How to wash a bra with underwire in a washing machine 🥝 hand and machine wash

We have many different weaknesses: one loves expensive perfumes, the other cannot deny herself luxurious jewelry, the third has handbags for every toilet, but almost every young lady loves beautiful underwear. You may be wearing simple jeans and a T-shirt from the market, but a bra with panties should be amazing. You should not deny yourself this.

How to wash the underwired bra in the washing machine? Or maybe hand washing is preferable for this type of ladies' wardrobe? How to properly care for underwear so that it retains its beauty and shape for longer? Many women are faced with similar questions, since a bra is an integral part of our lives. As a rule, a high-quality and beautiful set of underwear cannot be cheap. With proper care, it will last a long time. But for this it is worth following certain rules.

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Rules for wearing and storage of bras:

  1. Do not wear the same bra every day, even if it is very comfortable. Otherwise, the product will quickly lose its shape and appearance. Put on your favorite bra at least every other day so that it has time to regain its shape and is ventilated from body odor.
  2. Wash bras after 3-4 socks, at least, otherwise it will be difficult for them to return to their original appearance. In the summer you can refresh them daily.
  3. After 3-4 times putting on a bra, immediately start washing, do not put it off “for later”, or then it will be difficult to achieve perfect freshness.
  4. Store your bras in a separate drawer of your closet or chest of drawers. Lay them flat, one on one, a cup on a cup. This will allow them to maintain their shape even during long-term storage. Store light items next to light ones, and vice versa.

Important! You can put aroma bags in a drawer or in the old fashioned way - a bar of toilet soap, to give the linen a pleasant smell.

  1. Store snow-white bras in a separate row or in a bag (box), then they will not lose their whiteness in contact with colored fabrics.
  2. Wear light linen under light clothes, and dark under dark, to avoid mixing fibers. As a last resort, put a white T-shirt on a white bra under dark clothes.

Important! If you like to wear different types of underwear and you have at least basic sewing skills, try to diversify your wardrobe in our simple workshops. Read how to sew underwear do it yourself.

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How to wash your bra manually?

How to wash clothes in a typewriter so as not to deteriorate? In order for your underwear to last longer, without losing beauty and shape, make it a rule to wash it by hand. This is especially true of bras made of thin and delicate fabrics, with expensive lace or embroidery, with push-ups (made of foam rubber or gel) and bones. If you have thoroughly spent on a luxurious set, do not spare 20 minutes of time for hand washing, so as not to turn the object of admiration of men and the envy of your friends into an unpretentious stretched rag in which you can no longer paint. So, how to wash the bra by hand?


  1. In a basin or sink, draw warm water (up to 40 degrees), add mild detergent, preferably in liquid form - it penetrates better into the tissue fibers and is easier to rinse out. Some women add a couple drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil when washing.

Important! Can be used detergents for washing children's clothes, Castilian soap, special detergents for underwear or just shampoo for hair.

  1. Soak the bra for 15-20 minutes to dissolve the dirt, and only then start washing. The most dirty places can be rubbed with a soft sponge or an old toothbrush. A completely stale bra can be soaked for longer, for an hour and a half.

Important! If there are traces of sweat, soak the laundry in water with salt and soda (add 1 tablespoon of salt and soda to 1 liter of warm water).

  1. If you wash several bras, follow the color scheme. White - wash separately, light - with light clothing, dark - with dark. If the bra is colored, wash it with clothes of that color that matches the lightest shade.
  2. If you refresh your bras daily, then use a detergent to a minimum (2-3 drops of shampoo are possible).
  3. After soaking, proceed with washing. This should be done with light bending movements, as if passing foam through the fabric. Pay special attention to the straps. They accumulate the most dirt.

Important! The straps can be lightly rubbed with a soft sponge.

  1. After washing, rinse the bra thoroughly in running water until the detergent is completely washed and the water becomes clear.
  2. Do not squeeze the bra. To remove excess moisture, you need to take a towel and tightly wrap a bra in it. Excess water will absorb the towel, and the rest will evaporate in the fresh air.
  3. In order to dry the bra, it must either be horizontally laid out on a towel, or hung on a dryer, but always at the center, and not behind the straps. Dry the push-up busts especially carefully.

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How to wash a bra in a washing machine?

Washing machines significantly save time and energy of modern women, but as we mentioned above, not all bras can be machine washed.

Important! Carefully read the label of your underwear. It has all the necessary recommendations.

Usually, it is undesirable to wash bra models from delicate and thin fabrics, items with expensive lace, intricate decor and embroidery, and a gel push-up in the car. The rest of the bras can be completely trusted with the automatic machine, but only subject to certain rules.

How to wash a underwired bra in the washing machine? To machine wash these things, you need to purchase bag for washing bras in a washing machine. It is made of mesh and fastens with a zipper. Or you can buy a special area for washing bras.

To wash the bras in the washing machine, you need to do some preparatory work.


  1. Pre-sort your underwear and put only matching color items into the drum of your bra. Also keep in mind that these things should not be heavy and rough (jeans, bath towels, etc.).
  2. Soak your bra 15 to 20 minutes before washing in warm water with a delicate detergent. When the dirt softens, go to the wash itself.
  3. Put the bra in a bag or laundry area, before fastening the hooks and fasteners.

Important! If there are no such devices, you can just use a small pillowcase (only it will have to be sewn up slightly so that your bra does not fall out during washing). This will save him from excessive friction with other clothes.

  1. For washing, use liquid detergents, preferably for children's underwear or designed specifically for bras - they are better rinsed.

Important! It has been proven that unwashed powder residues on fabrics attract dirt faster.

  1. Use only the “delicate” or “hand” washing mode, in which the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.

Important! If you use hot water, it will render elastic fibers in the fabric of the bra and its straps unusable, and the foam rubber may also turn yellow in push-up, and the fabric will shrink.

  1. After washing, remove the bra from the bag or sphere and spread the cups with your hands. If there is too much moisture left in it, then you can pre-wrap it in a towel.

Important! Do not use machine drying. In extreme cases, it should be dried using the “no heat” mode.

  1. After washing, place the bras horizontally on a towel or hang them on the dryer so that the central part of the bra bends through the bar.

Important! Do not hang on the straps, in order to avoid their stretching, and do not use clothespins to avoid ugly creases on the fabric.

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Useful bra care tips

Lingerie requires special delicate care. Only in this case it will look beautiful, as on the day of purchase. We already discussed how to wash a bra with bones manually and in a washing machine, but there are a few more secrets that every woman should know:

  1. Do not use bleach when washing, especially with chlorine. If you think that your favorite bra has lost its whiteness, soak it in water with the addition of peroxide (per 1 liter of warm water, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide or it can be replaced with ammonia). And you can add 1 tablespoon of salt and soda to 1 liter of water. Rinse the bra in cold water before washing.
  2. Do not use softeners or conditioners. They will reduce the durability of elastic fibers.
  3. Before washing, do not be lazy to see if the hooks hold tight and if the bones come out. If, for example, a hole breaks into the fabric and a metal bone pops out, it can damage the washing machine.
  4. After washing, never turn the bra cups inside out. Otherwise, wrinkles, folds and creases that will be visible under the clothes and will spoil the shape of the chest will remain on the fabric after drying.
  5. Do not soak bras with metal bones for a long time, otherwise rusty spots may appear. It is also not necessary to dip in bright colors and water for a long time - prolonged soaking will adversely affect the intensity of the colors.
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Beautiful underwear adds confidence to a woman, so you should not save on this part of the toilet, reassuring yourself that few people will see it. Proper care of expensive underwear will prolong his life and provide a good mood to his owner, and maybe not only her. Listen to the tips and tricks in this article, get all the necessary devices for washing bras and problems with twisted elastic bands and loss of shape and color will not be scary for your panties and bras.

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