Electric clothes dryer

Washing and drying clothes is one of the processes of compulsory care for things that does not seem to require much effort, but nevertheless, it makes you waste time and think about certain rules. And considering the fact that the final result of cleaning things and the ease of ironing depend on the quality of drying, it is not surprising that home appliance manufacturers have introduced a novelty to the market to facilitate the work of housewives. What is an electric clothes dryer, what are its advantages, what does it happen and how to choose such a device - you will learn about all this from this article.

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What is it?

An electric clothes dryer is a special device that allows you to conveniently hang things to dry, complete this process fairly quickly and reduce all manipulations even with a large pile of clothes to a minimum.

Important! To ensure proper care of things and they have served you for a long time, you need not only to dry them properly. Remember using our articleall rules for washing different products.

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To understand how really such a purchase will be profitable, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the advantages that an electric clothes dryer provides. They are as follows:

  1. Easy to install. To install such a device, the help of masters is not required. For installation, you only need to correctly allocate a place in your home so that the device does not violate the familiar atmosphere and fix it with the help of tools that everyone can find. You can position such a device both in the bathroom and in the kitchen, on the balcony, and even in the bedroom. If you compare the appliance with a water analogue, the advantages are obvious.
  2. Autonomous work with convenient functionality. Using an electric dryer, you can set the required temperature to accelerate the drying process of things or for delicate handling of the appropriate fabrics. Upon completion of the process, shutdown is done by pressing a single button. For even more simplification, the shutdown settings can be set in advance - through a timer.
  3. Noiselessness. During operation, this appliance gives such a low noise level that it does not cause any discomfort to the residents of the apartment.
  4. Drying quality. Underwear on such a device dries quickly, evenly. Thus, additional folds, creases of fabric do not appear, which then must be carefully straightened with an iron.
  5. Volume. Electric drying is able to dry up to 10 kg of laundry in 1 cycle. That is, even if you put off the wash until the moment when a solid mountain of dirty things is gathered up, and then start 2 or 3 washings in a row, there will be no problems with hanging them and quickly drying them.
  6. Disinfection. Electric clothes dryer not only contributes to the drying of things, but also their disinfection. Due to heat treatment, up to 99% of all harmful bacteria die during processing.

Important! The price of models varies in a very wide range, and the line of manufacturers is also not small - there are more than enough of them. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose the best option for yourself.

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As such, specific shortcomings in the operation of different models by consumers have not been identified. You can note only a few common disadvantages that are common to all electrical appliances:

  • increase in energy consumption;
  • compliance with the rules of operation of electrical appliances is required so as not to create an emergency;
  • maximum accuracy in the use of drying is necessary if it is planned to install in a room, and the family has small children;

Important! When installing the device on the balcony, you will first need to perform hydro and thermal insulation work.

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The main criterion for the difference between such devices is the installation method. According to it, such models are divided.


The electric floor clothes dryer is a mobile device, which can be safely attributed to its basic advantage. The operation of the device will be especially convenient if it is equipped with special wheels.

Other features:

  • Large range of widths.
  • Compact for storage, as it is often equipped with a convenient and easy-to-maintain folding mechanism.
  • High reliability.
  • Safety - the heating temperature is such that even if accidentally touched, there is no burn.
  • Great for drying things from delicate fabrics.

Wall mounted

Among the characteristics of such models, attention should be paid to the following:

  1. The electric wall dryer is very compact, making it suitable for installation even in a small room or on the balcony.
  2. At the same time, it is able to withstand a load of up to 15 kg.
  3. The total width of the device is about a meter.
  4. Heating elements are filled with oils or minerals, which guarantee uniform heating.
  5. For children, such a dryer is absolutely safe if you protect the outlet from moisture and access, and correctly determine the height of the device.

Important! Electric wall-mounted clothes dryer - the best option for a family of 1-3 people. For more people, such an adaptation will not be effective enough.


The ceiling electric dryer is installed under the ceiling on the balcony and loggia. Mandatory conditions in this case:

  • the presence of glazing;
  • fastening reliability


  • Heating elements have a convenient shape of rods.
  • Sizes vary in the range of 1-2 meters.
  • Permissible load of linen - 35 kg.

Important! There is also a separate version of the drum type, which is able to give you absolutely dry linen in 1 hour. But when using such equipment, numerous folds and creases cannot be avoided, which causes certain problems when ironing.

Another nuance is that a mandatory connection to the sewage system is required to remove excess moisture.

Important! Manufacturers of modern technology offer many options for devices for drying clothes. Perhaps, as an alternative to a conventional dryer, it makes sense to consider the following options:

  1. Clothes dryer.
  2. Washer dryer.
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Based on the information received from this article, you will probably be able to make the right choice of electric clothes dryer. And that it will bring additional convenience to you personally and will make it easier to take care of things - no doubt.

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