Balls for washing

Experienced housewives have in their arsenal a lot of different secrets and tricks, and they know for sure how to cope with certain household chores. Naturally, they already know some of the tools that help make the wash better. As a rule, they are added already during the washing process. But not all of them are good for health, as they can cause allergic reactions. There is one option that can be called the safest - balls for washing, which help to qualitatively wash clothes and not harm our health. In this article we will consider all the options for their opinions and learn how to use them correctly.

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What are wash balls?

Until recently, washing was considered the most complex process, causing a lot of difficulties for housewives. Thanks to the advent of automatic washing machines, everything has been greatly simplified - now you just need to load the laundry into the drum and add detergent.

But not all things, in particular the most soiled ones, wash well, even with such a wash, so you need to choose the right detergents. Unfortunately, phosphate powders, so popular today, are very harmful to human health, especially allergy sufferers.

Such an innovation as balls for washing clothes in a washing machine does not contain those very dangerous phosphates, and you can even wash children's things with them. By the way, they significantly increase the quality of washing. As a result of their use, we get absolutely clean and fresh linen that does not cause allergies.

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The benefits of washing with special balls

These laundry balls appeared on sale recently, but have already established themselves as one of the best detergents, and their indisputable advantages include the following:

  1. They are similar in size to tennis balls, therefore, while moving around the drum, they work on the principle of mechanical impact. Due to this, the consumption of air conditioning and powder is significantly reduced, so many generally refuse them.
  2. The laundry after such washing remains as bright and soft to the touch as it was originally.
  3. Do not cause allergies, as a result - such unpleasant phenomena as asthma and dermatitis.
  4. A large assortment of balls, which allows you to cope with such unpleasant phenomena as spools and fading.

Important! In addition to special balls, there are many more interesting devices for caring for things and the washing machine itself. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the reviews of some of them:

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Varieties of Laundry Balls

Modern household chemical stores offer a large selection of such balls, each of which is intended for a certain type of washing. By functionality, they are divided into several types:

  1. Tourmaline balls.
  2. For drying and washing.
  3. Balls for removing pellets.
  4. Magnetic balls.

Now consider each option separately to understand how and in which cases it is appropriate to use them.

Tourmaline balls

Such a tool is not cheap, rather, because of the uniqueness of its properties and development. Despite the high cost, such a ball for washing really helps to save money.You can wash for several years without using powder at all, that is, the process itself occurs without the addition of detergents.

Outwardly, they resemble a baby plastic rattle, and inside are small objects in the shape of a ball. They are made of ceramics, due to which these miracle balls so well cope with any pollution.

Important! Their properties can be explained as follows: balls located inside a large ball contain tourmaline and minerals that improve the quality of water during washing and disinfect. So, the resulting water is saturated with alkali, and when it comes into contact with dirty things, it begins to foam and remove dirt.

Used tourmaline balls for washing in this way:

  1. Before the first use, they must be held for some time in the sun so that they are charged with positive ions.
  2. After each use, let them dry completely.
  3. It is not recommended to use the washing mode with a temperature above 50 degrees.

Important! As some housewives note, these balls can cost in different ways - you just need to look carefully. But buying too cheap options is not worth it, because they will not have the necessary properties.

Remember that they are produced in South Korea and the creation process is expensive, hence the high price, so avoid buying Chinese fakes. They are sold, as a rule, in a set of two balls, the value of which does not fall below $ 75.

Balls for washing and drying

Outwardly, they resemble small balls, the surface of which is covered with pimples. That is why they are often called hedgehogs. They are sold in ordinary stores, where powders are.

Important! Their price is considered quite acceptable, in fact, so they are so popular.

They work like this:

  • Balls for washing are thrown into the drum with dirty laundry.
  • During the operation of the machine, they beat on things and allow air to circulate freely.
  • Their use allows several times to increase the quality of drying and washing.

Important! Most people who already use them in everyday life respond well enough to them, noting that these balls really help to remove complex spots and even tidy up things filled with fluff.

Balls for eliminating pellets

Such balls are made of polypropylene, and on the outside they have a large number of loops, which comb out woolen things and help prevent the formation of new spools.

They also collect fine fine garbage perfectly, and due to this, the filter installed in the drain pump is less likely to clog. They also cope well with pet hair, which deeply eats into the fibers of clothing. In general, only positive reviews can be found about them.

Important! To look after woolly things correctly, you can also read our following articles:

Washing balls with magnets

Magnetic balls for washing clothes in the washing machine - this is the best modern solution for people who care about their health. They are made only of natural materials and contain a magnet inside.

Important! Standard washing involves the use of at least six of these balls.

They work mechanically, that is, during washing they beat on things in the drum, thereby knocking out dust and dirt. The laundry is washed off remarkably due to the additional softening of the water.

Important! Their only minus, which does not particularly affect the choice of consumers, is noise during the washing process.

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Remember that buying any laundry balls is better in trusted stores that do not sell low-quality goods and fakes, because the health and safety of not only you personally, but also your loved ones is at stake.


