Laundry Weight for Laundry

A washing machine occupies one of the most important places among all household appliances in the house. It allows you to save a lot of time spent on washing. However, in order to ensure high-quality and efficient operation of such an indispensable assistant, one should carefully consider a very important characteristic - the maximum and minimum load of products. All recommendations indicating the weight of the linen for washing are attached to the instructions for the technique. In case of non-compliance with these rules, washing of things will be carried out poorly, and the machine itself will be subjected to overloads and rapid wear. In this article we will introduce you to the relative weight of the calculation of some products, in particular, bedding (plaid, sheet, blanket).

Important! Of course, it’s not very convenient to weigh things before washing every time, and 100-200 grams of excess or missing linen do not play a special role. We recommend writing and sticking a table on the side wall of the equipment case indicating the average weight of various things.

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Weight of dry laundry - table

Many washing machines can weigh things on their own, but if your washer does not have such a function, then use the following data.

The approximate weight of the bed set is 1.5-2 kg. More precise information is given in the table. Weight is offered for a set made of fabric type calico:

  • Children's set with one pillowcase - 1200 g.
  • 1.5 sleeping - 1580
  • 2 bedroom - 1860
  • Euro - 2340

Using this table, you can easily load the washing machine “by eye”, without fear of overload. If the maximum load weight of the washing machine is 5 kg, then to any set, you can also add a couple of pajamas or towels.

Important! A satin kit will weigh even less.

If you want to wash not the entire set, but its individual components, then read the following data.

How much does a double bedding set (cotton) weigh?

  • Duvet Cover - 800 g.
  • Bed sheet - 600 g.
  • Pillowcase - 200 g.
  • A double bedding set weighs 1800 g.
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Correspondence of the regime and weight

When washing things, it is very important to monitor the compliance of the weight and the mode of stacked products. For example, if the washing machine is designed to load 5 kg, then this is the maximum weight in the “Cotton” mode.

But more gentle modes require fewer things:

  • If you need to wash products made of silk or wool, then their weight should not exceed 1.5 kg.
  • For synthetic products, load no more than 3 kg.

All these data must be indicated in the instruction manual.

Important! The amount of laundry loaded is not one factor that affects the washing efficiency. Therefore, be sure to also read our other articles to properly care for your wardrobe:

To correctly calculate the weight of the laundry for the washing machine, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information.

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Dry laundry weight table:

  • Personal towel - 200 g.
  • Bath towel - 500-600 g.
  • Bath towel (terry) - 1000 g.
  • Bathrobe (terry) - 1200 g.
  • Tablecloth (cotton, medium size) - 400 g.
  • Large tablecloth (linen) - 1000 g.
  • Kitchen towel - 120 g.
  • Napkin for the kitchen (linen) - 80 g.
  • Women's blouse - 100 g.
  • Skirt - 150-250 g.
  • Dress - 300 g.
  • Nightgown - 180 g.
  • Pajamas - 450 g
  • Set of lingerie (knitted) - 150 g.
  • Women's winter jacket - 800-1000 g.
  • Men's shirt - 200-250 g.
  • Men's T-shirt - 220-300 g.
  • Pants - 400 g.
  • Jeans - 600 g.
  • Vest - 150 g.
  • T-shirt - 120 g.
  • Socks - 40-50 g.
  • Handkerchief - 15-20 g.
  • Overalls - 600 g.
  • Windbreaker - 800 g.
  • Men's down jacket - 1400-1800

Important! The weight indicated in the table is relative, since clothes made from different materials have different weights, for example, a silk blouse is slightly lighter than a similar cotton blouse.

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Proper washing of linen

Of course, the weight of bedding is very important, but the rules of washing are of great importance. Here are some of them:

  • Before sending items for washing, sort them by type of fabric and color. Pay attention to the symbols on the product label, which indicate at what temperature and in what mode it is necessary to wash this or that thing.

Important! We suggest you to bookmark our separate article, which contains detailed decoding of all badges on clothes.

  • Do not wash together coarse calico and silk, synthetics and wool.
  • Do not load color and white products at the same time.
  • Load items of different sizes into the machine - this improves the washing efficiency.
  • Before loading, be sure to check the pockets of clothing and fasten all zippers, fasteners and buttons.
  • Do not exceed loading rate. Remember that the weight of the laundry for the washing machine is indicated for dry fabrics, not for wet ones.
  • Set the correct wash mode for each material. It is also necessary to set the correct temperature regime. For cotton and linen items, set the temperature to 60 degrees, color and synthetic products wash at a temperature of 30-50 degrees.
  • Wash baby sheets and duvet covers (especially for newborns) at high temperatures. If the fabric is natural, then it will withstand 90 degrees.
  • For washing children's items, use special children's washing products.
  • Do not machine shabby, fragile, and very small items. If necessary, wash such items, place them in special bags.
  • It is forbidden to machine wash underwear with metal fittings (bras with “underwire”).
  • Do not wash clothes soiled with compounds containing gasoline and other solvents.
  • Wash heavy items without the Spin function.
  • The minimum load weight must not be less than 1 kg.
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If you adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for the operation of household appliances and washing rules, then your faithful assistant will serve faithfully for many years, delighting with the freshness and cleanliness of the linen.

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