How to wash holofiber

Today, many things are sewn using a holofiber, so the question of how to wash a holofiber is quite appropriate and can arise for everyone. You can solve this problem easily if you read the materials in this article.

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What is holofiber?

How to wash holofiberBefore proceeding with an active cleaning of things with this material, you should know what it is all about. Hollofiber is a modern insulation based on polyester microfiber, which in its characteristics is much superior to the more familiar fluff and synthetic winterizer. Moreover, it is very practical and easy to care for.

Its distinctive properties are:

  • high wear resistance;
  • excellent thermal insulation - keeps the temperature even if the air is -25C;
  • a light weight;
  • quick return to original form after crushing;
  • low moisture absorption;
  • ecological purity and hypoallergenicity.

Important! It is because of this complex of excellent characteristics that it is universally used to fill pillows, blankets, jackets, warm pants.

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How to wash holofiber?

As already noted, holofiber is very practical. This is manifested in the selection of suitable detergents. To clean the material well, you can take almost any substance convenient for you:

Important! Even with a slightly alkaline solution, the dirt lags well behind the fiber.

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At what temperature should holofiber be washed?

The second question that will surely interest you is in what mode to wash clothes with such a heater. The answer is very simple:

  • handwash;
  • machine washable.

Important! You can set any temperature - the filler will not lose its properties even with an indicator of 70-80°FROM.

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How to wash hollofiber?

How to wash holofiberTo clean dirt from a jacket or pants, follow these steps:

  1. Dilute any detergent or soap in warm water into the basin.
  2. Soak the item for 30 minutes.
  3. Thoroughly rub the areas of greatest contamination - collar, pockets or cuffs. It is even permissible to use a brush for friction.
  4. Load the item into the washing machine with a suitable dose of powder.
  5. Wash in any convenient mode.
  6. Install a double rinse so that no streaks remain on the surface and no chemical particles accumulate inside the holofiber fibers.
  7. Use the intense spin mode without fear of deformation of the thing. In the drying process, it will quickly take its original form.
  8. Take out the machine, shake the thing well.
  9. Hang for the ultimate drying in a suitable place in your home.

Important! Please note that holofiber dries very quickly. In a few hours you will be able to put on a thing.

If you wash pillows or blankets, you can skip several steps. In this case, the sequence of your actions will look like this:

  1. Prepare a wash basin with dissolved detergent.
  2. Wash the blanket or pillow with a soaking motion. Do not soak!
  3. Rinse well and wring.
  4. Leave in a basin until almost completely dry.
  5. Move the erasable item to the balcony for final drying.

Important! If you decide to wash such items in the machine, still set the mode of quick or delicate washing.

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Useful Tips

  • For a thing from holofiber to last as long as possible, do not wash it very often.
  • Never use a highly heated iron to dry or smooth the surface. Suitable temperature - no more than 70C.
  • If bed linens with such a filler still become deformed after some time, restore the fiber structure. To do this: spread the object, remove the fiber and comb it well with a brush for animal hair. The material will regain its original shape.

Important! If you don’t have bedding, but other things with this material, and having familiarized yourself with the simple rules for caring for it, you are not averse to acquiring a couple of necessary household items, our workshops may come in handy:

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Now you know all the subtleties, and the question of how to wash holofiber will no longer bother you. And if you stick to our recommendations, then this process will not take much of your time and energy.

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