How to wash a backpack?

Many people use backpacks for the convenience of carrying their things: students, schoolchildren, tourists, people who just go shopping, go to work, go on a picnic. A backpack is much more convenient and ergonomic than bags, bags. How to wash a backpack? - An urgent topic for those who prefer a similar type of bags. We will help you figure it out in this article.

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Varieties of backpack

Initially, a backpack was considered a backpack for a long transfer of goods behind. The army satchel was the forefather of our modern backpacks. Since then, much has changed in them - fabric, structure, weight, capacity. Now there are many types of backpacks of various types and each such product needs its own care.

Types of backpacks:

  • Military.
  • Tourist.
  • Climbing.
  • School, student.
  • Bicycle or for a motorcycle (there are shoulder and luggage).
  • Urban.

Important! If you have such a thing for everyday use, you may want to change its design from time to time. We suggest you use the most fashionable and interesting ideas that we have collected in this article."How to decorate a backpack?".

Types of backpacks:

  • Soft - in the form of a bag with straps. This is a backpack designed to carry small in size and weight. They are used by students, older students, other people in everyday life.
  • Semi-rigid (anatomical). These backpacks have inserts made of metal or polyethylene foam in the part adjacent to the back (“stiffener plate”) and a waist belt. It can be tourist backpacks, school bags.
  • Hard (easel). They have a suspension system consisting of an aluminum or titanium frame plus a fabric belt. They can hold cargo up to 130 liters. The straps are attached to the frame. As a rule, these are tourist, climbing backpacks.

Important! If you are planning a new thing for a child or yourself in the near future, our detailed tips will come in handy:

Based on the type of backpack, the material of its manufacture, a method is determined how to wash the backpack correctly.

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How to wash a backpack in a washing machine?

Many people wonder if backpacks can be washed in a washing machine. There is no definite answer, because it all depends on its type.

Important! This type of cleaning is recommended for urban, student, school backpacks that do not have built-in rigid structures.

A backpack is a thing quite resistant to pollution, as manufacturers try to use strong, non-marking fabrics. But as a rule, we carry in them not only a wallet, textbooks, a handkerchief, but also a snack, tea in a thermos. Schoolchildren stain backpacks with chalk, ink, sandwiches, and can even ride them on an ice slide. So, whatever one may say, you will have to wash your backpack at least once a year. Machine wash perfectly saves time, but just put the bag in a household appliance does not work. You must follow certain rules and know exactly how to wash the backpack in the washing machine.


  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the product label and make sure that machine wash does not harm it. And also see which stain removers are suitable for cleaning the bag.

Important! If the label on the backpack indicates that it can be washed in a washing machine, but it has defects or scuffs, then it is better to wash such a bag by hand. The washing process and the spin will accelerate the wear of the item.

  1. Inspect all compartments and pockets, remove all objects from the farthest corners.

Important! For reliability, you can even vacuum the inside of a backpack.

  1. Remove all detachable and pull-out elements (buckles, key chains, orthopedic inserts and more).
  2. Open all the zippers and locks so that the interior is well washed.
  3. Treat the most contaminated areas with a brush (you can use an old toothbrush), a sponge, laundry soap and a mild chlorine-free stain remover. Pay special attention to the inside corners of your pockets, where a huge amount of small particles of dirt accumulate.

Important! It is advisable to first try stain remover on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue and make sure there is no negative reaction.

  1. If the backpack is very saturated with unpleasant odors (especially bags from polyester), then you can pre-treat it with a solution of table vinegar and baking soda. This method will remove the bad ambra.
  2. If you wash a regular backpack bag, then put it in an old pillowcase and place it in the drum of the washing machine. Add some other rags to the drum for better friction.
  3. If you are thinking about the question of whether it is possible to wash a school backpack in a washing machine, the answer will be the same as for the other type of backpacks. In the case when it is necessary to clean the molded school backpack, then stuff it with rags or foam rubber so that it does not lose shape when washing in a car.
  4. Use liquid detergentso that after washing there are no stains on the fabric - it is better rinsed.

Important! If there is no liquid laundry detergent on the household, wash with ordinary powder, but use a smaller portion.Calculation examples from the article will help you more accurately deal with the dosage. “How much powder to pour into a washing machine?”.

  1. Wash in a delicate mode, at a water temperature of up to 40 degrees, without spin.

Important! Ordinary shapeless backpacks bags can be pressed, but only at low speeds.

  1. After washing, hang the backpack upside down so that water better flows from pockets and compartments. It should be dried naturally.

Important! Make sure that there is no moisture left inside, otherwise - mold will start and there will be a difficult to remove smell of dampness.

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How to wash a backpack manually?

How to wash a briefcase, school bag or easel backpack? Backpacks that are not machine washable for one reason or another will have to be washed manually. These are satchels and backpacks with built-in orthopedic construction, (tourist and climbing).

And the point is not that they will not fit into the drum of the machine due to the built-in metal elements. Easel backpacks have one feature: the materials from which they are made do not require frequent washing.

  1. Modern high-tech fabrics that are used for sewing these products have excellent water-repellent properties and high wear resistance. This is achieved thanks to synthetic fibers, as well as special coatings and impregnations. For example, these are fabrics such as Cordura, Oxford, Avisent. Components of washing powder, such as enzymes, enzymes, bleaches and some other components, can reduce the water-repellent properties of the fabric.
  2. In addition, these fabrics have a membrane structure, so detergents are very difficult to rinse after washing. And if the powder remains inside, then this threatens not only with whitish stains on matter, but also an allergy to the skin after long contact with the remnants of washing powder.

Important! Manufacturers recommend washing tourist and mountaineering backpacks only if absolutely necessary.

If the pollution is not catastrophic, then you can simply wipe the dirty places with a damp cloth or brush. But if your favorite backpack has acquired a completely terrifying look, you will have to wash it.


  1. Check all compartments for lost items, unfasten pockets and unfasten all removable parts.
  2. Pour lukewarm water into the bathtub, add liquid detergent and stir.

Important! You can also use a simple laundry soap.

  1. Immerse the backpack in the bathroom so that the water completely covers it.

Important! The schoolbag can be soaked for half an hour.Other types of backpacks are not recommended to soak.

  1. First, treat stains and contaminated areas with a sponge and brush.

Important! It should be rubbed without strong pressure so as not to damage the structure of the fabric.

  1. Rinse your backpack very carefully, best with a shower.
  2. Dry it well in a natural way, preferably in a suspended form, upside down.

Important! If drying on the street, then it is better to do it in the shade. The schoolbag can be dried horizontally, stuffed with bundles of newspapers so that it does not lose shape.

  1. Check all pockets and corners. Do not hide the backpack until at least some moisture remains, otherwise - these places will be covered with mold and an unpleasant odor will appear.

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Useful recommendations:

  • If you have an expensive model, especially a mountaineering or a tourist one, and you are not sure whether it is possible to wash a backpack, it is better to contact a dry-cleaner. There they will bring him into proper shape without sad consequences.
  • If your backpack is made of leather, suede or vinyl - do not wash it. Maximum - it can be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Straps and straps are most contaminated in a backpack. They are easier to wash separately. If possible, disconnect and wash with detergent and a brush. If they are sewn, hang the backpack over the basin and wash them without touching the rest.
  • If the backpack with rivets and other metal decorations - it is not recommended to wet it completely. Otherwise, rust spots will go along the fabric, and the rivets themselves will take on an unsightly appearance. It remains only to clean the contaminated places with a damp sponge, and polish the metal to a shine with a soft cloth.
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Now, knowing how to wash a school backpack, a tourist backpack and its other types, you will do everything right and do not damage the fabric and elements on it. So - such a convenient bag will serve you and will look attractive for a very long time.

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