Can silk be washed?

Silk items have long been the most expensive, sophisticated and delicate. Although usually such clothes and accessories are not worn daily, still quickly enough after the purchase the question arises whether silk can be washed. It is possible to remove dirt, traces of cosmetics, stains from sweat and simply refresh such products by washing, but it should correspond to the refinement of the material itself, that is, be as delicate as possible. How exactly and how to wash silk, you will learn from this article.

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Hand wash or machine wash?

Before washing a silk blouse, it will not be out of place to make sure that she will withstand this procedure. To do this, you just need to clarify the composition of the material - is it artificial or natural fabric. Also, carefully study all the labels on the product - there are specific recommendations from the manufacturer of things that are desirable to observe during cleaning and preventive maintenance of the product. In this case, you will be sure that the favorite item of your wardrobe will not lose the brightness of colors, will not lose shape or will not creep into individual fibers after drying.

Can silk be washed?Based on what exactly you see on the label and the functionality of your household equipment, decide whether to wash silk manually or in a washing machine. In this regard, you can clarify a few standard tips for things from this material:

  1. Handwash. The most suitable option, if the product is very expensive, it does not have large spots, complex dirt and in general the subject of your wardrobe requires only to be refreshed.
  2. Machine washable. Despite all the assurances of manufacturers that it is absolutely impossible to expose silk to such processing, a reasonable compromise can be found. If you have one of the latest models of a washing machine, among the functionality of which the “Silk Wash”, “Hand Wash” modes are available, "Delicate wash", the question of whether it is possible to wash silk in a washing machine, is solved simply. Set the appropriate function and ease your home chores for clothing care.

Important! Nevertheless, it is advisable to load the item not immediately into the drum, but first into a specialcover for washing. So you will be sure that the thin fabric will not catch anywhere on the holes in the drum or on other details - buttons, locks of things that you plan to load at the same time with this delicate product.

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Silk Detergent

A few years ago on the market there was not such a wide range of detergents. For manual use of laundry soap was proposed, for machine - mainly offered universal or bleaching powders.

Today the situation has changed dramatically, which makes it possible for any consumer to choose the best-price detergent for washing any fabric, any color. When wondering how to wash silk, consider these recommendations:

  1. Give preference to liquid detergent, leave the powder for coarser and denser fabrics. Using such products, you do not have to use the additional rinse function, since the liquid concentrate is quickly rinsed out even after the first cycle.Liquid Laundry Detergents good not only because they dissolve much faster and less aggressively affect the tissue.
  2. Buy products only trusted brands, even inexpensive ones.So you will protect yourself from fakes, the harmful effects of chemistry and you will be sure that all stains are well removed.
  3. If you decide to wash with soap or other detergent for hand washing, do not use strongly alkaline formulations. They corrode the fibers and reduce the strength of your item. So, if you decide to wash the silk dress with this product, its service life will be significantly reduced.

Important! When considering offers on the household chemicals market, take a note of yourself that such detergents for washing silk receive good reviews:

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Silk Wash Options

Can silk be washed?It is not so important whether you decide to wash silk in a machine or manually, it is imperative that certain conditions for the proper processing of this material are observed. They are as follows:

  1. You can not do soaking for a long time - a maximum of 20 minutes, only in cool water.
  2. The temperature of the wash itself should not exceed 40 C, it is better to set at least 30 C.
  3. Eliminate very intense exposure to the fabric - do not rub it, do not twist it. If washing in a typewriter - turn off the spin mode altogether.
  4. If you know for sure that your tap water is hard enough, soften it first. To do this, ammonia or soda is suitable, which must be added 10 g per 1 bucket or 10 l of water, respectively.

Important! Dare to wash the silk in the washing machine, also exclude all functions such as pre-soaking, additional rinsing, automatic drying. It is better to dry such products in expanded form, in natural conditions at room temperature, away from any sources of artificial heat, and to iron - even slightly moist.

Failure to comply with these recommendations may result in:

  • shedding tissue;
  • product deformation;
  • fiber separation.
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Print spots

Of course, we always treat doubly carefully any delicate thing, but it is simply impossible to completely insure ourselves against the fact that you or your friend accidentally pour coffee, tea, drip with sauce. In this case, the most important thing is not to breed a panic and inconsolable sobs about the spoiled thing. As soon as you bought a product from silk, immediately take on your arsenal of several tools and methods of how to carefully remove stains of different origin from it.

We offer you a list of several of them that have been tested empirically:

  1. A mixture of starch and water - can discolor any stains, including removing greasy marks.
  2. Glycerin - copes with coffee and tea troubles.
  3. Liquid ammonia - removes stains of any origin, but in order to avoid discoloration of the fabric, it is better to dilute it with water in a proportion of 2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. water.

You can also use special chemical stain removers if you are sure that their price is justified by efficiency. For example, they have proven themselves excellently. Amway stain removers. In this case, be sure to follow the recommended exposure time and dosage suggested by the manufacturer of the product. To complete the wash, please also use our instructions to properly iron the silk.

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Now you are familiar with all the rules for washing silk and for sure you will not have any problems when caring for your favorite things. Always look elegant, beautiful, neat and be in a good mood in luxurious dresses and silk blouses!

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