How to wash a cashmere sweater?

Cashmere items are some of the most elegant, stylish and pleasant to the touch knitwear. A quality cashmere product is very expensive and needs special care. You need to act very carefully so as not to spoil a good thing. Not all housewives know how to wash a cashmere sweater at home. But we will correct this omission now. Let's look at all the nuances of caring for a cashmere sweater.
to contents ↑Cleaning a cashmere product - general rules
First of all, you need to find out why you can not wash such a product:
- Do not use ordinary detergent powders or potent detergents with enzymes that bleach particles.
- It is not recommended to use air conditioners and stain removers.
What to wash? Great for delicate liquid cleaner or a good hair shampoo, and as a conditioner, you can use hair balm.
Important! First you need to study the label of your cashmere product. Typically, manufacturers indicate how to care for a cashmere sweater or dress. To be more precise, it will indicate the possibility of washing in the machine, the permissible temperature of the water or the need for dry cleaning.
In our separate article you will find a transcript and full table of symbols on clothes.
As a rule, sweaters, dresses made of pure cashmere without impurities are rarely found. They are very expensive and not everyone can handle. More often cashmere is mixed with other materials. Such clothes can also be washed in a machine, if the manufacturer does not mind. But still often do not wash such things.
to contents ↑Important! If you wear it carefully and do not stain, it is better to wash it only after 8-10 socks.
Machine processing
So, if the label indicates the possibility of machine wash, then you must follow these instructions:
- Turn the inside of your wardrobe, pour liquid detergent or hair shampoo.
- Expose delicate mode.
- The temperature of the water should be set no more than 30-40 degrees.
- Spin and dryer must be turned off.
Manual processing
When washing cashmere items, it is very important to maintain the temperature at the same level.
Important! Sudden changes in temperature can damage the structure of the fabric, as a result - the product may decrease in size, or - on the contrary, stretch.
How to wash a cashmere dress by hand?
- First, remove all the spools, if any, from the surface of the product. This can be done using a special comb or spool remover.
- Water temperature should be 30 degrees.
- Pour water into a container, dissolve the detergent and put the dress there, previously turned inside out.
- Leave it on for 10-20 minutes, and then wash it with gentle movements. When washing, squeeze and unclench your dress, but do not rub.
- Rinse the dress in water until the detergent is completely washed out. The water after the last rinse should be clear.
Important! Remember the rule of three “Do not” - it does not rub, do not compress and do not twist.
Product Drying:
- Since it is impossible to squeeze the product, it must be allowed to drain.
- If you want to speed up the process, you can wrap your sweater, dress in a large terry towel or use another well-absorbing cloth for these purposes. The towel absorbs excess moisture. If necessary, replace the towel with a dry one.
- After such manipulations, the fabric will no longer be wet, but wet. Now you can lay out your product on a horizontal surface on a terry towel or blanket. Straighten your sweater well so that there are no strong creases on the fabric.
Important! You can not dry dresses, cashmere sweaters on a battery, with a hairdryer or in direct sunlight. This can ruin the structure of the fabric fibers.
Cashmere clothes can be ironed, but with a warm iron and on the wrong side. And for products to retain their shape, softness, strength for a long time, also read about how to store wool.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Washing cashmere products at home is possible if you are careful. Then your favorite things will always delight you with a neat look.