How to wash a wedding dress at home?

The most memorable and enjoyable event for all girls is a wedding. But, no matter how neatly the bride tried to handle her wedding dress, in the morning she will receive an unpleasant surprise. After the wedding, many girls wonder: how to wash a wedding dress at home, so that it is preserved even just as a precious memory.

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What spots can appear on a wedding dress?

The wedding day is full of various events: ransom, solemn registration, visiting photo session and, finally, a chic banquet. On the dress after the wedding you can find anything:red wine stains or champagne, stains from rose petals, lipstick marks etc., and if the dress is elongated, the hem will definitely get dirty.

It is possible and necessary to return cleanliness to your best dress in life, but the main thing is to think about it in time, because within a few days after the solemn event, you can remove almost any stain at home. But old spots are very difficult to remove, because invisible eye traces of champagne, perfume, toilet water can eventually turn yellow and ruin the outfit completely. Stains from wine, drinks, cakes, glazes are also insidious, since all substances containing sugar and fat are oxidized, acquiring a brown tint.

Given all these facts, you definitely need to ask the question in time how to wash the wedding dress at home, and do it on time.

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How to clean a wedding dress at home?

Before you clean a beautiful dress from pollution, decide what material it is sewn from, and also assess the degree of pollution.

Pay particular attention to:

  • hem, as it is close to the ground;
  • an armpit area that is stained with sweat stains;
  • the inside of the bodice;
  • the decorative elements present on the dress: rhinestones, beads, beads - they must be washed very carefully, and it is better to remove them before washing, since the glued parts can fall off.

How to remove stains?

Conventional bleaches can ruin a wedding dress, so they should only be used if absolutely necessary and with care. In addition, from bleaches, which contain chlorine, yellow streaks will remain on the snow-white fabric, and the color models of the outfits will simply become discolored. Therefore, before you wash your wedding dress at home, choose the right tools. This will help you our overview of quality stain removers for clothing.

We recommend the following ways to get rid of stains:

  1. Remove sweat stains with saline. Prepare a strong saline solution, make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved and wipe the contaminated area with a product.
  2. Remove stains from wine with a hot soapy solution. Put it on a soft sponge and treat the dirt.
  3. Stains from grass can be removed with the following solution: 1 tbsp. l Dissolve ammonia in a glass of warm water. With this product, copiously dab the stains, let the fabric dry, then lather the stains with laundry soap and wash the product.

After removing stains with folk remedies, you can wash the wedding dress at home.Of particular importance, from what fabric the dress is made, there is no washing. Materials such as silk, chiffon, satin, polyester they are erased using the same technology, but natural materials can shrink, even shed, if you violate the temperature of the water or choose the wrong detergent.

Prepare yourself for the fact that washing a wedding dress at home by hand is a very time-consuming process, as washing in the bathroom is not very convenient, in addition, when wet, clothes become quite heavy.

We offer our own algorithm for washing a wedding dress:

  1. Buy delicate detergent. Handy soap.

Important! Do not use bleach. When washing a black-and-white dress or color in water, add a little vinegar, which will strengthen the color.

  1. Fill the bathtub with water (⅓ volume). Water temperature is recommended up to 40 C, as higher temperatures can lead to tissue deformation.
  2. Prepare a soap solution, pour it into a large container or in the bathroom.
  3. You will also need a sponge and a brush.
  4. Hang the dress on a hanger and gradually lower it into the filled bath, starting with the hem. If the pollution is strong, then soak the hem in a basin with soapy water for a couple of hours. Remove dirt from the laundry with soap and water.
  5. Walk the hem with a soft sponge and stretch the lining.
  6. Having cleared the hem line, go to the skirt and corset of the dress.
  7. If you decide to wash the entire dress, then soak it with warm water from under the shower.
  8. After the outfit gets wet, use a soft sponge with soapy water to remove all dirty areas.
  9. Dip a dress with jewelry under water, as the fabric can stretch in limbo.
  10. Evaluate the effect of washing. If stains did not appear with ordinary soapy water, then use the folk remedies and tips described above.
  11. Rinse the washed formal dress thoroughly (until the soapy water stops flowing). Let the water drain from the cloth.

Important! It is impossible to squeeze, twist the wedding dress. Do not be discouraged if some spots still remain. They can still be eliminated during ironing by dampening the dirt and placing a paper towel on both sides.

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Can I wash my wedding dress in the washing machine?

If the dress is not finished (rhinestone, beads), then it can be washed in a washing machine. Also, some fabrics allow the use of such cleaning, but then you need to wash the bride’s dress in a special fabric bag. It’s better to buy one, since it will come in handy to you more than once, and the instructions in our special article about choice of bag for washing clothes.

To properly wash the wedding dress in the washing machine and return it to its original appearance, follow these tips and recommendations:

  1. Use only gentle, delicate wash. Wash in a shorter cycle.
  2. When washing, use programs in which there is no spin.
  3. For cleaning, use a liquid, colorless laundry detergent or delicate and lace formulations.
  4. Protect areas with beads and embroidery with a gauze patch. Water temperature should not exceed 30C.
  5. Put the wedding dress in a special large laundry bag.
  6. Use the extra rinse mode.
  7. At the end of rinsing, immediately send the product for drying.
  8. If the dress is magnificent and it has a lot of tulle, then in the compartment for the air conditioner add a little starch.

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Recommendations for drying and ironing a wedding dress

Washing a wedding outfit is not as difficult as drying and ironing it.

Drying options

  1. After the wet dress hung on the hanger glass in the bathroom, hang it in a well-ventilated place, away from heaters and from the sun, so that the wedding outfit does not acquire a yellowish tint.
  2. You can use a special lattice, which is mounted on the bathroom: put the product on it and wait until part of the water drains, then hang it on the shoulders. It is better to hang the dress in a warm room and let it dry completely.

Important! Never use a machine dryer.

  1. You can use to dry dresses electric horizontal dryer: The fabric will not stretch under the weight of moisture and the wedding attire will not lose shape.
  2. The owner of a cotton dress cannot be hung in a suspended state, since the material is deformed and stretched. Better put the product on a terry dry towel and let the fabric dry completely. At the same time, straighten all the folds.

Ironing Rules

To properly iron the wedding dress, use the following recommendations:

  1. The surface of the ironing board should be perfectly clean. It is better to lay a clean sheet on the board to avoid new stains.
  2. Use a new or perfectly cleaned iron when ironing.
  3. Set the iron mode on silk.
  4. To iron a wedding dress you need to be slightly moist and on the wrong side. So you can easily smooth out creases and remove the remaining spots.
  5. Chiffon and tulle wedding attire is best steamed by weight. Start the process with a lining. It is impossible to iron a dress made with these materials. Steam treatment will preserve the presentable appearance of the dress for longer, in addition, steam will remove all oil traces from the fabric.
  6. Iron the lace parts of the dress using gauze or a cotton cloth.
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If the newly made wife is afraid to clean her outfit at home manually, then it is better to hand it over to dry cleaning specialists. With the right approach to the process of washing, drying, ironing a festive attire, it will look like new and you can easily hang it in a closet, so that, looking at it, you will recall one of the most beautiful days.

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