How to wash jeans so that they sit one size smaller?

Given all the advantages, such clothes as jeans are impossible not to love. They are comfortable to wear, appropriate in most situations, universally combined with almost any clothing and perfectly emphasize the figure. Although it so happens that the last paragraph can be disappointing.

Properly tailored from high-quality material, jeans, as a rule, sit perfectly, emphasizing all the beautiful curves of the body. However, they retain this property only the first time after acquisition. The insidious thing is that the better the panties sit, the more often you want to wear them, and the more often you put them on, the faster they stretch. And now, after a few times, their fit may differ from the original one, and the jeans no longer fit the hips so tightly. Accordingly, the question arises: how to wash the jeans so that they sit one size smaller? In this article, we will tell you several ways to deal with such a problem.

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Can stretch marks be avoided?

In fact, stretching is a completely normal property of denim and other cotton fabrics. Read more about all types of materials in our special article. "What are jeans made of?". Their fibers are quite elastic to stretch with regular tension. That is why clothing manufacturers and experienced shoppers recommend buying jeans one size smaller than yours.

Important! If you measured jeans in stores, you managed to fasten the zipper on your fly, only with all your strength pulled your stomach in, so - after a few days, a maximum of a week, these trousers will sit on you perfectly - without hanging out and without restricting your movements. Jeans, acquired in size, will stretch after a while and will no longer be able to please you with a narrow silhouette.

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How can jeans be reduced?

Improperly selected or stretched in the process of wearing jeans do not rush to give a more dense girlfriend. Surely she will be happy with such a present, but you yourself can still wear them for some time. Especially if the thing is not cheap, which, in general, suits you all but size. You can adjust the denim pants according to the figure in one of the following ways.

Washing jeans

This is the easiest way to make them a little narrower, which we all constantly check in practice. Most likely, you noticed that freshly washed clothes are more difficult to stretch and fasten. On denim clothes, this rule is especially pronounced.

Important! Washing will help to eliminate stretched hips, elongated knees - however, only for a while. After a couple of days of active wear, things return to their original form. To slightly extend the effect of “decrease” you need to use hot water for washing.

In terms of effectiveness, hand wash differs little from machine wash, because its main main thing is to wet the fabric fibers. But in the typewriter you can set the temperature to at least 90 degrees and a high speed of rotation of the apparatus drum - in our case, this is preferable.

After a good spin, the jeans will decrease by one or two sizes, maybe even become smaller than they were when buying. But be prepared for the fact that after some time you will have to repeat this washing.

Important! It is better to use detergent when washing as liquid gel. This way you protect yourself from the appearance of stains on the fabric.


We cook jeans

This can be done using the same technology that our grandmothers boiled linen. Put the jeans in a large pot or basin with a lid, pour water and dissolve the powder in it. Do not spare detergent - the solution should be concentrated.

Things that went through this procedure for 20-30 minutes, as a rule, come in a couple of sizes.

Important! But at the same time, a side effect is manifested - jeans are covered with uniform spots, acquiring a “cooked” look. If you like it, then consider it a bonus to shrink, if not, then choose another way to reduce your pants.

Dry jeans

You can also dry jeans so that they sit down:

  • The first way is to, after a good spin, without particularly straightening, hang the jeans on a clothesline next to a source of hot air. In the process of evaporation of the remaining moisture in the fabric, the pants are cramped and smaller.
  • The second way. To make the jeans sit down a size smaller, you need to drain the carefully wrung jeans with a towel or other cloth that absorbs moisture well.
  • The third drying method involves the use of an automatic dryer. This unit is able to make the fabric run, while maintaining the shape of the clothes. You can find such a device in laundries or buy at a hardware store. If you don’t have one yet, read in detail about the types, purpose, and also how convenient such devices are in our special article “Automatic clothes dryer”.

Rebuild jeans

A radical method that will help exactly if the previous ones turned out to be useless. It is easiest to take trousers to the workshop, but you can do it yourself if you have at least minimal sewing and tailoring skills.

The specific actions will depend on the style of jeans and your actual figure. For example, it may be enough to unfasten the belt, make it shorter and sew it in place so that the pants again hold well on the waist.

Important! When redrawing your trousers, be sure to consider the current and fashionable jeans.

However, if the jeans are too big and dangle on you, you will have to redo them completely. To do this:

  1. Expand all side seams and, if necessary, a step seam.
  2. Remove thread that remains from the previous seams.
  3. Iron the received parts.
  4. Make markup crayon by your own standards or by applying jeans that suit you.
  5. Chip parts together.
  6. Sweep smaller jeans and try on them carefully.
  7. If the new size is at the time, sew jeans.

We sew jeans

You can not sew any jeans, but only those that are sewn from thin denim. As in the previous case, it is better to resort to the help of a sewing machine, because even the most delicate fabric is distinguished by the density of weaving.

Depending on the exact place in which the excess tissue has formed, the method of trouser reduction is chosen:

  • If they hang on the buttocks, then it is necessary to reduce the inguinal suture;
  • If excess space has appeared along the entire length of the leg, it is best to make a new step seam.

Important! In any case, no matter where or in what amount you wear pants, you should not rush to cut off excess fabric. This should be done only after trying on a thing with new seams, and you are completely satisfied with the size.

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Recommendations and tips

It is not so difficult to fit jeans that have become too big in shape. But being deceived by the seeming simplicity of this process, you can hopelessly spoil a good thing. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account such nuances that the jeans sat down a size smaller and they did not deteriorate:

  • When boiling, washing, drying and spinning, jeans are reduced not only in volume but also in length. Therefore, all these methods for shrinkage are suitable for wide trousers, but undesirable for those whose legs are not much lower than the bones on the ankles. Otherwise, you can get out of the car not only narrow, but also short pants that you have to give to a child or younger sister.
  • A hot water wash can only be used if your jeans are sewn from fully cotton fabric that contains at least 70% cotton in the composition. Artificial fibers, in particular lycra, when heated can behave unpredictably, stretch, deform.
  • If you don’t want to wash your jeans too often, don’t need to wear them daily - let them “relax”, then they will not stretch so quickly. In general, if you like the pants to sit close to you, give preference to more dense and elastic fabrics.

Important! Since jeans are by far the most versatile and popular thing, and at the same time, almost every person seeks to express their individuality in clothes, you may also be interested in the ideas proposed below:

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It is not necessary to part with your favorite jeans if you have lost weight or stretched them. However, after trying all of the above methods, do not be discouraged if not one of them was able to return things to their original appearance, because slightly stretched jeans are much more convenient than narrow ones, moreover, they are at the height of fashion today.


