How to wash baby white socks correctly and easily?

Often, children's white socks become a whole problem, because you have to work hard to remove them. All mothers would like to know a secret that would make this work easier and more efficient. In this article we will tell you some practical tips on how to return freshness and cleanliness to dirty white socks.

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Rules for washing socks

Socks are different in type of fabric, color, and purpose (men, women, children). In order not to harm these products when washing, you must adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Be sure to spend a few minutes distributing the socks according to the colors and types of fabric before washing.

Important! Children's white socks, like any other of this color, can not be washed with colored linen and with colored things in general. Colored jerseys can recolor white socks and completely ruin them.

  • Dark socks do not require as much care as white. They can be safely sent to the washing machine and washed as usual.
  • Socks should be turned inside out immediately before washing.
  • If the products are not too dirty and you just want to refresh their appearance, you can wash the socks in the washing machine by putting them one into one.
  • If you decide to wash your socks by hand, then put them on your hands, like mittens, and rub them thoroughly with soap and each other.
  • Drying socks is best in pairs, side by side. This way you will avoid losing one of your socks.

Important! If the bulk of socks can be dried on a battery, then children's white socks are strictly forbidden to dry on heating devices. Such drying can lead to yellowing of the fabric.

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How to wash white children's socks?

Baby socks of any color are always more than dirty. There is nothing to be done about it, because the children are active and thus learn the world. In this process, they pay little attention to the cleanliness of their clothes, and especially socks. Children's white socks, as a rule, are worn purely on holidays or on a visit, because it is very difficult to remove them. What can be done to give white socks the same elegant look without much effort?

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Take on board a few useful tips that will make it much easier for you to cope with this task:


  • To whiten white socks, you can use one of the modern bleaches.

Important! If you decide to use bleach, then be sure to read the instructions for its use on the packaging - some of them can damage the fabric.

It will be much easier for you to understand the entire current assortment if you use our bleach rating.

  • Laundry soap is a fairly effective tool for stubborn stains. It can give odds even to a good washing powder. Best of all, in order to remove children's socks, a soap marked “for stains” is suitable. Soaping socks in a bowl of warm water until a large amount of foam forms, leave the products in the foam for 30-40 minutes. Rinse the laundry thoroughly after that.
  • If household chemicals in you or your family members cause an allergy or for any other reason you try not to use chemical detergents, then ordinary lemon will come to your aid. It has whitening properties.It is enough to squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on the dirt and leave the product for a while, for better action.
  • Mustard powder is another natural product that can help wash children's white socks. Add 50 grams of powder directly to the drum with things and set the washing mode with a temperature not higher than +40 C. Also, mustard can be applied to the stains before washing for a more reliable result.

Important! Socks are best washed in warm water. The bulk of the contamination on the socks is of the protein type. Upon contact with hot water, the dirt coagulates, which greatly complicates the process of removing it from the fabric.

If these methods didn’t help you return the white look to children's white socks, then you can try the following methods.


For more efficient digestion of white children's socks, you will need a lemon.

Method 1:

  1. Cut a pair of slices and put in cold water.
  2. Add the same washing powder.
  3. Socks that require washing, immerse in a soapy lemon solution and put the bowl on fire.
  4. Boil for 10 minutes.

Method 2:

  1. In 5 liters of water, place a medium-sized chopped lemon.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. After that take out the lemon.
  4. Place already stretched baby white socks in a pot of lemon water.
  5. Boil them for about 25 minutes.
  6. After the time has passed, wring things out and hang them to dry.

Important! This digestion method is only suitable for cotton fabrics.


Soaking is done before washing for a more effective result.

Method 1

For white socks, soaking in a solution of boric acid will be especially effective. It can be prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l mix boric acid with 1 liter of water.

Dip dirty baby white socks in this mixture for 2-3 hours, and then wash them in the washing machine in the usual mode.

Method 2

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are considered an excellent tool for bleaching things. The solution that will be needed for soaking is prepared as follows: in a bowl of water, mix 2-3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.

Soak white socks in such a solution for 2-3 hours, and then wash in the usual way for you.


Important! This method is also great for used white items that are gray with frequent washings.

Method 3

Soaking in a solution of baking soda gives an excellent result when bleaching things:

  1. Prepare a solution of water and ¼ cup of soda.
  2. Soak dirty white socks in them for several hours.
  3. Wash and rinse.

Important! The effect will be even better if you use soda ash. What it is, how it can be used in everyday life, except when the goal is to bleach clothes, read our special article "Soda ash".

How to wash wool socks?

Warm socks in the cold season protect not only children but also adults from hypothermia. So that wool socks do not lose their properties and remain the same externally, you need to be able to handle them correctly during washing:

  • Children's wool socks are best washed in warm water.
  • Use a liquid detergent for washing wool.
  • The most gentle and optimal washing option for this type of socks is hand washing.

Important! Woolen socks must not be washed in hot water. This leads to their shrinkage and a decrease in size by several times.

How to wash wool socks manually?

Many people think that handwashing is a relic of past years. However, some things just can not be washed in a washing machine. Wool socks are one of these options:

  • Shake the wool socks well on both sides to remove dust from them as much as possible.
  • Use cold or warm water for washing. Soap socks and rub thoroughly.
  • Wash on both sides.
  • Rinse the product very carefully so that no soap remains on the fibers.
  • After all the procedures, it is necessary to gently squeeze a pair of socks and hang to dry on a clothesline.

Important! You can not twist woolen things, otherwise - they can change their original shape.

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White Sock Care Tips:

  • So that children's white socks do not lose their original appearance, they must be washed after each sock. Let the child not wear them more than once in a row, because then the pollution will be more serious and more difficult to remove.
  • White socks should be washed and stored separately from things of a different color.
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How to choose white socks for a child?

With the right choice of children's white socks and taking into account all the nuances of washing and care, this type of thing should last you a long time in its original form. But to achieve this, you must be able to really choose the right socks in the store:

  • Choose a reputable, proven manufacturer of hosiery. Such firms care about their reputation and carefully monitor the quality of their products.
  • Carefully read the tag with the composition of socks or tights. Children's things should be made by and large from natural hypoallergenic materials. The admixture of synthetic materials should be small.
  • When choosing baby white socks, take a good look at the color. They should not have spots of yellowish tint or yellow.
  • Choose the right size for socks or tights for your child. Incorrect preference can lead to rapid wear of things.

Important! Depending on the age of the child, you may also find our other tips for choosing clothes for him useful:

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Many parents avoid buying children's white socks, as they are completely impractical. Their impracticality is overshadowed by their versatility and beautiful appearance. White socks are suitable for absolutely all children of any gender and age. Do not be afraid to buy them, because washing and caring for them is not difficult at all.


