How to remove tulle from oily stains at home?

Each housewife spends most of her free time in the kitchen, so a special atmosphere should inspire here, inspiring new culinary masterpieces and conducive to relaxation. In many ways, the comfort in the kitchen depends on the right curtains. But since it is here that the curtains become soiled most quickly, you need to know how to maintain their freshness and purity. Today we will learn how to remove tulle from oily stains at home in order to keep it in perfect condition.

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Features of washing kitchen tulle at home

First you need to remove the curtains from the eaves, gently brush off the dust from them, and soak for some time in cool water. Thanks to this, you will get rid of the dust accumulated on them.

Manual processing

There are several options for the usual washing of kitchen curtains:

  • You can wash them with your hands, after soaking in a salt solution. This composition will help cleanse the fabric from gray or yellow plaque. It is recommended to observe a dosage of 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

Important! You can add a little washing powder to the solution, leave the curtains in it for several hours, after which they must be thoroughly rinsed.

  • You can also dilute the powder with water bleach - oxygen or optical, add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the resulting lush foam. Then you should wash the curtains with your hands, while dragging them heavily is not worth it.

Important! Thanks to vinegar, the material will become not only clean, but also more soft, shiny.

  • Experts recommend adding blue to the last rinse so that the white curtains become dazzlingly bright. The only problem is that it’s quite difficult to find it on sale today.

Important! Often the reason that you often have to wash the kitchen tulle is the proximity of the stove to the window and the improper use of food and utensils when cooking. To rule out this factor, find out why does oil shoot when frying, and how to prevent this.


Machine processing

Of course, you can wash the tulle from the kitchen manually, but it takes a lot of time and effort, so you can consider machine wash options:

  • You just need to put it inside a special bag, load it into the drum, fill the powder tray with the necessary product.
  • If the curtains are light, then oxygen bleach must be added to the powder.
  • Wash recommended delicate modeso that the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, an additional rinse was present.
  • Spin should occur at minimum speed or it is better to do it by hand.
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How to remove oily stains from tulle?

Kitchen curtains cannot shine too long with beauty and whiteness due to the special atmosphere of this room and because of constant pollution. Over time, the synthetic delicate fabric turns yellow, becomes covered with a layer of soot, dust, drops of fat, why it looks completely unattractive.

Now we will learn how to wash the tulle for the kitchen in order to remove all pollution in one wash. It is better to use such improvised means for this:

  • Powder for delicate materials. Just put the tulle in the washing machine and pour the right amount of powder.
  • Table vinegar. To remove greasy stains with this tool, it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, soak the curtains and wait until they dry out a little. Then they must be rinsed and washed in a soapy solution.
  • Dishwashing liquid. Take any product available in your kitchen, pour one tablespoon of gel and a spoonful of washing powder into a soaking bowl. Mix all the ingredients until completely dissolved and lower the curtains into the solution for 20 minutes. Then rinse them thoroughly.
  • Laundry soap. Tulle should be rubbed with laundry soap as much as possible and lowered into a bowl of warm water so that it stays there for at least three hours. Then rub them lightly with your hands, rinse several times, changing the water each time. There should be no trace of dirt. In general, laundry soap is able to remove any impurities from tissues and not only. What is the secret of its such high efficiency at an affordable price, read in our separate publication “What is laundry soap made of?”.

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How to get rid of old stains on kitchen curtains?

And now we will look at how to remove grease stains from tulle in the kitchen, which appeared a long time ago and have already deeply eaten into the fabric.

Method 1

Ammonia and glycerin will help you with this. These components must be diluted in the same proportion, gently moisten the cotton wool in the resulting solution and wipe the halos of the spots, and then the dirt itself. This is the most popular way to remove old grease stains.

Method 2

Oil points on tulle made of chiffon, organza and kapron can be eliminated with the help of such a solution:

  1. First mix 50 g of vinegar and ammonia, add one tablespoon of salt to them and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Apply the finished composition to greasy spots, wait ten minutes.
  3. As soon as you wash the curtains in a soapy solution, you will immediately see how effective this remedy is.

Important! If the curtains have absorbed fat and soot, you can use some kind of stain remover. In stores, they are presented in the widest assortment, but the main thing is that the selected product is soft and does not contain chlorine.

If you are looking for a budget option for household cleaning products, see what are on sale. inexpensive but effective analogues of Vanish.

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How to bleach kitchen curtains?

Even the most snow-white kitchen curtains quickly become gray with dust, so many housewives are interested in how to wash the tulle for the kitchen in order to return them to their former appearance.

The method of boiling

You can put them in order by boiling, for this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of bleach into an enameled container in which you can boil.
  2. Grate there three tablespoons of laundry soap and fill one spoon soda ash.
  3. Immerse the whole curtains in the solution, simmer them over low heat over an hour.
  4. Turn off, wait until the water has cooled, remove the tulle and rinse a couple of times.

The method without boiling

If you do not have time to boil, then you can use another method, no less effective. You will need ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Pour ten liters of warm water into a bowl, add three spoons of peroxide and a spoonful of ammonia there.
  2. Soak the curtains in the solution for thirty minutes and then wash them.

The method of "ancient traditions"

A fairly common bleaching agent is also the most ordinary starch:

  • First, the curtains are washed in ordinary powder.
  • Then a couple of spoons of starch are bred in five liters of water, the tulle is soaked in this solution for an hour.

Important! Thanks to this method, it is possible to achieve not only incredible whiteness of the fabric, but also make it a little stiff, due to which dirt and dust will be more difficult to penetrate into the fibers.

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How to get rid of yellowness and soot on kitchen curtains?

How to remove oily spots from tulle at home, if black marks are also added to them? It is especially difficult to eliminate them, especially if the curtains are made of thin synthetic material. But it's still worth a try.

Method 1

If you do everything in this order, the result will exceed all your expectations:

  1. Remove the tulle and wash it with laundry soap or powder.
  2. In a basin, draw warm water, add a couple of spoons of soda there.
  3. Treat black streaks and stains with dishwashing gel, soak the cloth for eight hours.
  4. It remains only to rinse and dry the curtains.

There is no trace of soot left.

Method 2

Over time, the curtains turn yellow, and when this happens, I want to find a way that will help to get rid of this trouble forever. There is one old time-tested method. And the process of eliminating yellowness looks like this:

  1. First you need to wash the tulle.
  2. Put still wet cloth in the basin, pour five liters of warm water there.
  3. In a cup separately, you need to dilute six tablespoons of salt and pour it into the basin.
  4. Then you should wait a couple of hours and rinse the curtain.
  5. Now take a glass, completely fill it with water and drip 15 drops of green stuff into it.
  6. You need to mix the composition well and wait ten minutes. Make sure that there is no sediment at the bottom. Pour colored water into a clean container.
  7. Gently wash the washed curtains there, turn them over several times so that the fabric is properly bleached.
  8. After ten minutes, remove the curtains, rinse under running water.

Important! To make it easier for you to look after textiles in the future, find out interesting facts and ideas about what are the best curtains for the kitchen, how to hang them beautifully.

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Dried curtains will simply amaze you with crystal clearness and whiteness, if you decide to remove the tulle from greasy stains, yellowness, grayness and other unpleasant pollution quickly and easily.


