DIY fabric softener for a washing machine

It is so pleasant to use soft and fragrantly smelling laundry after washing. But modern rinsing agents are by no means expensive, and many of them have a dubious composition, although they give an amazing result. All these problems can be solved only in one way - to prepare a fabric softener with your own hands for the washing machine, which can be done without much difficulty. This will not take much of your time and will not require special financial investments, because you can easily find all the necessary components in your home.

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Why is it worth giving preference to a self-made fabric softener instead of a convenience store?

How often do you read information about the substances that make up store chemistry? In most cases, manufacturers add components that adversely affect the health of an adult, do not talk about the effects on sensitive skin and the body of children.

Important! 90% of household chemicals can be the cause of various diseases, ranging from simple allergies and ending with much more serious diseases, up to the onset of asthma and oncology.

How to be in this situation? How to give linen softness and a pleasant aroma and not harm your loved ones? In this situation, the only right decision is to replace the medium from advertising with an environmental and safe one. Every day more and more housewives use their own cooked product in the washing process to give the linen softness and freshness. Having made the fabric softener with your own hands, you will be completely confident in the quality and safety of the components of the product, and your clothes will acquire a natural pleasant aroma.

Important! The use of conditioners for things with antistatic properties significantly reduces the absorbent capacity of towels. In turn, the use of vinegar, on the contrary, improves the absorption of moisture.

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How to make fabric softener at home?

The idea of ​​making a do-it-yourself fabric softener balm significantly expands the possibility of experimenting with aromas. At the same time, the processed products remain soft, as after the application of expensive household chemicals.

Important! Before making a fabric softener, carefully read the recipe and the ingredients for its preparation, clearly observe the proportion of products.

Vinegar conditioner

Not sure how to replace the fabric softener at home? Use in this case a simple recipe from vinegar. Vinegar can rightly be called the most sought-after product in the kitchen cabinet. With it, you can also quickly deal with various impurities and can easily prepare a tool to soften your things.

It is a well-known fact that vinegar is an acid, and household laundry products are alkali. It is thanks to acid that vinegar easily removes soap residues, softens laundry, eliminates static on light tissues and at the same time serves as an antimicrobial agent.

Important! Do not mix vinegar with bleach. The interaction of these fluids forms toxic fumes that can harm your health.

Recipe number 1

If you do not want to bother with cooking, and you do not have essential oil, this recipe is for you.

Mode of application:

  1. Add a little vinegar to the washing machine immediately before rinsing in the AC compartment.
  2. After washing, leave the product to dry in the fresh air to eliminate the smell of vinegar.

Important! Using vinegar, you will simultaneously give the fabric softness and additionally sanitize products.

Recipe number 2:

  1. Prepare a deep container. Pour 4 liters of acetic acid into it.
  2. Add 20 drops of lavender essential oil to the same container.

Important! You can use any essential oil, following your tastes and preferences.

  1. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Mode of application:

  1. In the rinse machine, when fully loaded, add 1 cup of the prepared rinse aid.
  2. When washing colored clothes, or if the machine is not fully loaded, add half the recommended dose.

Important! Not observing the recommended proportions, you run the risk of getting smaller things as a result, because vinegar gives a little shrink to the tissues.

  1. Store rinse aid in a dark place, no more than 6 days.

Recipe number 3

To add additional softness and aroma to linen, you can prepare the following composition. Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare the product in the following proportions: 6 parts water, 3 parts vinegar and 2 parts hair conditioner.
  2. You can add aroma with the help of essential oil of your favorite aroma.
  3. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  4. Pour the conditioner into a container with dark glass and close tightly.
  5. Add the product to the rinse aid compartment with each wash half a cup.

Important! In addition to the fabric softener, you can prepare your own and safe means for the main wash. Read recipes in our publication “Do-it-yourself gel for washing”.

Baking soda

How to make a fabric softener at home without vinegar, because many of its smell is just annoying? Do not worry, there are many components that can easily replace this fluid. Let's look again in the kitchen cabinet. To prepare the fabric softener, we need soda. Due to its properties, it perfectly softens hard water and gives the fabrics a cloudy softness.

Recipe number 1

Soda can be used to soften tissues in their pure form, without any impurities. Before washing the rinse, add half a glass of baking soda to the washing machine.

Important! To completely dissolve the soda pellets, mix it with a small amount of water.

Recipe number 2

To prepare a fabric softener at home, you will need the following products:

  • Soda;
  • Warm water;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Essential oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare a small container, preferably plastic or enameled.

Important! Vinegar can react with the material of the dishes, which is not very desirable in the cooking process.

  1. Mix vinegar, baking soda and warm water in equal proportions.
  2. Mix thoroughly with a wooden or glass spoon.
  3. To add flavor to things, add a few drops of essential oil and mix thoroughly again.
  4. Pour the product into a container of darkened glass, tightly close the lid.
  5. Keep out of the reach of children.
  6. It is necessary to add to the washing machine during rinsing in a specially designed compartment for the air conditioner.

Important! If you decide to seriously fight for the ecology in your home and your health, then our other recipes based on improvised safe means will definitely come in handy for you:


I was exhausted by the search for the answer, how to make fabric softener at home for the machine? You can make the fabric soft, and also clean the fabric from fungus, ticks and molds using borax. Using it, your linen will become unusually gentle and pleasant to the skin. In addition, due to the associated softening of the water, stubborn stains can be removed more quickly and efficiently.

Before rinsing, add a quarter of a glass of borax to the washing machine.

Important! Use borax strictly in the specified proportions. Exceeding the recommended amount may subsequently cause allergies and skin irritation.


Regular table salt is great for softening things. An air conditioner made from salt will make the product structure soft, and the color more saturated, the composition will give the clothes an unforgettable aroma.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. In a small container, pour 4 cups of sodium chloride, carefully knead all the lumps.
  2. Add 20 drops of essential oil to the salt.

Important! The choice of oil depends on your preference. You can adjust the saturation of the smell by increasing or decreasing the number of drops.

  1. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly with a wooden spatula.
  2. Pour about 4 tablespoons into each rinse aid compartment with each wash.
  3. Keep the air conditioner in a dark place in a tightly closed container.
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How to replace fabric softener?

Not many people know the fact that using tennis balls during washing can completely replace expensive fabric softener. Such misuse of sports equipment contributes to the removal of static on artificial fabrics and a more effective cleaning of old spots.

Important! For the manufacture of balls rubber is used, which does not have a negative effect on tissues and the human body. The only drawback of this method is the mandatory activation of the special “drying” function in the washing machine. Without its presence in a household appliance, alas, the use of balls is ineffective.

Mode of application:

  1. Lower a few tennis balls into the dryer compartment of the washing machine.
  2. Lower the laundry to be softened.
  3. Rolling around things, the balls will automatically soften the material.

Important! Tennis balls can be safely used on delicate fabrics. Due to the soft surface, the product will not be damaged.

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As you can see, it is quite possible to make fabric softener at home with your own hands, while everything you need is always at your fingertips. You just have to choose the most convenient ingredients and smell suitable for all family members. Applying a fabric softener, prepared by yourself, you probably will not return to household chemicals, because such products are much cheaper, absolutely harmless, and the result is no worse than store liquids, positive feedback from people who have been using this product for a long time is proof of this.


