How to wash a jacket with a membrane?

Are there clothes in which you cannot sweat and get wet in the rain? Even 20 years ago, the answer would be negative. Today, with the development of modern technologies, the clothes we wear every day become more high-quality and functional thanks to such innovative technology as the membrane. It allows the skin to breathe and does not get wet even under heavy rain. More recently, such clothes could only be worn by athletes or those whose work is constantly on the street, but now modern technology is increasingly becoming part of everyone's daily life. What is the advantage of this material? How to care for such clothes, how to wash a jacket with a membrane? We will answer all these questions in order, because first you need to understand the principle of operation of this unique fabric.

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Membrane features

Membrane clothes can be called unique. It is based on thin synthetic fibers, each of which is surrounded by an invisible polymer protective film. On it are the pores that give the material special qualities:

  • The membrane releases moisture formed under it, but, at the same time, does not allow it to get inside.

Important! This kind of air conditioning system not only prevents the body from freezing, but also helps it cool.

  • The membrane, due to the fact that it does not let air in, is very comfortable. In such a jacket it will be warm even with a strong wind.
  • Another positive feature is lightness. Such clothes do not need additional layers of fluff or sintepon. The heat that your body releases will be quite enough, because it is under the reliable protection of the membrane and does not go outside.
  • A special impregnation of the porous structure of the material makes the fabric immune to moisture, drops simply slide off such clothes.

However, when wearing clothes, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Membrane fabric blends perfectly with thermal underwear. The special properties of these materials only complement and enhance the protective functions.

Important! If you still don’t have one, be sure to read about which is better thermal underwear, and buy it. This is not a whim, but a real need for your own comfort. At the same time, cotton T-shirts worn under the membrane will give the opposite effect. After all, cotton cannot boast of the possibility of regulating the microclimate.

  • If you are going for a long winter walk, then you should put on a warm, best of all, fleece sweatshirt on thermal underwear.
  • If the frosts are not so severe, thermal underwear in combination with membrane clothing will be enough.

Membrane clothes, like any other, with constant wear, get dirty. And this is quite natural. To preserve its original protective properties, you need to know how to wash a membrane jacket.

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Many consumers believe that membrane clothing should not be washed. But this was only at the beginning of mass production. Then the technology was still not so perfect. Thanks to modernization, now such things are not only possible, but also need to be washed. The main thing is to know how to do it right.

Choice of detergents

To begin with, we will deal with the most important question, how to wash membrane clothes. Why is he in charge? Because, violating the recommendations, you deprive the fabric of the most important, unique properties:

  • To wash the membrane tissue, we use compounds that do not even have a hint of chlorine, because it has the ability to expand the pores, the fabric begins to leak moisture and get wet from the rain. Your unique clothes become the most ordinary.
  • Some housewives answer the question of how to wash membrane clothes, they answer simply: ordinary powder. And completely in vain. The membrane is clogged with small particles, loses its breathing properties and ceases to be anything different from rubberized clothing.

The washing of membrane clothes in the washing machine should take place only with the addition of special mild detergents that do not contain either chlorine or abrasive fine particles. The best choice would be a gel for washing membrane clothes. Today in household chemistry stores you can find a lot of tools that are suitable for this type of fabric. Here are just a few of them:

  • DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion - a balm designed for washing sportswear. Designed to care for thin synthetic fabrics such as polyester. For the membrane, it is also suitable. Even after many washes, the unique qualities of the fabric will remain unchanged.
  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation. This budget composition is also suitable for solving the issue of how to wash a jacket with a membrane. It copes with dirt very well, but there are no special water-repellent additives in it.
  • Perwoll is a sportswear laundry detergent that is popular with consumers. Suitable for removing dirt from membrane clothing, and with sports light shoes.
  • Nikwax Tech Wash is the best answer to the question of how to wash membrane clothes. This gel not only cleans clothes, but also thanks to special additives preserves the water-repellent and breathable properties of the fabric. And even restores them. If you have already made a mistake and washed the membrane with ordinary powder, this tool will help you eliminate the consequences and remove particles of aggressive powder.

Important! By the way, do not be surprised, but this unique fabric can be washed with the most ordinary laundry soap. Experienced housewives claim that it copes with pollution no worse than special compounds, while not harming the material. And it doesn’t matter here - you use a bar of soap or its liquid counterpart.


General recommendations

Regardless of how to wash clothes from the membrane - manually or in the car, there are general recommendations that should be followed:

  • No need to soak these clothes for a long time. A large amount of water and a long stay in it will not affect the properties of the fabric in the best way.
  • In order to remove excess water from clothing, never squeeze or twist the fabric. This will damage the pore structure.
  • To dry a jacket or pants from the membrane, simply wrap them in a cotton or terry towel. They perfectly absorb excess moisture.

Important! Many people think that the simplest solution to the question of how to wash clothes from a membrane is to hand dry them. However, this method of removing dirt is considered quite aggressive and greatly wears out the fabric. Too often resorting to this method is not worth it, especially if there is not so much pollution.

Hand wash

How to wash clothes from the membrane? Of course, the best option is by hand, because the washing machine does not have complete control over the process, and even at the minimum speed, a thin polymer protective film on the fibers can deteriorate. Therefore, if it is time to wash special clothes, it is better not to find a manual way for this.

Follow these rules during the process:

  • Before washing clothes from the membrane, be sure to check the contents of the pockets and remove all items. Even a forgotten coin can damage the fabric.
  • All buttons, zippers and buttons must be closed and snapped. It will also help to avoid mechanical damage.
  • If you are very worried that unclosed fasteners can scratch the membrane, then tape them over.
  • The patch fur, if any, must be unfastened.

Important! When collecting water in a container, make sure that its temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Never immerse clothing in boiling water. Dilute the washing gel for membrane clothing strictly in the proportion indicated on the package. An insufficient amount of the product can lead to the fact that not all contaminants are removed, the excess gel will have to be rinsed for a long time. Laundry soap should be grated directly into a container of water.

  • Immerse clothes in water slowly and wash them with gentle movements; physical efforts are useless here.
  • To delay the process is also not worth it. Long-term contact with water, as we have said, impairs the protective properties of the membrane film.

Important! Many people wonder how to wash a membrane jacket if it has severe contamination. Manufacturers of such clothes claim that this can be done with a brush, but only with a soft pile.

  • After removing all dirt, rinse your clothes thoroughly in cool water. It is better to do this several times to completely remove the gel for washing membrane clothes.
  • To remove excess water, let it simply drain and then wrap it in a towel.

In such a simple way you can clean all your things from the membrane tissue from dirt. It’s not worth washing everything right away to reduce their time in the water.


Car wash

If the fabric of your “breathing” jacket is strong enough, then the manufacturer must have indicated this on the label. If there is a designation that washing membrane clothes in the washing machine is allowed, then this greatly simplifies the process. The rules for using not a powder, but a gel for washing membrane clothes, while no one canceled:

  • If the jacket or trousers have very dirty areas, you can pre-moisten them with dishwashing liquid, but not for long.
  • When washing membrane clothes in a washing machine, a heavy load cannot be allowed. With it, the friction of the membrane on other things will increase. It is best to wash the membrane jacket in a half empty drum.
  • In the spinning process, especially at high speeds, there is a strong friction of clothes on the drum of the machine. And, as we said above, the membrane will not be able to withstand such an intense exposure.
  • When washing a membrane jacket or trousers, it is better to set the air conditioner aside. This fabric does not need. Do not forget about it.

Many new-made owners of such clothes ponder the question for a long time: in what mode to wash a membrane jacket? If you are one of them, then keep ready-made answers:

  • It is better to wash membrane clothes in a washing machine on delicate mode.
  • Ideal is the choice of the Silk or Hand Wash mode.

Important! Spin should immediately turn off why - we have already explained. Do not forget to make sure that the water temperature is not higher than 30 degrees.

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After you have successfully solved the issue of how to wash clothes from the membrane, and removed excess moisture with the help of towels, you should not relax. Moody material requires special conditions for drying:

  • There should be a draft in the room where the clothes will dry.
  • The membrane must not be dried on or near heating appliances.
  • Also, the material should not be hung in the sun. After such an effect on the tissue, spots from burning out will remain, which can no longer be removed.
  • After the washing of the membrane clothes in the washing machine is completed, the jacket or pants should be placed on a horizontal plane to smooth out all the folds, and then hang on the shoulders. The hood is best dried separately.

Important! Neither after washing the membrane clothes in the washing machine, nor before, can not be ironed. Neither with steam, nor through a thin cloth.

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Care and storage

After washing the membrane clothes in the washing machine, the right moment comes for processing the material with special impregnations, because the initial layer of processing has the property to be washed. Determining that this happened is pretty simple:

  • If raindrops stopped rolling off the surface of a jacket or pants and she began to get wet;
  • If in such clothes you are often in the sun;
  • If abrasions appear on the jacket;
  • If washing membrane clothes in the washing machine has been carried out several times already.


In many household chemical stores or specialized clothing, you can find special water-repellent impregnations designed exclusively for the membrane. It can be both spice and aerosols.Fluorine is necessarily added to their composition.

Using this tool, you can restore the water-repellent properties of a thing. Also, such sprays prevent excess dirt from entering the pores of the material and become an excellent prevention against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Important! For different types of materials, there are various special tools. Grangers Extreme Wash-in impregnations are designed to give water-repellent and windproof properties to clothing. And the Grangers Extreme Wash-in impregnation will help to increase the resistance to trousers or a jacket to pollution.


Impregnation after washing the membrane clothes in the washing machine is carried out according to the instructions on the packaging of the drug. There are two possible options that will give the same effect:

  1. Spray the composition on the surface of the jacket or pants, leave them to dry completely.
  2. Soak the clothes in a clean composition without adding water, soak for a while and then dry things.

Important! Processing with special agents should be carried out only after washing the membrane clothes in the washing machine. Otherwise, the composition will simply be washed off with particles of dirt.


Clothing made of a membrane requires not only gentle washing, but also the observance of certain storage conditions:

  • rooms with high humidity in membrane clothing are contraindicated, the fabric will not only actively absorb moisture, but also dust;
  • This special fabric has the ability to absorb strong odors, so you need to exclude its storage in such places.
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About how to wash a jacket with a membrane, you need to find out more when buying clothes. Otherwise, trying to get rid of contaminants, you can spoil such an interesting tissue, consisting of pores. They protect you from bad weather conditions, but they themselves need protection - from long contact with water and aggressive cleaning agents. Remember that when hand or machine washing, always use only gel for washing membrane clothes. And after the jacket or trousers have dried, it is worth processing them with special compounds.


