How to remove old spots on children's clothes?

Not all housewives know how to remove old spots on children's clothes and are in a hurry to throw away the spoiled thing. Children manage to diversify their clothes with the most unusual pollution. Arriving home from the street, on pants and T-shirts you can find not only dirt, but also spots from grass, pollen, various food. Sometimes it’s impossible to get rid of the pollution right away, then household chores take up all the time, or I don’t notice spots at all. What, then, should be done when the pollution has dried up and deeply absorbed into the fibers of the fabric? How to remove old stains on children's clothes and quickly remove stubborn dirt, this article will tell.

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How to wash the earth from clothes?

First of all, the origin of pollution should be determined. Methods and means depend on this and on the type of fabric, how to remove old spots on children's clothes. Consider the types of spots that most often appear on the clothes of young citizens, and methods for eliminating them from various fabrics.

Even the most accurate children have such spots, because even an adult is not safe from falling, to say nothing of little tomboys.


  1. First you need to dry your clothes.
  2. Brush the product.
  3. Apply stain remover to a contaminated area.
  4. If you use a dry tool in the form of a pencil, then after such a cleaning, the thing can be worn for a couple more days and then washed.
  5. After cleaning with a liquid stain remover, until it has dried, the product should be washed in the usual way.

Important! In this case, the cleaning efficiency will largely depend on the quality of the product used. If you too often have to deal with various contaminants on clothes, consider buying products that have gained great popularity among housewives around the world. Read more about the different types Amway stain removers.

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Grass stains

Herbal contamination is considered difficult to remove. They are constantly faced by mothers of football players and almost always they cause a lot of trouble. But this is only if you do not know how to properly remove such old spots on children's clothes.


  1. To clean the grass footprint, you need to rub gel into it - a liquid washing powder with enzymes.

Important! Almost all manufacturers now produce such powders. In a separate article, we prepared a special review of the most popular and effective. View it here “Rating of washing powders”. You can read about the contents of the enzyme in the packaging.

  1. After rinse off the powder with a jet of hot water.

Important! You can use bleach if the fabric allows.

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Removing Ice Cream Stains

Every child loves ice cream, so similar traces appear on the clothes of children quite often.


  1. Such contaminants need to be treated. conventional stain remover.
  2. The second option is to soak for half an hour in water with the addition of washing powder with enzymes.

Important! It is better to soak an old trace of ice cream for several hours.

  1. After washing the thing as usual.

Important! Depending on which material your clothes are sewn from, observe rules for washing things from different fabrics.

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How to remove chocolate blots?

Chocolate stains that occur very quickly and often on children's clothes can be easily removed with highly salted water.

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How to remove old spots on children's clothes from blood?

Blood from the clothes is removed with a solution of sodium chloride.


  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of cold water.
  2. Soak the stained product in the resulting solution for 20-30 minutes.
  3. After time, wash the item in the usual way.

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Pollen polishing

During the flowering period of plants, pollen is often found on clothing. How to deal with these contaminants and remove old stains on children's clothes?


  1. Gently shake your clothes - this way the pollen will crumble a little.

Important! You will only smear the stain harder if you wash it with your hand.

  1. Stick tape on the contaminated area and carefully remove it. Thus, using the adhesive part of the tape, you will remove dust particles as much as possible.
  2. If the fabric permits, treat the stained area with bleach and wash as usual.

Important! Colored fabrics should be washed using detergent with enzymes.

  1. If the stains have not been removed in this way, you can try leaving the fabric in the sun for several hours. The problem may disappear when exposed to direct sunlight.

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Removing stains from sauces and ketchup

Picnics bring not only pleasure and good mood, but also an abundance of stains on clothes. You can remove blots from sauce and ketchup using the following algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to turn the clothes inside out and wash the contaminated place under a stream of cold water.

Important! To prevent the stain from spreading, place a paper towel or dry cotton pad under the contaminated area. So it will be absorbed into the substrate.

  1. Treat the area with liquid detergent and gently with a brush clean the top layer of dirt that has been eaten.

Important! In no case should you rub.

  1. Allow the product to soak, then rinse with water.
  2. Put ordinary vinegar on the problem spot and rinse again.
  3. If the stain does not disappear, soak the clothes in warm water for half an hour, and repeat the whole procedure again.

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Blueberry contamination removal

Blueberries are a very tasty and healthy berry, but in addition to its beneficial properties, it can cause great problems associated with deterioration of clothing. Quickly and without risk to the tissue, the following recommendations will help remove contamination from blueberries:

  1. Rinse the contaminated area under cold running water.
  2. Mix in 1 liter of cold water half a teaspoon of liquid washing powder and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar.
  3. Soak the clothes in the resulting solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product in cold water.
  5. If the stain remains, you can wipe it with alcohol, after which, if the fabric allows, you should wash it with bleach.
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Remove strawberry residue from clothing

Strawberries leave quite bright marks on clothes that are not so easy to remove completely. Acetic solution will help to erase old spots on children's clothes of a similar origin.


  1. Rinse off the mark with a stream of cold water.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent and 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of warm water.
  3. Soak the stained thing in the solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product.
  5. If traces remain, moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and rub the stain with it.
  6. If the fabric allows, wash clothes with chlorine bleach.

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Mustard stains

Mustard stains do not often appear on children's clothing, but similar situations do occur. Therefore, information on how to remove such spots will be useful for every mom.


  1. Gently scrape the top layer of blots.

Important! In no case do not rub the contaminated place, since the pollution only sinks deeper into the fabric.

  1. Rinse the stain under a stream of cold running water and treat it with a stain remover.
  2. If contamination remains, rub glycerin into it.

Important! Glycerin is freely available at the pharmacy.

  1. Let the glycerin soak into the fabric for several minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
  2. Wash the item in hot water by adding bleach.

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Sunscreen stain removal

Similar marks on children's clothes are not uncommon, as well as on an adult. To remove old spots on children's clothes from such a cream, follow this order:

  1. To remove such contamination, you need to carefully scrape the top layer of the cream from the fabric, which has not been absorbed.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise - you will rub the cream deep into the fabric, and it will be more difficult to remove it.

  1. Clean the contaminated area with a stain remover.
  2. Wash the item in very hot water.

Important! Before washing, be sure to check the maximum permissible water temperature during washing on the product label.

You can get rid of traces of mayonnaise in the same way.

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How to deal with ink stains?

  • A trace of ink from clothing can be removed using a 20% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Traces of a ballpoint pen are well removed with a solution of ammonia and vodka. The components should be mixed in equal parts. Carefully wipe the contaminated area with a cotton swab.

Important! You may also need information on how to deal with such stains, not only on clothing:

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How to remove rust stains from clothes?

This problem can be solved with lemon juice or vinegar.

Method number 1:

  1. The stain should be slightly moistened with lemon juice and ironed with a hot iron.
  2. This operation must be repeated several times, and then rinse the fabric with water.

Important! Performing the above steps, make sure that the iron does not dry the fabric to the end, it should remain slightly damp.

Method number 2:

  1. With a strong solution of citric acid, you can remove rust from white clothing or bedding.
  2. After acid treatment, the contaminated areas should be sprinkled with a thin layer of table salt and left for a day.
  3. Rinse the area with water.
  4. Wash your laundry in the usual way.

Method number 3:

  1. To wash old stains on children's clothes from rust, you can use a solution of vinegar, preparing it taking into account the proportion: 0.5 cups of water 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
  2. Preheat the solution and lower the contaminated area of ​​clothing into it for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the product thoroughly in water.

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Displaying traces of grease and oils from clothing

Greasy marks are not uncommon, because almost every meal in children is marked by the appearance of a new spot. Similar pollution appears with the same frequency on clothes and in adults. The following tips will help you quickly deal with such problematic pollution:

  • As soon as the grease gets on the clothes, sprinkle the stained area with salt and gently rub it. So repeat several times until the stain disappears.
  • If you get stained with fat when frying, this place should be immediately covered with flour. When the flour is saturated, you need to shake it off and sprinkle with a new one. So repeat several times until the stain disappears. Instead of flour, you can use hot bread pulp.

Important! To continue to have fewer such problems while cooking your favorite food, find out why does oil shoot when frying.

  • Greasy traces of silk can be removed with a pinch of salt diluted in ammonia.
  • In order to facilitate the washing of stains from grease and lubricating oils, you need to soak a thing in water, adding turpentine there from the calculation: for 5 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of turpentine.
  • In order to wipe away old stains on children's clothes of fatty origin with light woolen cloth, you need to mix potato starch with water and put this pulp in a problem place for several hours. If even after this there are traces, remove them with gasoline or alcohol, after wiping with a piece of stale bread.

Fruit marks and juice stains

  • Fresh traces of juices and fruits can be removed with boiling water. It is poured in a thin stream on a spot until it disappears.
  • To wash old stains on children's clothes from fruits, a vinegar solution prepared with the following proportions will help you: in a glass of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
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As you can see, pollution of any origin can be removed from clothing. Therefore, do not rush to chastise the child for his carelessness and throw the little thing into the trash can, especially if you yourself did not immediately notice the pollution. Useful tips from this article will help to solve the problem peacefully and without any special financial expenses.

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