What powder to wash a down jacket?

One of the most convenient and practical options for winter outerwear is a down jacket. But like any other fabric thing, it has the property of becoming dirty, and you should definitely know what kind of powder to wash the down jacket, because not only the cleanliness of the product, but also its appearance and thermal properties depend on it. An improperly selected product will reduce the life of a down coat, and instead of several seasons, you can not carry one. Manufacturers unanimously insist on the ban on washing such jackets at home, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford dry cleaning services. Therefore, people still circumvent the prohibitions and successfully learn how to do their own washing at home. About what powder to wash a down jacket in a washing machine, how to do it so as not to spoil the thing, is discussed in detail in this article.
to contents ↑Preparing a down jacket for washing
Washing a down jacket at home should begin with an examination and preparation.
- First of all, carefully inspect the coat and identify all the problem areas. They will have to pay a little more attention, wash more thoroughly.
- All removable inserts and parts should be unfastened. The remaining fur and accessories must be protected with the help of tight packaging from adhesive tape and plastic bags.
Important! Often the color of the inserts and removable parts does not match the main color of the product. Therefore, it is recommended to wash them separately.
- Check all pockets for foreign objects. During washing, they can stain the fabric or damage it in another way.
What powder to wash a down jacket?
Before proceeding directly to the washing process, you need to select a powder. The right choice will help to avoid many problems and troubles. So, is it possible to wash the down jacket with ordinary powder?
Important! The formation of stains and lumps of filler on the fabric is very often associated with poor-quality and inappropriate washing powder.
Basic rules for choosing a detergent:
- First of all, it is necessary to abandon the use of conventional multifunctional powders. Regardless of the selected mode of the washing machine, such a powder will give a plentiful foam that cannot completely rinse out of dense material.
Important! Often, even repeated rinsing will not correct the situation - stains and ugly stripes remain on the fabric
- The second common problem when choosing a detergent is insufficient cleansing and bleaching. Due to the high probability of damage to the material and filler, potent chemical bleaches and stain removers are not allowed at home. Therefore, the detergent should be as effective as possible.
Important! Many people use foam from household soap, combining it with special-purpose powder. Such a combination cleans even the most difficult and old spots and does not harm the filler, in particular the synthetic winterizer, which very often acts as a heater in winter clothes.
- You can return your original color to the white down jacket with a special detergent for washing light outerwear. You can also try to soak the jacket for 1-2 hours.
Important! Soak down products for a longer period of time is not worth it, as you can damage the natural or synthetic filler.
- Allowed to use liquid concentratesas well as detergents for washing in automatic machines. They can wash away any simple dirt and form less foam.
- To carry out hand washing, it is recommended to use mild shampoo and any natural-based products, for example, Castilian soap or a decoction of soap nuts.
Popular detergents for washing down jackets
Consider the most effective and popular means for cleaning down jackets:
- Down and Wool Wash is a laundry detergent from Woly Sport. It is well known to representatives of winter sports, in particular skiers. The product effectively cleanses warm clothes and prevents stalling, does not affect its fat cover, leaving the natural filler soft and supple.
- Gel Heitmann. Produced by the famous German manufacturer Brauns Heitman. The product is intended for washing sleeping bags and jackets with a natural filler. The gel contains lanolin - it creates a natural protection for fluff and feather.
Important! Before starting the wash, you should definitely study the method of application, which is indicated on the packaging of the gel. All rules must be observed: cool water no higher than 30 degrees, the washing machine should be set to the minimum spin speed and rinse thoroughly, for washing in the machine use 4-5 caps of the product, for hand washing - 1-2 caps per 10 liters of water.
- Balm Eco Nordland Sport. The liquid consistency product is made on a natural basis. With its help, wash down jackets, fabrics with moisture-proof impregnation, thermal underwear. Already at a temperature of 20 degrees the active components of the gel begin to act.
Important! According to customer reviews, 750 ml bottles last for 7 washing cycles of heavily soiled down jackets in hard water.
- Balm Domal Sport Fein Fashion. It is used to clean sportswear, shoes, and down products. The tool does not violate the waterproof properties of fluff, its shape and structure. Bright elements on the jacket retain their appearance, the impregnation remains as moisture-proof as at the time of purchase of the jacket.
Important! Balm is a means with a high concentration, so after washing the coat should be thoroughly rinsed.
- The liquid product “Profhim” is suitable for washing down pillows, blankets, jackets. It has all the necessary qualities: when washing does not affect the color of the product, does not change the properties of the upper fabric, does not dissolve the grease coating of feather and down.
Important! To remove the down jacket in the washing machine, you need an average of 50 ml of gel. The temperature of the water during washing should not exceed 40 degrees.
Removing stains from a down jacket
Before washing the entire down jacket in a washing machine, you must first remove all stains and remove heavily contaminated places. For this, experienced housewives use ordinary laundry soap without additives (brown).
Important! Any impurities and perfumes can adversely affect the filler and tissue.
Procedure for washing:
- Wet the soap and whip a small layer of foam on the bar.
- Apply foam with a sponge to areas that require cleaning.
- After that, load the down jacket in the washer and carry out a washing cycle.
Choosing the right detergent, and after preliminary cleaning of heavily soiled areas, you can go directly to the washing process in an automatic machine.
Cleaning the down jacket in the washing machine
Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine in the duvet mode, and if there is no such regime at all among household appliances programs, which one is better? After all, washing such voluminous things in a washing machine is much easier, and rinsing in it is much more efficient.So, how to wash the down jacket in the washing machine?
- Load one down jacket in the washing machine drum.
Important! It is not recommended to wash several items of outerwear together.
- Choose the most delicate washing mode available in the arsenal of equipment.
Important! Water temperature should not exceed the mark of 30 degrees.
- In addition, put in the drum of the machinespecial wash balls or 3-4 balls for tennis.
Important! In the process of washing, the balls will gently hit the surface of the down jacket, whipping it. Thus, the filler does not wobble. In addition, balls significantly increase the effectiveness of the detergent and help remove difficult soiling.
- Add detergent to the machine.
Important! If you use a special detergent for washing products with downy filler, then follow the instructions given by the manufacturer regarding the dosage. If you use the usual product, then the recommended amount for regular washing should be reduced by ¼.
- After completing the wash cycle, an additional rinse must be activated on the machine. This way you remove all remaining foam, and the balls will slightly fluff the product.
- After washing, remove the down jacket from the drum and begin to dry it.
Important! Depending on the quality and design of your outerwear, as well as personal preferences, you may also find useful information on how to paint a down jacket.
How to wash a down jacket manually?
Hand washing has its own characteristics. In order that the product does not change its color and does not fall off, it is necessary to wash very carefully, observing the list of mandatory rules.
Important! Particular attention should be paid to the most contaminated areas of the jacket. As a rule, this is a collar, cuffs and places near the seams. They need to be washed most thoroughly.
- In a basin or bath, draw warm water.
Important! Water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
- Add a detergent and help dissolve it completely.
- Dip the down jacket in the water, start washing with quick and easy movements.
Important! Try to keep the product horizontal at all times. This will save sintepuh or natural filler from excessive wetting.
- Rinse the product 3-4 times under running water.
- During the last rinse, a little fabric softener can be added to the water.
Important! Rinsing the down jacket during hand washing is the most important, time-consuming and complex process.
How to dry down products?
Now you know what powder to wash the down jacket in the washing machine, how - manually, how to perform these procedures. But to get the perfect result, this is not enough. You also need to know how to dry the product. The main task of this process is to prevent syntepuh or natural feather from falling into lumps.
Proper drying. Procedure:
- If after washing in any way a large amount of water remains on the product, then let it drain freely. To do this, you can hang the product on a coat hanger and leave it to drain in the bathroom.
- Place the product on a coat hanger close to a heat source.
Important! Hang the down jacket directly on the battery or expose it to direct sunlight. With these actions, you can burn the surface of the material.
- Every 2-3 hours you need to remove the product and shake it, thus contributing to a uniform distribution of the filler.
Important! After such actions, you will soon feel how a down jacket becomes more voluminous and fluffy.
- If you notice that the syntep is still falling, then it can be easily restored. To do this, lay the product on a flat surface and beat it with a stick. After that, you will need to work out the filler with your fingers, separating the remaining small lumps.
Important! If such measures did not lead to the separation of fallen down fluff, then the coat will need to be washed again in a machine with balls, but already without powder. Under the influence of balls wet feathers will straighten themselves.
- If you started a thorough cleaning of outerwear at the end of the season, also use the rules that we described in a separate article on how to store a down jacket. This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises with spots and stains on the material when you get it at the beginning of next winter.
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Washing a down jacket at home is not an easy task, but it is quite solvable. You should study in advance the question of which powder to wash the down jacket in the washing machine, and which - manually, in order to be ready for quick cleaning of the jacket. Remember that a winter coat will last much longer if you do not make it too dirty. A correctly selected product will help to clean the down jacket quickly and without negative consequences for clothing.