How to wash underpants in a washing machine?

It is quite difficult to choose underwear that is perfect, even with such a variety of models as now. But the very necessary and comfortable underwear is selected, the question of leaving is already arising. I really do not want to spoil a new favorite thing, right? That is why the question of how to wash underpants in the washing machine and in what mode or program to speed up the process and do it simultaneously with the processing of other wardrobe items is very relevant.

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General rules

Before proceeding to care for a particular linen, it is necessary to learn the basic rules for working with any products of this purpose. To properly wash underwear and not harm neither the material nor your health, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Be sure to wash new laundry before first wear. This is especially important for dark fabrics, which often add excess dye.
  2. In the first few washings, it is not recommended to set the temperature above 40 degrees Celsius so that underwear does not lose its color.
  3. To prevent things from twisting during washing, do not load too many products into the machine. The most optimal drum loading is half or maximum by ¾. For more detailed recommendations on calculating the number of things per 1 cycle, see the article “Weight of laundry”.
  4. The use of bleaching agents is not recommended - this can damage the delicate structure of the fabric. In addition, not all of them are rinsed out, and underwear is in direct contact with the delicate skin of your body. As a result, an allergic reaction can occur during socks. Cotton underwear can be boiled to get rid of dullness and yellowness. How to do it right - read in our special publication “Boiling laundry”.
  5. Do not soak laundry before washing. This can only be done when the fabric has thoroughly worn out and the appearance of your underpants is gray, yellow or dull. This, accordingly, does not add appeal - neither to the subject of your wardrobe, nor to yourself.

Important! If you’re thinking about washing your baby’s clothes, you might also find tips useful. how to remove yellow spots from underpants.

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How to wash underwear from different materials?

Is it possible to wash panties in a washer or is it better to wash it manually? It is possible to wash underpants in the washing machine, but it is only necessary to take into account the composition of the material in order to choose the correct mode.


It is recommended to wash colored cotton linen at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees Celsius. There are no such requirements for white linen, even an analog of boiling can be set up to 95 degrees. The main thing - do not forget about a gentle detergent, ideally - baby powder. In general, such a tool is useful when cleaning and many other things, so it will not be superfluous to have at home one pack for such cases. And our quality will help you to choose baby powder rating.

Important! It is desirable to iron the cotton while still wet, since after complete drying it is quite problematic to carry out this process.


Silk does not like high temperatures. Hand wash in cool water is ideally suited for this material (absolutely no panties should be twisted during the spin cycle).

But if you decide to wash your underpants in a washing machine, set the delicate mode at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or select the special “silk” mode, which is available in many modern models of washing equipment.

To return the brightness of the color, you can rinse such linen in a vinegar solution - about 1 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter.

Important! It is possible to iron silk linen only from the front side after full drying.


Hand-wash at a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius, spin without twisting and natural drying will also be useful for synthetic laundry.

Important! If there is no way to wash delicately underwear (for example, during a trip), it is enough to just go to the shower to take a shower. Shampoo can refresh panties and a bra, but will do it very gently.

These were tips on how to wash your underpants in a washing machine.

Important! The requirements for bras are the same, but do not forget to put them in a special bag and fasten them before washing. This will help not to unravel a huge ball of tangled linen and to maintain the integrity of the bones that maintain the shape of the breast.

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Recommendations for storing underwear:

  1. Separate bras from panties. Can make comfortable DIY underwear organizers.
  2. Distribute the laundry so that things on everyday wear are closer than the laundry “on the way out”.
  3. Fasten your bras before folding them in a drawer. For compactness it is recommended to put their cup in a cup.
  4. Long clothes, such as combinations and corsets, are best stored on a special soft hanger in the closet.

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Helpful hints:

  1. If blood stains appear on white or colored underpants, first rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold, in no case hot, water. Then - lather well with soap and leave in this form for 30-40 minutes. All traces of an unforeseen “accident” will disappear.
  2. You can whiten cotton underwear and get rid of dullness, yellowness, dull color by boiling. For other tissues, a solution of ammonia with warm water is suitable - 1-3 tbsp is enough. l about 3-5 liters per basin.
  3. If you do not have time for a manual procedure and intend to constantly wash your underpants and other underwear in the washing machine, pick up things so that there are no outerwear, large pants, sweaters among them. It is better to combine with small everyday things - tights, T-shirts, T-shirts, bath towels, etc.
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We hope you are convinced that there is nothing complicated in washing underwear in the washing machine. The main thing is to choose the right washing parameters and stick to them when cleaning different products. And clean and beautiful linen is always the key to self-confidence that everyone around you will feel.


