How to wash a fleece blanket in a washing machine?

Sheep wool bedspreads are very comfortable, because they provide warmth and comfort even in the coldest rooms. However, like all textile fabrics, they attract dust and become contaminated over time. What to do in this case? How to wash a fleece blanket in a washing machine? Or on their own in this matter can not do? In this article we will consider this issue and learn how to properly care for your favorite blanket.

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Features of fleece blankets

Oddly enough, a sheep wool plaid has practically no drawbacks in use. This blanket is light and warm, it should not even be compared with products with synthetic filler. Hiding in such a blanket, the illusion of being in a cloud that is as light, soft and pleasant is created.

But when it comes to regular care of the product, the situation changes dramatically for the worse. With this, many have considerable problems. Since the blanket is woolen, it is necessary to take into account all the properties of the wool, which in one way or another affect the quality and method of cleaning:

  • Natural wool does not tolerate water.
  • When wet, the woolen product becomes very vulnerable and immediately reacts to any mechanical action.
  • Wool simply does not tolerate many chemical detergents.

The described features of a natural sheep wool blanket are the most simple and understandable to users. But in fact, experts identify much more similar facts that arise not only from the properties of the material, but also the method of cleaning the product. Therefore, each of them requires a more detailed consideration.

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Can I wash a fleece blanket?

Such delicate textiles can be cleaned in several ways:

  • Dry cleaning is the most suitable option.
  • Hand washing is perhaps the most gentle method, but, unfortunately, as practice shows, is not effective enough.
  • Dry cleaning is the easiest and safest method, but quite expensive.
  • Laundry in the washing machine. If your technique allows you to accommodate such a voluminous thing as a woolen blanket, then, of course, you can use the machine. The main thing is to choose the correct mode.

Important! It is also worth considering the fact that wool fibers can have a detrimental effect on the mechanism of the washing machine.

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Dry wash

If the contamination of the plaid is not very large in size, then it is better to use a dry wash.


Important! Please note that there are funds specifically for washing wool products. An obligatory component of such chemistry is lanolin.

  • Dilute in a small amount of cool water (30 ° C), creating a plentiful foam. It is the foam, and not the liquid, that removes dirt during dry washing.
  • Use a sponge and apply foam to the contaminated area.

Important! Be careful not to wet the product.

  • Leave the foam on the material for a while to make it work.
  • Remove foam with dirt from the surface of the textile.

If the product becomes more dirty and dirt has already penetrated into the depth of the fibers, then dry washing may not help. In this case, you should resort to a more familiar type of washing and do it as soon as possible, until an extraneous odor has eaten into the fabric.

Important! Please note that some types of wool blankets cannot be washed. Be sure to read the label on the product before any cleaning operations. There will be indicated instructions for his care. If washing for your blanket is contraindicated, you will have to take it to dry cleaning. If you find it difficult to understand the notation, use our decoding of badges on clothes.

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How to wash a wool blanket at home with your hands?

Hand-washing wool blankets at home is the safest and most gentle way to remove stains from such delicate items. In this case, deformations of the material can be easily avoided.

Important! As mentioned above, wool does not respond well to exposure to water, so you need to minimize the time the blanket stays in water to a minimum.


  • Pour a wool cleanser with lanolin into warm water, whisk the solution thoroughly to form a large amount of foam.
  • Dip your blanket in a cool solution, remove and place at the bottom of the bath.
  • Apply a large amount of foam to the stains, and distribute the remaining foam evenly throughout the product.

Important! There is no need to rub and strongly wash the areas, since the wool can stretch and deform. It is better to leave foam on the surface for 10 minutes.

  • Pour clean water into the basin and dip the blanket into it for rinsing. Do this procedure several times so that the soap suds completely disappear.

Important! Keep in mind that a wet wool blanket will be very heavy, so you may need help.

  • Pull out the product and place it in the already washed bathtub; let the water drain from the blanket on its own.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to twist a wool blanket. Otherwise, it can lead to its deformation and damage.

  • Hang the washed blanket for drying, leave it in a shaded and well-ventilated place for a day.

Important! During the drying period, you need to periodically stretch the product along the edges.

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How to wash a blanket in a washing machine?

Do not think that washing a sheep’s blanket in a washing machine is not possible. Of course, you need to understand all the risks, but if everything is done correctly, it will do without unpleasant consequences.


  • First of all, check that the bedding fits freely in the drum of the washing machine. If so, load this item into the tank.

Important! To prevent fleece from entering the moving parts of the washing machine, place the blanket in the duvet cover before washing.

  • Pour in a cuvette a special detergent marked “for washing wool products”. Great for this purpose. laundry detergent Weasel.

Important! You can also add a conditioner for woolen fabrics, it will give the material softness and a pleasant aroma.

  • Choose the correct mode for washing - this is “Wool” or “Hand Wash”. The water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees, otherwise - you can spoil the product.

Important! The washing process should be carried out at minimum speed, not higher than 500.

  • Be sure to deactivate the automatic spin function.

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Useful Sheep Wool Care Tips

To wool products served as long as possible, you must adhere to the basic rules for their use:

  1. During the operation of the plaid, be sure to use a duvet cover, regularly change it and wash it.
  2. Protect the wool from dirt. The less you wash the blanket, the longer it will last.
  3. Do not use normal powders or detergents to wash the blankets.It is necessary for such purposes to purchase a special liquid shampoo with lanolin.
  4. Do not iron a fleece blanket. There is absolutely no need for this.
  5. Do not squeeze and twist the blanket.
  6. It is recommended to periodically ventilate the woolen product in the fresh air.
  7. Do not dry the blanket on a heater, battery, in the open sun.
  8. Do not hang a wet blanket on the rope until the water has completely drained from it. Such a rule will protect the product from stretching.
  9. Washing should be carried out in water with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. It is better to expose it to cold water than hot, since subsequently contact with the last blanket will sit down.
  10. In order for the bulk product to better fit into the drum of the washing machine, roll it into a tube.
  11. Do not store wool in a cool, damp place, as you risk ruining the item.
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A blanket made of sheep's wool is an excellent option in the cold season - it is light and at the same time warm. However, in order for the product to serve you for a long time, you must follow the basic rules for its care and properly carry out cleaning. Washing wool blankets at home is not the worst option, you just need to prepare in advance and acquire the necessary chemistry. The information in the article will help you deal with this, at first glance, an impossible action and protect you from common mistakes. Thus, your favorite blanket will serve you more than one year, pleasing with its qualities and presentable appearance.


