The best foundation for dry skin

The selection of foundation for dry skin should be approached with particular responsibility. Makeup should have not only matting, but also protective functions - to maintain moisture throughout the day, nourish cells with various elements, preventing them from premature aging. It is on these points that manufacturers of decorative cosmetics focus on creating innovative formulas for tonal products for dry skin. In our article you will find the answer to the question, what is the best foundation for dry skin.
to contents ↑Selection Guidelines
Now we will consider the main recommendations on how to choose the right foundation and what you need to pay attention to when buying it.
Features of their skin:
- Increased dry skin.
- Hypersensitivity.
- Peeling.
- The reaction of the skin to a change in climatic conditions.
- The reaction of the skin to certain weather conditions.
- Excessive fineness of the upper layers of the skin.
- Tendency to rashes.
- Allergic reactions.
The properties
Here are the properties that a beauty product should have for this type of skin:
- Have a thick structure.
- Be almost invisible on the skin.
- Absorb quickly.
- Lie down evenly.
- Do not tighten the skin.
- Moisturize and protect the integument.
- With a matte effect.
- Have a large complex of vitamins and other beneficial substances.
- To have protection against ultraviolet radiation.
- Do not contain alcohol in its composition.
- Consist only of natural ingredients.
- To be hypoallergenic.
- Contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.
- Be water based, not oil based.
Here are some other things to keep in mind:
- Owners of dry skin should look for a product labeled for dry skin, since such a foundation contains a large number of different moisturizing components, vitamins, oils, plant extracts and useful organic acids.
- Marking non comedogenic - relieves you of the appearance of acne and will effectively deal with existing skin problems.
Important! The foundation of dense consistency hides imperfections, makes the skin matte and velvety, protects in bad weather from weathering and sudden temperature changes. Such a cream will become an indispensable helper in the winter and autumn season.
In order to understand which foundation is best for dry skin, you need to carefully study the composition of the proposed options. A quality foundation should consist of the following components:
- Essential oils - jojoba, argan, almond, tea tree.
- Hyaluronic acid.
- Aloe extract.
- Latonina.
- Vaseline.
- Glycerin.
- Natural wax.
- Squalene.
- Pectin.
- Vitamin A, E, C.
Shade selection
This point is no less important, because in the case of a wrong shade, you risk looking extremely unattractive. Let's take a closer look at these recommendations:
- Choose the tone of the product that is suitable specifically for your complexion. It is advisable to give preference to natural shades that are as close as possible to the natural color of the skin.
Important! If you apply a tone lighter or darker than your skin, you will look ridiculous in society, as sharp color changes will be very noticeable, especially in the daytime.
- Be sure to test the foundation before making a purchase. In order to do this correctly, you need to apply one drop of the product on the finger and smear it in the face, neck or under the chin. These areas are considered the most suitable for checking the cream, since it is there that the skin is the lightest, so in these places you can carefully consider the color matching.
to contents ↑Important! The tonal product that will merge as much as possible with your natural shade will be ideal for you.
Application Rules
Now we will introduce you to the basic rules for applying foundation on dry skin. Listen to these tips to avoid unforeseen unpleasant moments.
Step-by-step instructions for the correct application of beauty products:
- Before applying the foundation, wash your face with a gentle foam. For these purposes, you can use a moisturizing tonic, but soap is strictly forbidden, which can even dry the skin surface.
Important! If you have peeling, it is advisable to make a nourishing mask with a natural complex of vitamins and minerals.
- After the first procedure, we process the skin with any moisturizing cream and wait for it to be completely absorbed, about 5-10 minutes.
- We apply the tone with a special brush or sponge, distributing the product from the central front to the side in the direction of hair growth, smoothing the fluff down. Similarly, blend the cream on the forehead, smearing it from the middle to the edges, visually forming the rays of the sun. This technique allows you to evenly apply the cream to the border of the hair, without leaving visible transitions.
- We work out separately the area around the eyes, as well as the nose and wings.
- Carefully shade the border, the transition from the face to the neck, so as not to create a mask effect that can ruin the entire final result.
- Lightly powder the skin with mineral or loose powder.
to contents ↑Important! If you think that the consistency of the product is too thick, then dilute it with a moisturizing face cream so that the skin becomes velvety and looks as natural as possible.
Rating of the best foundation for dry skin
We bring to your attention a list of quality tonal products from different manufacturers.
“Black Pearl” Anti-Wrinkle 9 in 1
This is an anti-aging moisturizing tonic, which includes hyaluronic acid. It perfectly nourishes the skin, helps maintain moisture and prevents the appearance of new facial wrinkles.
Important! Thanks to its light structure, it lies evenly, hides small defects, but does not mask noticeable pimples and strong redness.
Maybelline New York Baby Skin Beauty
Such a cream is able to make the surface of the skin smooth, even and tender, almost like a baby’s. It hides imperfections well, masks enlarged pores and lasts a very long time.
Important! There is a downside - it contains a lot of silicone, which can create a film on the face. Therefore, apply cream from this manufacturer in a small amount so that the puppet effect does not work.
Alliance Perfect by L’oreal
The cream includes silicone, glycerin. Thanks to these components, a coating is formed that prevents moisture loss. The texture of the product is quite liquid, but at the same time, it lies flat and does not spread.
Aera Teint Pure by Vichy
The reflective particles that make up the foundation give the skin a healthy glow and a special velvety appearance. And thermal water guarantees hydration and a feeling of comfort for the whole day.
Important! Protects from ultraviolet rays, does not clog pores, allows the skin to breathe, but does not cope with peeling.
“Calm Shine" from Avon
It allows you to hide minor defects - age spots, freckles and rashes.Due to its low cost, it is very popular among the fair sex.
Important! The consistency of the product is a little oily, due to which shine on the skin of the face is possible. It fits well, does not leave stains and does not roll.
Vitalumiere Aqua by Chanel
It is considered the best option for the summer. It is a kind of water-based fluid with a wonderful structure that lays down easily and evenly, it smells very nice. Thanks to protection against overdrying, your face will remain fresh and silky for a long time.
Bourjoi Nude Sensation Foundation Mousse
It is especially popular with girls not only with dry skin. It perfectly hides visible flaws, while creating a light coating. It has a thick consistency, which is not noticeable after application.
Extra virgin minerals
If you are on your feet all day, then this is a foundation for you. It is extremely resistant, contains a large number of useful mineral components. And the cream perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and protects the face from the adverse effects of the environment. With this foundation you can be calm 24 hours a day.
Make Up Atelier Base Lissante
It is a moisturizing emulsion that comprehensively cares due to the high content of natural plant extracts. Due to the oily texture, the skin is almost invisible. It maskes wrinkles and serves as an obstacle to the evaporation of moisture.
Important! Carefully leveling your tone, creates the effect of skin tightness (lifting).
True Comfort Foundation by Clarins
Good for combating the first signs of aging. It contains argan oil, a specially anti-aging complex and UV protection.
True Comfort Foundation by Clarins
This is the best foundation for dry skin for women of mature age. Its structure is light, but it fits tightly on the skin, fills fine wrinkles well, evens out the surface of the skin, disguises the stars and vascular network.
to contents ↑Rating of foundation for winter
Depending on the season, even for dry skin you need different tones. In winter, the face is not covered with a tan, so it is an order of magnitude lighter than in the summer season. The product must contain a large number of vitamins and natural oils. The choice of texture may be different, but it is advisable to focus on a denser product that can create a barrier against evaporation of moisture from the skin.
Let's take a closer look at which foundation is best for dry skin in the winter, according to users.
BB Cream Time Returning BB Cushion
It contains a large amount of nutrients extracted from the body of snails. It has a rejuvenating effect, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and takes good care of the skin.
Forever Youth Liberator by Yves Saint Laurent
If you can not decide on the tone of the foundation, then this winter cream serum is exactly what you were looking for. It independently adjusts to any skin color.
Serum Foundation by Bobbi Brown
Suitable for owners of the most sensitive integuments. It smooths the surface of the face well, hides skin defects and protects the skin from harmful weather conditions. Due to its moisturizing properties, it prevents chapping and peeling.
to contents ↑Important! In the winter season, apply a suitable foundation no later than half an hour before going for a walk.
How to remove foundation from the face?
Not many girls know that for the night it is necessary to remove cosmetics from the face. This procedure should be treated with special responsibility, since it is primarily the health of your skin that depends on it. Let's look at the detailed instructions on how to properly remove makeup:
- We take a cotton pad and apply micellar water or fat milk on it to remove makeup. By these means, we not only clean the skin, but also prepare the skin for relaxation after a heavy load.
- We wash ourselves under running water.To do this, it is advisable to use cool, but in no case hot water.
- Apply a moisturizing night cream or nourishing serum to the skin. Before going to bed, you can make a useful vitamin mask.
to contents ↑That's the whole procedure! Now you can safely go to bed!
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Thanks to our article, you can quickly and easily choose the best foundation for dry skin, which will be ideal for you. We wish you the right choice to always look attractive and, at the same time, natural!
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