Membrane Laundry Detergent

Due to the constant development of modern technologies, new materials with high quality characteristics regularly appear on the market. One of these latest innovations is membrane tissue. A large number of things are made from it, in particular, clothes. She earned special popularity among athletes. Also, many parents prefer children's things made of membrane fabric. In this article, we will find out not only why it is so popular and what advantages it has, but also learn how to choose a detergent for washing membrane clothes. And also consider methods for caring for such things and proper storage.
to contents ↑What is membrane tissue?
The membrane is the thinnest film with small openings. Due to this unique structure, moisture does not penetrate into the material, but skin fumes are well removed.
On sale there is a two-layer and three-layer membrane fabric, supplemented by a layer of laminated knitwear. Water-repellent impregnation does not allow water to be absorbed into the fabric, so it simply rolls in the form of drops. Thanks to this impregnation, the load on the membrane is reduced and protection against getting wet is provided.
Unfortunately, during washing, this protective impregnation is gradually washed out, of course, this does not immediately negatively affect the properties of the membrane, but over time they can deteriorate. Therefore, it will be appropriate to learn how to properly wash such a fabric.
to contents ↑Important! With membrane clothing, it is best to wear special things that enhance its effect. Read about how to choose one in our separate publication. "Which thermal underwear is better?".
How does the membrane work?
To understand how to wash membrane clothes in the washing machine, so as not to spoil it, you need to understand how it differs from other types of linen. The main properties of this material are:
- The membrane does not let water through and due to this it practically does not get wet, that is, in such clothes you can safely go outside in rainy weather.
- Despite its density and water resistance, it breathes well and does not create a greenhouse effect under clothing. That is, it is not hot in it, and you will not have to sweat in it.
- This material is also not blown, so even in windy weather in such things will be warm and comfortable.
- The membrane is incredibly light, so it does not need to be additionally insulated with fluff.
Important! Such clothes are expensive, so you need to carefully consider the choice of detergents for washing membrane clothes and care for them, so as not to spoil them completely.
How and what is better to wash membrane clothes?
Before deciding on the method of washing, it is necessary to choose the right detergent. Unfortunately, ordinary powder here will be inappropriate and the usual washing regime, by the way, too.
Important! If we use the usual detergent for us, then the membrane will simply clog with small particles and stop, as before, let in air and turn into the most ordinary rubberized fabric.
It is recommended to produce a wash with the help of specialized means and exclusively at the most gentle mode. These funds include:
- Laundry soap.No matter how funny it may sound, but it really is, because it is an ideal tool for washing the membrane, but it can only be used for hand washing. If you want to use it in a washing machine, then you need to according to proven recipes make a special gel from laundry soap.
- Denkmit Fresh Sensation is a gel for washing membrane clothes, which has an acceptable cost, while it perfectly launders. Its only minus is the lack of water-repellent impregnation, due to which he could extend the life of such things.
- Doman Sport Fein Fashion is a special balm for washing sportswear. Even after numerous washes, membrane clothes still remain of the same quality.
- Perwoll Sport & Active is the most popular liquid for washing any clothes, including membrane. In its consistency, it resembles a shower gel.
Important! It is forbidden to wash things from membrane tissue with chlorine-containing products, because they are able to burn it and completely destroy its unique properties.
Washing membrane clothes
And yet, how to properly wash such things so that they remain so high-quality and waterproof? You can do this either manually or with a washing machine.
And now more about each option:
- Clothing made of membrane fabric may well be washed by hand. First you need to thoroughly wet things, take a special detergent and rub them thoroughly with a cloth. Then rinse under a stream of warm water, and you're done.
- Membrane clothes can also be washed in the machine, but in this case you need to be as careful as possible, otherwise you can spoil it. Large items are recommended to be washed separately. Then we select the most gentle mode, for example, wool, manual, delicate wash or a program for sportswear. Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, and you can safely run the program.
to contents ↑Important! In the case of using a washing machine to wash the membrane fabric, it is forbidden to use the spin mode, otherwise it can be severely damaged.
Rules for drying clothes from the membrane
In addition to the mandatory washing rules, there are recommendations regarding the proper drying of membrane clothing:
- The room where it will be dried should be well ventilated.
- It must not be allowed to get very hot.
- After washing, each item needs to be properly spread on a horizontal surface and smooth each crease.
- The place of drying should be as far as possible from the radiators.
- It is forbidden to hang such things out on the street, because under the influence of sunlight, white spots may appear on them, which can no longer be removed.
Membrane Clothing Care
We have already figured out how and how to wash membrane clothes in the washing machine and manually, but it is also important to know how to take care of it so that it retains its properties for as long as possible.
You can find special impregnations for membranes with moisture repellent properties at a household chemistry store. They are released in liquid form and in the form of sprays. Regularly using such means, you can restore the properties of your clothes, thereby preventing the negative effects of sunlight and the penetration of dirt deep into the fabric.
Important! When is it better to start using such impregnations? If you notice, for example, that the water has stopped rolling off the surface of your pants or jacket. Or they saw that the fabric began to get wet.
There are two options for applying special impregnation:
- In the first case, it is recommended to simply spray the composition on the surface of the clothing and leave it until it is completely dry.
- In the second case - you need to soak in the purchased composition things for the time specified in the instructions.
to contents ↑Important! Both options are considered quite effective, but these procedures should be done only after washing, so as not to re-engage in restoring their properties. It is also important to comply with the recommended dosage, because if you overdo it, you can bring the fabric into disrepair.
Membrane Storage Recommendations
Clothing made of membrane fabric and stored properly:
- In no case can it be folded or twisted.
- It is better to put it in covers, hang on the shoulders.
Important! By the way, you can do it yourself make a cover for clothes according to simple instructions.
- Before you hide such clothes in a closet, you must first wash it, soak it.
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If you follow all the above rules and recommendations, then such things can be worn for years, feeling warm, comfortable and not regretting the purchase.