How to wash a bra?

Although many men like it when a woman looks natural and does not wear a bra, the rules of the dress code, aesthetics, and just for the sake of convenience, the beautiful half of humanity does not think to deprive themselves of this part of the wardrobe. You will learn how to properly wash your bra so that it supports your breasts as well as possible and remains outwardly beautiful, you will learn from this article.

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When should I wash my bra?

How to wash a bra?Most women wonder how to wash their bras quite rarely. Some young ladies devote time to this once a week, while others less often. This approach is not entirely correct for the following reasons:

  • worn fabric without restorative procedures looks very unattractive, and a woman in such underwear is far from the ideal of beauty;
  • particles of sebum, sweat accumulate on the surface of the laundry, harmful bacteria multiply, which means that in the absence of regular care for underwear, you expose yourself to the risk of complex fungal and viral diseases;
  • with a long absence of washing, all these microparticles are absorbed into the fibers of the fabric and destroy them, contributing to premature damage to the product.

Important! Given all these factors, it is necessary to change underwear at least once every 2-3 days, and in the summer heat or after fitness training - after each wear. The question of how to wash the bra, too, must be addressed immediately, and not put it off until the general washing of all linen. Moreover, with the right approach, you will spend a maximum of 10 minutes of your time on this.

And so that you never have a problem with a replacement and you always feel confident, check out:

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How to prepare laundry for washing?

Since underwear has a specific shape, which is not very convenient for processing, and is also sewn mainly from delicate fabrics, it is necessary to properly prepare the wardrobe for washing. Then the procedure itself will not cause any difficulties and you can easily cope with it.

Make it a rule before you wash your bra, do the following:

  1. Check out the manufacturer’s recommendations for laundry care - all this information is on the label. Our site has a useful publication, the information from which will be useful to you more than once. Click on the link to bookmark yourself decoding of characters on clothes.
  2. Button all the hooks.
  3. Straighten the straps well.
  4. Make sure that the seams of the pockets where the bones are located are not torn apart.
  5. If possible, buy special balls or spheres designed specifically for washing the bodice. With their help, the shape of your laundry will definitely remain unchanged, and the fabric will not be wrinkled after washing.
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How to wash a bra?

How to wash a bra?You can wash underwear manually and in a typewriter. Manually - much faster, because when the machine is working, you have to wait until the whole cycle ends.

Hand Wash Rules:

  1. Take a small basin.
  2. Pour warm water into it.
  3. Dissolve the soap liquid or ordinary powder. If you took the usual - make sure that there are no undissolved grains.
  4. Immerse the bodice in soapy water for 5-10 minutes.
  5. After - remember carefully, being careful not to damage the shape.
  6. Rinse well under running warm water.

Machine Wash Rules:

  1. Sort all the laundry - it can only be washed separately from other, larger and heavier things.
  2. If there is a special cover, put all the items of underwear in this device. If not, read our article about how to choose a bag for washing and for what things to use it.
  3. Load in the drum.
  4. Add detergents that you are used to using from the compartments. It is advisable to give preference to modern gels that dissolve and wash much better.
  5. Set the mode of delicate washing with temperatures up to 40 degrees.
  6. Do not set the spin mode.

Important! If you ignored the moment of using a special cover and the bone fell out of the laundry, getting stuck inside household appliances, follow the link to our article with instructions for solving this problem - “The bone from the bra got into the washing machine - what should I do?”.

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How to dry the bodice?

It is not enough to cope with the task of how to wash a bra. It must also be dried properly. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  1. In no case do not twist, do not wring the bodice.
  2. Do not use machine processing or hot radiators, radiators to speed up the drying process.
  3. Having taken out of the basin or drum of the washing machine, straighten the fabric well, spread it out on a horizontal surface or hang it on a linen thread, clipping it to the straps.
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Helpful hints:

  1. Keep bras separate from other clothing.
  2. Use special chest of drawers for storage or convenient drawers if you use only a cabinet.
  3. Put on the shelf where you store your underwear fragrance bags with dry herbs or flowers, so that bras always smell fresh.

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