Washing clothes for newborns

Surely, everyone knows that washing clothes for newborns is not like washing clothes for adults. Baby romper, diapers, etc. must be washed correctly. What does it look right on? To answer this question straight away is not so difficult, but long enough, so we decided to offer this article as an answer. In it, you will find information on washing clothes of newborns in the machine and manually, as well as some useful tips that relate to caring for baby clothes.
to contents ↑Before washing
Before you start washing diapers and other things of newborns, they must be prepared. Some negligent mothers dump vests, diapers, sliders with one lump into a laundry basket, and after a few days they throw everything together in a washing machine, sometimes along with adult laundry, and wash all this with an ordinary washing powder for an automatic machine.
And the right thing to do is to:
- Diapers and clothes, while urine, feces and other impurities have not dried up on them, rinse thoroughly in cold water. If rinsed in warm, then traces of feces will remain on the fabric.
Important! If you don’t have time to rinse your baby’s things in cold water, put them in a basin of cold water and rinse when time appears.
- After rinsing thoroughly, take good baby soap and rub them with all the dirt you see. Try to rub with soap on both sides - this way the dirt will become better and then it will leave during washing.
- Fold wet things with soap in a basin. You do not need to pour water. In this form, they can lie down for the washing itself, which you spend after a couple of hours.
to contents ↑Important! It is categorically impossible to keep the diapers wet for days and nights.
Soap or powder?
Things of newborn babies, as a rule, have pollution of biological origin, which are removed without any problems and without the use of super effective powders. It is best to wash such clothes by hand with a piece of baby soap. But, of course, a large number of children's things can be washed in an automatic machine. In this case, a lump soap will not work and you will have to use a children's hypoallergenic powder, on the packaging of which there should be a mark that allows use in the washing machine.
Currently, there are a lot of such powders in the household chemicals market, for example: Vish Baby, Frau Schmidt Ocean Baby, Garden Kids. Finding them is easy, but you need to be careful: before buying a powder, be sure to read its composition. If it contains phosphates, surfactants, zeolites in large quantities, then you should refrain from such a purchase - they are not suitable for diapers of newborns.
Important! If you do not trust the powder manufacturers or you have a tight money, you can make a safe tool yourself - this is also a good option, albeit more time-consuming. See the article for step-by-step recipes."Do-it-yourself washing powder".
In a washing machine or manually?
After rinsing, rubbing the baby’s clothes with soap and picking up a high-quality powder for washing, you can proceed directly to washing.
If you have the desire and time, you can wash the laundry manually in a basin of water. Of course, hand washing is troublesome, but economical.You are not wasted on a large amount of water, nor on electricity, nor on expensive powder for newborns, because you can wash your hands with ordinary baby soap.
Important! “Poop and stags” is better to wash in cold water, but I would like to keep my joints safe, so wash at a water temperature of 15-18 degrees - do not put ice water into the basin, because health is more expensive.
Dip baby clothes in a bowl of water and rinse it intensively. Things previously rubbed with soap, first remember and rub, then rinse, and then rub again with soap and squeeze again. After the next rinse, most likely, you will be able to get rid of all the impurities, if the result did not satisfy you, repeat the procedure.
Machine washable
Washing clothes for newborns in a washing machine should also be carried out in a special way:
- Put in the drum of the machine a sufficient number of things for the baby. If there are very few things, an imbalance can occur, too much - an overload. If you can’t calculate the right amount, use the rules and tips from our publication. “Weight of laundry”.
- Open the powder container and pour the required amount of detergent into the main wash cuvette.
Important! You can not fill in the air conditioner or pour “Kalgon” and similar products.
- Close the hatch and the cuvette. Select the appropriate wash program. For example, a quick wash 30-40 minutes. At what temperature should I wash? Everything is simple here - choose washing clothes in cold water.
- If your machine has a double rinse mode, select it and start washing; if there is no such rinse mode, you will have to start the repeated rinse manually. It is very important that all detergent residues are completely rinsed out of things.
After washing
As soon as you wash children's clothes in the ways described above, it should be wrung out and put in a pile so that everything could be hung up for drying. In order not to strain with the spin, you can put all the laundry in the drum of the washer and turn on the spin program.
Important! Poorly wrung things of a newborn are best dried outdoors. In the winter, it is imperative to carefully squeeze out the laundry and dry it near the battery or heater, otherwise, mold will start from the dampness on the walls of your apartment.
Hang well-wrung things for drying. If you live in an excessively gassed area of the city, it is better not to dry your baby’s things at all on the street. A great option would be drying cabinet or, if you need to save usable space, thendrying machine. Of course, such household appliances are quite an expensive pleasure, and if you do not have the means to buy them, you will have to put an ordinary sliding dryer in the apartment, and somewhere close to it a heat source.
Important! Be extremely careful! You can not hang vests and diapers directly on the heaters, especially if these are spiral-shaped models - and not far from the fire.
Useful Tips
Finally, a few more useful tips for young mothers who do not yet have sufficient experience in caring for newborn babies, regarding the care of their linen:
- At what temperature should children's clothes be washed? Pollution of biological origin, which in this case is the majority, is best washed in cold water (not higher than 20 degrees).
- When washing baby things, it is worth giving preference to children's soap. The diaper can be washed with baby powder.
- When washing a child’s laundry in an automatic machine, choose the appropriate washing mode and always put a double rinse.
- Never mix adult stuff with baby stuff.
- It is necessary to iron children's things on both sides and preferably with an iron with a steamer. So you can get rid of the harmful microbes that settle on drying things.
to contents ↑Important! If you want to provide your little one with all the best, you may also be interested in our other articles:
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Many inexperienced mothers do not attach much importance to washing clothes for newborns, but in vain. After all, the health of the baby may depend on this. Adhering to all the rules and recommendations, you will protect your child from germs that can harm him.