How to remove bird droppings from clothes?

How to remove bird droppings from clothes? - This question is quite relevant, because, perhaps, each of us faced an unpleasant situation when a bird was stained with clothes. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of such pollution and other difficult stains.

Depending on how long the stain from the bird was on the clothes, the methods for removing it will differ. Of course, fresh pollution is much easier to remove than dried up. Consider the options for action in both cases.

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How to remove bird droppings from clothes if the pollution is fresh?

It is not so difficult to get rid of fresh pollution. A sponge dipped in water will suffice.

Procedure to remove bird droppings from clothing:

  1. Place an absorbent pad under the stain.

Important! The absorbent backing should be changed frequently during cleaning.

  1. Wet the problem area until the stain comes off.
  2. Then the processing site should be wiped with a napkin and sprinkled with bread crumbs.
  3. When the treated area is already dry, it should be rubbed with a swab dipped in gasoline.
  4. If after treatment any traces remain, you need to wipe them with a five percent solution of acetic acid.
  5. After this procedure, rinse the place of contamination with warm water and dry it.
  6. If the stain remains, then you can try to remove it with 3% hydrogen peroxide or another bleach that is safe for the tissue.

Important! First check the action of bleach on the wrong side of the fabric.

If this situation happens to you very often because annoying birds have chosen your balcony, on which you dry things after washing, it's time to solve the problem radically.

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How to remove bird droppings from clothes if the pollution is old?

Bird droppings incorporate a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, so it literally eats into the fibers of the fabric. Therefore, to remove it from there is not at all easy. You will need patience and knowledge of some secrets.

If you didn’t immediately react to the mark and it had already dried out very much, then getting rid of it would be more difficult. But do not despair, this problem is still solvable. In addition, most of the tools that can help with this are very likely to be at your place.

Gasoline and vinegar

Wash bird droppings from clothing a comprehensive effect on the pollution of gasoline and table vinegar will help.


  1. Put the contaminated area of ​​clothing on the board and with gentle movements, so as not to spoil the fabric, rub it with a stiff brush, scraping the remains of the litter.
  2. Rub the cleaned cloth with a swab dipped in gasoline.

Important! Change the backing often with this procedure.

  1. Then wipe the treated area with a wet sponge.
  2. Dry the spills with a dry cloth and sprinkle with bread crumbs or dry bran the place where there was pollution.
  3. If traces remain, treat them with a sponge dipped in a 5% solution of acetic acid.
  4. Rinse treated areas well with warm water and dry.

Gas soap

You can make gas soap at home. It will not only help wipe off bird droppings from clothes, but also to deal with greasy stains on the tissues. To make such a universal soap, use the following tips.

The recipe for gasoline soap:

  1. Thoroughly mix the ingredients in the indicated amount:
    • 180 ml of gasoline;
    • 4 ml of ethyl alcohol;
    • 12 ml of oleic acid.
  2. Add to the mixture, without stopping stirring, 6 ml of 25% aqueous ammonia solution.


  1. Drizzle a stain with gasoline soap and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Apply gasoline soap again after a while, rub it with a brush.
  3. Wipe the treatment area with a swab previously moistened with gasoline and sprinkle with talcum powder.
  4. After all the procedures performed, soft spots may remain on the fabric. To remove them, moisten the areas with warm glycerin and rub with a swab.
  5. If traces still remain, you can use colorless vinegar. To do this, moisten a soft brush in a liquid and rub it with this place.
  6. Rinse the treated area with warm water.
  7. Dry the treatment area with a tissue.
  8. Sprinkle the stain with dry bran.

Ammonia, gasoline and vinegar

Wash bird droppings from clothing may not be easy. But if you have ammonia, gasoline and vinegar, then the likelihood of completely removing the pollution increases significantly.


  1. First try cleaning the stain with ammonia and rinse it with water.
  2. Treat the area with gasoline.
  3. If there are stains, go over them with vinegar.
  4. Rinse treated areas well with warm water and dry.

Napkins Amway

In order to remove bird droppings from clothes, You can use the cleaning wipes of the Amway trademark. This is an expensive but very effective remedy. Using them, you can remove various contaminants on clothing, including feces of feathered.

Important! Under this brand, a lot of different household chemicals are produced, which, despite the high cost, are praised by all housewives, without exception. For detailed information on various products that will help you cope with any pollution in the house and on clothes, read our separate publication Amway Stain Remover.

“Vanish” and laundry soap

Litter stains are washed off during normal washing using a mixture of laundry soap and Vanish. By the way, there are cheaper, but no less effective ones on saleVanish analogues.

Bleach and washing powder with enzymes

A pre-soaked wash will help to cope with such pollution without much effort.


  1. If the fabric is not colored, then such a stain can be treated with bleach or soaked in warm water with washing powder containing enzymes.
  2. After such a procedure, clothes should be washed as usual.
  3. If the stain does not disappear after washing, take a pipette and drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide so that the fabric is well saturated, and after that - a couple of drops of ammonia.

Important! Before doing this procedure, be sure to first test the product in an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, so as not to spoil the thing and not remove the paint from the fabric along with the dirt.

  1. Next, rinse the composition and wash the clothes as usual, with detergent.

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How to get rid of the “crow's mark” on clothes without washing?

You can remove the “crow's mark” from clothes without washing. In case the item is not washable, you should use the following recommendations.


  1. Moisten the area around the stain with water to prevent a halo.
  2. Place cotton under the soiling and proceed to remove the stain in one of the ways described above.

Important! If possible, a raven should be removed from the stool immediately, while they are still fresh and have not dried up. After all, bird droppings are a caustic substance that can damage the structure of the tissue. Therefore, in order to save your favorite thing in perfect condition, you should hurry to take measures to save it.

Any problems are best treated with humor. If a bird marked you, smile, remembering a popular sign - “for money”! Perhaps for you it will turn out to be true.

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Wash bird droppings from clothing it is sometimes just as difficult as removing greasy, berry or grass stains. Therefore, one should not ignore these contaminants, but take on their elimination immediately.


