How to wash clothes?

Nowadays, washing machines for automatic washing have simplified the whole process of this homework. Hand washing has become almost irrelevant. Naturally, a washing machine made life easier because people don’t have to spend their time washing dirty laundry. Many people no longer think how to do it right. But this is in vain, because not all the nuances are provided by the programs. And so that the thing does not deteriorate, it must also be properly dried. How to wash clothes - we will tell in our article. You will also learn how to wash things made of synthetics, cotton or silk.
to contents ↑Washing Tips
It becomes very offensive and unpleasant when your favorite clothes become unusable after washing. Very often this happens with children's things, because on them very often spots of every possible origin appear. We will share the main secrets and rules on how to properly wash clothes so that your things are kept in their original form for as long as possible:
- There are situations when it is necessary to soak things before washing. Only on TV show that it is easy and simple to get rid of spots of any origin. But in the realities of everyday life, this does not happen if stains from grease, fruit, paint, blood, coffee are present on clothes. Wardrobe items with such impurities must be pre-soaked in special stain remover and powder.
- Pay attention to the water temperature when doing this work. White items must be washed in hot water, and items that molt should be washed in cooler water.
Important! If you do not know if your wardrobe item sheds, then you need to check this before washing. To do this, cut a small piece of fabric from the wrong side of the seam, put it in a solution of warm water and laundry soap for 5 minutes, then rinse under running water. Dry the fabric and iron it with an iron: if the color has not changed, then you can safely wash the whole thing.
- Before washing, decide how the clothes will be washed - manually or in an automatic machine.
- If your clothes have a “dry wash” tag, you can gently and gently wash them with your hands.
- Washing clothes manually is done with the addition of soap shavings. It has a gentle and gentle effect on both your hands and the material of the product.
- Washing in an automatic washing machine can damage things, even when using the delicate mode. Wash elegant and festive items only with your hands.
A little bit about dry cleaning
Dry cleaning is carried out in dry cleaners with perchlorethylene. This substance is toxic and remains in the air for a long time, can cause a headache, an allergic reaction, and nausea. It is considered safer to clean such things with carbon dioxide, but this is a new technology and is very rare.
Important! When handing things to dry cleaning, be sure to ask what method of washing is done.
Ventilate dry cleaned items in the fresh air.
to contents ↑Washing machine
Before you start washing clothes in the washing machine, you need to figure out how to do it right.
Consider the main points from which it will become clear not only how to clean clothes, but also how to handle your equipment carefully:
- Before you start washing, you need to sort the clothes by color, material and degree of contamination. It is separately necessary to wash linen, synthetics, cotton and wool.
- Pay attention to the information indicated on the label. Most often there they write information that indicates how to properly wash things in order to protect them from troubles. And to understand them is very simple, if you use our decoding characters on clothes.
- Check for the presence of various objects all the pockets of your belongings so that they do not damage the drum of the machine during its operation. For the same reason, you need to fasten all the zippers, buttons and disconnect, if possible, jewelry.
- Terry and knitted clothes must be turned inside out so that they do not deteriorate and do not lose their appearance from the effects of a drum machine.
- Do not exceed the load rate in the laundry drum. This will reduce the efficiency of the work, will give a high load on the washer. In order not to have problems with this, use our tips and special washing weight calculation table.
- Set the correct mode based on recommendations on clothing labels. Thus, you can reduce the risk of spoilage, while increasing the washing efficiency.
- Always fill up detergents in special containers, which are in all models of machines, and not in the drum. An exception can only be modern capsules - they are just put directly into the tank. But it all depends on the specification of the technology itself. Therefore, it is not superfluous for you at this moment to resolve this issue forever. To help you will be a set of rules by reference"Where to put powder in the washing machine?".
- Do not change the temperature, washing mode and time during the operation of the appliance, as such actions may damage it.
Subject to the above rules, washing in the machine will be more productive and efficient, as well as safe.
Washing rules for maximum savings
Also, many are interested in the question: how to wash clothes in order to save money, but at the same time not to lose the quality of washing?
Here are the basic rules:
- Buy a washer with a good energy saving class. Choose models from class A to A +++. The more advantages, the washing machine will be more economical. It will be much easier for you to choose a unit suitable for all characteristics with economical parameters of water, electricity and detergent consumption if you look through our rating of the best washing machines.
- Load things drum optimally. A small number of things will consume energy idle, which will cost a penny if this is repeated often. If the tank is overloaded, there will be an additional load on the system.
Important! Many modern models have a special protection sensor that will prevent the washing cycle from starting if you put too many things in the drum.
- To save electricity, set the minimum allowable temperature. Thus, less electricity will be used to heat the water.
Important! Do not do so to the detriment of the quality of the product.
- Do not use a large amount of detergent because excess water will increase water consumption.
Important! A useful option - the washing machine itself calculates the required amount of detergent, based on the automatic weighing of the laundry loaded in the tank. If this is not the case, the problem is also solved. Find out the calculation rules, how much powder to pour into the washing machine.
Tips for washing things from different fabrics:
- Thin fabrics need to be washed with liquid detergents. They dissolve much better at low temperatures than powder. They also do not harden or get stuck in the fibers of the fabric.
- For sensitive fabrics - quilling, lace, use delicate mode.
- Wash synthetic items with synthetic ones, while linen and cotton can be combined during washing.
- Do not boil lycra clothing or bleach under any circumstances.
- Do not wash colored linen in the washing machine, do it exclusively by hand, as they tend to shed.
- When washing items from mohair or angora, use silk or wool powder with a small amount of glycerin.
- Wash clothes in special bags that are designed for these purposes, so that things do not cling to each other and do not stretch.
- Before washing things with embroidery, it is necessary to check whether the embroidery itself sheds. To do this, wet a small place on the embroidery and rub it, if it sheds, then you need to wash it very carefully and only in cold water.
Hand wash
Although such a time-consuming work is not popular these days, you still need to know the basic rules on how to wash clothes by hand:
- Wash dirty laundry immediately after soiling, because the longer it lies, the more difficult it is to wash in the future.
- Always start hand washing by soaking, but only those items of clothing that do not fade.
- Wash the cleanest things first and then the dirtier ones. Wash dark items at the very end.
- Always the cycle ends with a rinse. Produce it until the water becomes clear. Add a little vinegar in the last rinse - this will fix the color and give the clothes a shine.
- Wash woolen things inside out in warmer water with soap. Do not wring clothing from wool, but only wring it out carefully and put it to dry on a green towel.
- Wash knitwear in warm water with powder or soap. Rinse first in warmer water, and then in cool.
- Clothes from silk should be washed and rinsed in cool water. Such things can not be rubbed and twisted much.
- Wash artificial fabrics with soap in warm water. You can also use laundry detergent.
- Do not wash linen with powder that is used to wash silk. For each item of clothing a special tool is sold.
- Do not wash linen and cotton fabrics at temperatures above 60 degrees, so that they do not shed or sag.
- Delicate women's clothing must be washed at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees.
- Add salt to the water if you wash items that fade.
- Wash men's robes with products that contain alkaline additives.
Stock footage
Above, we examined the basic tips on how to wash clothes in the washing machine and manually. Follow them, and you will not have any problems with the quality performance of this work, and you can also extend the life of your clothes and prevent breakage of the washing machine.
- Stain removers for clothes
- Clothing Care Symbols
- Laundry Weight for Laundry
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- How much powder to pour into a washing machine 🥝 washing consumption, how to measure
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