage it, adhere to rules for washing clothes from different fabrics.
Medical alcohol
With this tool, you can gently remove small impurities from any outfit, without giving it a wash. The main condition is that the makeup base has recently hit the product.
to contents ↑Important! Before removing the foundation from clothes, check your stain remover on an inconspicuous part of the product - so you make sure that you do not completely ruin the item, especially if it is colored.
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All the means described above remove pollution differently, but they work very effectively if they are used correctly. Given this fact, do not despair if you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation and do not rush to throw out your favorite outfit. Try the above methods of cleaning cosmetics from clothes, and for sure one of them will help bring your item back to its original form.
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