How to wash a camel blanket?

In the manufacture of warm blankets and blankets, they often resort to the use of camel wool. It can be used both as a basis for a blanket, and as a filler. Such a coat warms remarkably and is capable of not wearing out for a long time, which makes it possible to use such a blanket for quite a long time. Knowing the rules for caring for the product will answer the question of how to wash a camel blanket so that it will please its owner for a long time. And you will learn from this article.

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Camel hair and its properties

The camel's hair has a fairly light structure, perfectly retains the heat that comes from the human body. Such textiles are not electrified, do not absorb dust and other impurities. In addition, these products have a long service life.

Important! Products made of camel wool are considered medicinal. They are used to improve blood circulation and pain in the joints. Lanolin, which covers every wool, has antiseptic properties. Using such medical blankets or blankets, you can stay healthy longer.

Among the well-known advantages of camel hair are the following:

  • It keeps heat well;
  • Provides a comfortable sleep;
  • It is breathable;
  • Light weight;
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • It has good hygroscopic properties;
  • Improves the health of those who sleep under it.

Important! Many doctors recommend, in addition to blankets made of camel wool, to purchase pillows filled with the same material. The healing effect of such kits is much better.

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How to wash a camel wool blanket?

The most difficult thing is to choose the right detergent, because the final result will depend on this. Ordinary washing powder will not work here, because:

  • he erases the duvet cover himself, but the structure of the coat is likely to damage;
  • it is very difficult to rinse.

In order not to create problems for yourself, buy a detergent for washing wool products in a hardware store, only when buying, pay attention that it contains an extract of lanolin. This natural enzyme envelops wool fibers and maintains their condition. Great for laundry detergent Weasel.

A camel wool blanket can be washed in a washing machine, but manual washing is still preferable, because not every machine can withstand such loads. The fact is that the wool has a hollow structure, which is why it absorbs too much water. There are two solutions: either hand wash, or cut the blanket into pieces, and then sew it back.

Important! Before washing, be sure to look at the label, as a rule, manufacturers give recommendations on how to wash this product. This information is presented as characters - decoding can greatly facilitate the whole process.


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Washing machine

Despite the fact that most manufacturers prohibit washing their products in washing machines, experienced housewives claim that this procedure can still be performed, but adhering to some rules:

  • Use only the profile mode of the washing machine - “Wool”. Even tame and delicate wash may spoil the appearance of the product. Water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Detergent is taken in small quantities - it is best to take a liquid powder with enzymes.
  • It is advisable to turn off the spin altogether, otherwise - your blanket may turn into a shapeless rag.
  • Softeners and conditioners, bleaches and color fixers - all this is strictly prohibited. If an unpleasant odor emanates from the product, then it is better to ventilate it well or, in extreme cases, soak in a weak solution of vinegar.
  • Rinsing in the washing machine can be carried out no more than once. If it seems to you that traces of detergent remain on the material, it is better to rinse it additionally in the bath manually.

Important! The main disadvantage of using a washing machine is that it will only wash a small blanket, for example, a baby. A large object simply does not fit in the drum or stops it after getting wet. Sometimes it’s better to not risk it and carry out all the manipulations manually.

If in the process of processing the shape of the blanket has changed, then it is almost impossible to restore it.

Important! In no case should you wash items made of camel wool in hot water so that it sits down. This approach will only spoil the blanket and reduce its level of functionality.

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Even the manual type of washing with its frequent use can adversely affect the condition of a camel wool product. In order to reduce risks, the following rules should be strictly adhered to:

  • Pour warm water into the bath; its temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Dissolve gel detergents in a liquid, but it is not necessary to whisk water until a foam appears.

Important! Powders for washing any natural wool are not recommended.

  • Soak the blanket in the prepared liquid for several hours. During soaking, it can only be carefully turned over without squeezing, squeezing or twisting.
  • Then drain the water, wait until all liquid has drained from the product. Getting the item out of the bath is prohibited. Pour water again at the same temperature, but without detergent. Turn the material slightly over, after a couple of minutes drain the liquid again.
  • Next, gently squeeze the wool and send it to dry. The drying process should take place in a well-ventilated area on a horizontal surface.

Dry wash

In addition, the blanket can be washed dry. For this, as a rule, use special means based on lanolin:

  1. They must be diluted in cool water according to the instructions and beat until a thick foam. Our tool will help you find the right tool. dry cleaners rating.
  2. Then the foam is applied to the surface of the blanket and the fabric is cleaned.

Important! It is impossible to apply the liquid itself to the product - only foam, otherwise - spots will remain, and the fibers will be deformed.

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How to wash a camel plaid?

It is much easier to care for a camel blanket than for a blanket. The conditions are actually the same:

  • The temperature is not more than 30 degrees, and detergents - exclusively for woolen products.
  • Squeezing a blanket is strictly prohibited, so if you erase it in the washing machine, the spin function must be disabled.
  • After washing, hold the blanket in place so that the glass water.
  • In addition, it can be rolled up like a roll in a terry towel to soak excess moisture.
  • Dry in the straightened position, can be hung by the edges.
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As you can see, not everything is as complicated as it seemed, it is just necessary to observe certain parameters of the extraction, the choice of means, temperature, rinse, drying. And then you can wash the camel blanket without any problems.

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