How to wash a hat with a fur pompom?

In modern times, a headdress is not only an essential item for protection from the cold, but also a stylish decorative accessory that complements and completes the image. Unfortunately, due to constant wear and exposure to external factors, it is also prone to pollution. If the cap is made of ordinary knitwear, then such an accessory will not cause any special problems in care. Well, what to do in the case of fur products, because they are very expensive and require a special approach? In this article, we will tell you how to wash a hat with a fur pompom or other decorative elements so that the headpiece is clean and the fur has a neat appearance. There is no single answer to how to wash a hat properly. In this case, the choice of detergent and cleaning method depends entirely on the type of cap and the material from which it is made.

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How to wash a knitted hat?

Knitted hats with improper care can stretch or “sit down”, thereby they become unsuitable for further wear. Therefore, in order for your favorite hat to serve for a very long time, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • First you need to determine the composition of the yarn. If synthetic threads were used, then such a garment can be machine-washed without fear. If the threads are woolen, then it is best to wash it manually.

Important! Always pay attention to the information that is posted by the manufacturer on the product tag, so you can find out the washing method and the required temperature regime. These designations are on any clothes and it is still desirable to take them into account when buying every new item. Therefore, leave your bookmarks on our page at the link where a detailed decoding of badges on clothes.

  • Best used liquid detergents and concentrates. They dissolve perfectly in warm water, remove impurities and do not stain the product.
  • Water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees.
  • Do not actively rub the hat. You need to wash it with light bending movements.
  • After washing, the headgear should be rinsed at least 4 times. At the last rinse, always add underwear to the water.
  • Drying such a hat is best on a flat surface or by placing it on a three-liter bottle.

Important! If the yarn contains artificial yarn, then in order not to have problems with electrifying things and hair, after drying, it is better to treat the hat with a special tool. Our quality will help you to choose antistatic rating for clothing.

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Features of washing wool hats

Caps made of woolen yarn are very “finicky” in care, so they require a special approach. In order for the accessory to maintain its attractive appearance and shape after washing, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Wool hats should be washed exclusively by hand.
  • Pour enough warm water into the bowl so that you can soak the product without problems.
  • Detergent should be special for woolen products, and if there is none, then a chip from laundry soap will be an excellent option.

Important! You can use ordinary washing powder. But before the washing process, check that all granules have dissolved.

  • Turn the product inside out and dip it in soapy water for 2-3 minutes. If the water has not stained, but the headgear has not shed, then you can soak it.
  • Dip the cap into the solution for 30-40 minutes.

Important! Wool products should never be rubbed, as they stretch and lose their shape.

  • To rinse such a hat you need under a stream of cold water.
  • Gently squeeze the cap several times. Residual moisture can be soaked using a soft towel.

Important! A mohair hat or fluffy wool can be wrung out using a freezer. To do this, it must be put in a plastic bag and left in the freezer for several hours. After - remove and gently shake.

  • Dry such a product in a well-ventilated area only in a horizontal position.

Important! You may also be interested in our ideas, how to decorate a knitted hat.

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What to do if a knitted hat with a pompom?

If the pompom is made of the same yarn as the product, then you can wash it in the same way as the hat itself, and after drying, fluff it with a wooden comb. In order to wash the hat with a fur pompom, you need to gently tear it off, since the fur is not washable. Wash the headgear separately, taking into account its features, and the pompom can be cleaned in the following ways:

  • Make a solution of half a liter of water, 3 teaspoons of salt and a teaspoon ammonia. Thoroughly moisten the fur with it, then comb it. This method is best used for arctic fox pompons.
  • If the decoration of your headdress is made of rabbit fur, then it must be carefully combed.

Important! In order to remove yellow spots, a rabbit fur pompom can be sprayed with hydrogen peroxide or moistened with table vinegar.

After the parts of the headgear are cleaned and dried, you can attach the pompom to the cap using a thread or a special tape.

Important! If it is not possible to separate the pompom from the cap, then it can be wrapped in a plastic bag before washing, and secured with a rubber band at the base for money.

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How to wash a fur hat?

Fur products look very expensive and spectacular. In order for them to maintain a beautiful appearance while wearing, it is very important to properly care for them. Otherwise, the fur will fade and lose its gloss. Therefore:

  1. Periodically, dust and light impurities should be removed using normal cleaning and drying in the fresh air.
  2. Traces of dirt will help you manage semolina or starch. You need to fill these natural “adsorbents” in a hat, gently rub, then shake well or use a vacuum cleaner. In the end, the product should be combed out carefully.

Important! This method is ideal for fur products in white and light colors, because even if there is grain left on the surface, it will simply not be visible.

For more serious contaminants, they require drastic measures. In this case, you need to deep clean the product. In order to wash a fur hat at home, you must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • First you need to undo the lining.

Important! In order for you to re-sew the lining fabric without any problems, make notes for yourself where it was attached.

  • Turn the hat to the wrong side. Inspect it for cracks. If any, then they must be sealed with a plaster or darn.
  • Prepare a solution. Dilute refined gasoline and starch to a pasty state.
  • Put a hat on the bottles. Rub the finished solution into the product.Leave in this condition for 20-30 minutes.
  • Using a clothes brush, comb the fur.
  • Repeat this procedure until the starch, when combed out, remains white.
  • Shake the hat well and dry it.

Important! It is best to dry a fur hat in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area away from sunlight and heating appliances.

  • To shine, the fur should be rubbed with glycerin and combed well.

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How to wash a knitted-based fur hat?

Such a hat is very fashionable today. It is made by weaving thin fur strips into the net. Like an ordinary fur hat, such a product looks very impressive and original, but it also requires proper care.

In order to refresh and wash the knitted-based fur hat at home, the following methods can be used.

  • You can wash the fur product with shampoo. To do this, it must be diluted in a basin, making a lush foam manually or using a jet from under the shower. Using a sponge, foam should be applied to the surface of the product. After wetting the sponge in clean water and squeezing it well, wipe the surface of the cap to remove foam.
  • An excellent cleaning option is a special product for the care of natural silk or wool. If you follow the instructions correctly, then you can eliminate even the most stubborn dirt and stains.

Important! During washing, make sure that the fur is not wet to the ground, as the headgear can drastically decrease in size.

  • Dilute the mustard powder in the water to a mushy state. Put such a solution on the surface of the product and leave for 10 minutes, and then use a clothes brush to comb it well.
  • For very strong contaminants, a solution must be made. To do this, you will need 1 liter of water at room temperature, 100 ml of vinegar and alcohol, 10 ml of rinse aid or conditioner for woolen products. Ready solution process the surface of the product, while not allowing it to get wet. The sponge should be barely wet.
  • Shaded places can be removed using ordinary table vinegar, which is applied using a cotton pad.
  • Grease stains can be removed using refined gasoline. It must be applied exclusively to the contaminated area and left for half an hour.

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How to wash a faux fur hat?

Faux fur hats are very popular among both young people and the older generation:

  • They are quite comfortable and inexpensive, thanks to modern technology, they have become very similar to real fur and look just as impressive.
  • Another advantage of this accessory is its ease of care. Such a cap perfectly tolerates normal machine wash. In this case, the water should be warm, and the number of revolutions during the spin cycle should not exceed 800. It is best to wash such a hat using special means for woolen products.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that very often an additional insert made of natural fur, such as pompons or headphones, is added to the faux fur as a decorative finish. In this case, it must be carefully removed or unfastened.

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Some more useful tips

In addition to the standard materials from which hats are made, sometimes you can also find other fabrics at the base of hats. In order for you to look neat, and your accessory has retained its attractive appearance, we offer you some useful tips and advice that will help you in further care:

  • Fleece products can be washed both machine and hand wash in non-hot water. As a detergent, liquid soap will be an excellent option.
  • Drying must always be done naturally.
  • Caps of fluff should be cleaned with a special tool or solution of magnesia and aviation gasoline.This solution is applied to the surface of the product, after which it is dried, and the headpiece is shaken well.
  • It is best not to wring the hat. In order to get rid of excess moisture, you can wrap a hat in a terry towel, and then put it on a jar or a special stand.
  • The resulting lumps can always be removed using nail scissors.
  • If you still could not remove the pollution yourself, then it is best to consult a specialist so as not to spoil the hat.
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The hat performs not only a practical function, but is also a fashionable attribute. In order for her to always have an attractive appearance, and your image to remain neat, it is very important to properly care for her. Adhering to the recommendations of our specialists, you can effortlessly remove even the most ingrained pollution from both an inexpensive synthetic and the surface of an expensive fur hat without harming it.

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