How to wash jeans 🥝 in the car

Casual and very comfortable clothes like jeans also need proper care. Despite the fact that the denim material looks durable, it can also lose its appeal. Jeans can shed, sit down, fade, and in some cases tear. That is why it is necessary to know in what mode to wash jeans so that they last as long as possible without losing their attractive appearance. We will tell you about this in this article.
to contents ↑Preparing jeans for washing
Technological progress and the rapid pace of life have led people to completely entrust part of their work with home appliances. And this is correct, since it copes with the tasks set perfectly. The same applies to washing jeans, because what could be simpler: put e in the drum of the machine, chose the necessary mode, after some time it is already clean.
However, in order for this process to be as efficient as possible, and the result to please, some rules must be followed. First you need to prepare jeans for washing in a car:
- Fasten all locks, buttons or buttons.
- Check your pockets for various small items (hairpins, coins, scarves).
- If there are leather inserts, then grease them with glycerin, which will help prevent cracking of the skin.
- Turn the product inside out. This will protect the garment from excessive deformation, and the drum of the household appliance from contact with buttons and locks.
- Put the jeans in special laundry bag. This is especially true for those products on which there are patches from buttons or beads.
- If your jeans have embroidery or designer jewelry, it is recommended to wash them manually so that the decor does not deteriorate.
to contents ↑Important! Do not wash light and dark jeans together. But you can wash them with other, suitable in color, clothes.
Set the washing mode
Is it possible to wash jeans in a washer and on what program to wash jeans? To determine in which mode to wash jeans, you must carefully read the information on the label. From the basic notation, you can find out at what temperature should be washed, how to wring, and also what means can be used.
Important! On a separate page of our portal, see the detailed decryption of all icons.
The temperature of the washing water should not exceed 40 degrees. The ideal temperature for washing jeans is considered to be 30 degrees. The number of revolutions should not exceed 800.
Accordingly, the following may be suitable modes:
- “Jeans” - this mode has appeared on many modern models of automatic machines.
- “Hand wash” - in this mode, the unit gently erases clothes without making full revolutions.
- “Delicate wash”- also suitable for denim products. However, in this mode, the temperature should be set to not more than 40 degrees, and also the spin speed should not exceed 800.
- “Fast 30” - can be selected only for products made of dense fabric with little pollution. This mode is good in that the water does not overheat with it, things stay in contact with water for only 20 minutes, thereby reducing the risk of shrinkage and molting.
Important! When choosing a washing mode, be sure to consider the type of fabric, because such pants are sewn from different materials.We discussed this topic in more detail in a separate article. To learn more, click on the link."What are jeans made of?".
Laundry Detergents
Having chosen the desired mode, you should also understand how to wash jeans. It is best to use liquid detergents, as they are better rinsed from the fibers of the fabric. In addition, there are gels among them that are designed specifically for washing denim items.
Here are a few examples of such tools:
- Domal Jeans is a German concentrated detergent that preserves the natural color of jeans.
- Bagi Jeans - Israeli liquid detergent designed for washing jeans. It contains substances that soften the fabric and retain color.
- “Big wash” Jeans & sport is a Russian liquid detergent that is suitable for washing sports and jeans clothes.
- BiMax “Jeans” is a Russian liquid detergent intended for washing linen, cotton and jeans.
- Dreft Black is a liquid detergent designed to wash black clothes, including black jeans.
to contents ↑Important! In general, you can wash such clothes with a powder marked “automatic” for colored items with the addition of a softener for washing clothes. But it is better that both of them are of good quality, albeit inexpensive. Our ratings will help you choose these:
General washing instructions
To wash jeans in an automatic machine, it is necessary not only to choose the right washing mode, detergents, but also to understand how to dry things to prevent molting and other unpleasant consequences:
- The first wash of jeans after purchase is best done manually or in a typewriter, but separately from other things. At the first hand wash, you can not use powder. As a rule, during the first wash, excess paint is washed out of the product.
- It is impossible to wash jeans in hot water, since the dye is washed off more strongly in such water.
Important! Products of high-quality production should not molt.
- As a paint fixative, you can use table vinegar, adding a small amount when rinsing.
- It is undesirable to soak the jeans before washing, as this can lead to fading of the product. And metal parts can leave rusty marks on the fabric.
- Dry your jeans in the shade after washing. In the open sun, the dyed fabric coarsens and fades.
- Drying in the drum of an automatic machine is undesirable, since after it jeans can sit down. Drying things from denim in a car should be done under delicate conditions and not completely - it is better to dry them on a rope. If you need to speed up the process, do not experiment. Use proven methods how to dry jeans quickly.
- Before drying jeans, they must be carefully aligned at the seams, and then hung by the top of the belt. If you collapse them at the knee level, it can remain a hall, which is then very difficult to smooth out.
- It is better to iron the jeans slightly wet - so they will be softer and sit less.
- During main washing, no more than five pairs of products can be put in the drum of an automatic machine, because when wet they are too heavy, but everything will depend on the specific model of the device.
- It is advisable to wash jeans as they get dirty.
Important! If the product has lost its original color and it is too pathetic to throw it away, you can try to return it to color with home dyeing jeans.
How to remove stains?
Many people are interested in the question of how to wash black jeans that have stains?
- Too dirty things before washing will have to be pre-processed. They can be soaked in slightly warm water with the addition of powder for 30 minutes. And then gently rub the place of contamination.
Important! Do not make too much effort so that instead of the contaminated area a pale, worn spot appears.
- Stains of paint and oil pollution are perfectly eliminated with the help of kerosene. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab in kerosene and rub it gently, and then rinse in cold water.
- Lipstick stains and greasy stains are rubbed with a dishwashing detergent and left for half an hour.
Important! Stains cannot be removed from jeans with products containing bleach.
- To remove chewing gum from jeans will help freezing in the refrigerator.
Stock footage
Washing jeans in an automatic machine is necessary subject to certain rules, including figuring out in which mode to wash jeans. If you have a very expensive, designer thing, then you should think about how to wash it manually.