How to remove blood stains from clothes?

Sometimes troubles happen to everyone, and if blood gets on your clothes - do not panic or throw it away. There are always options for how to remove blood stains from clothes. Blood stains are quite persistent pollution, especially when they are dried. Therefore, you will have to try a little and choose the most effective methods.

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General recommendations

Before using any detergents, you should take into account the time-tested advice of the housewives.


  1. If you find a fresh stain, it is better not to hesitate, and immediately begin to clean it.
  2. In no case do not try to wash things with hot water. This will only fix the bloody pollution, and to remove it will be almost impossible.
  3. If one method did not help or helped, but not completely, you can use another, but only after the complete removal of the previous tool.

Important! If dirt just got on the fabric, then a soap solution or a solution of washing powder will easily cope with its removal. But if it is necessary to remove dried mud, then more potent methods will be needed.

To remove old spots, you can use improvised tools such as salt, peroxide, ammonia, starch and some others. Let's consider them in more detail.

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Tools at hand

These methods are effective and convenient, since they involve the use of funds that are easy to purchase in stores or pharmacies. And many already have them in the house. They will help housewives to answer the question of how and how to remove old blood stains from clothes at home, and at the same time not to damage the tissue.


Salt ends in the house very rarely, so we can safely say that everyone has it. But not many people know that salt can be used not only in cooking, it can also remove blood stains from clothes. This method is very old, and has been tested by more than one generation of housewives.

Mode of application:

  1. The solution is prepared very simply: two tablespoons of salt are dissolved in a liter of cold water.
  2. After cooking, the thing is soaked for 12 hours.
  3. After soaking, the clothes are washed in a washing machine with powder or manually with a soap solution.

Important! It is likely that blood can get on the carpet. In our separate review, we gave all the most useful tips, how to wash blood from a carpet.


When soaking, it is likely to get stains on the fabric. Especially if the clothes are white. To avoid them, you can use hydrogen peroxide. Handling, in this case, is not necessary for the whole thing, namely the place of pollution:

  1. Peroxide pours onto the stain, and after getting wet it is necessary to wait about ten minutes.
  2. After - rub the dirt with a soft cloth.

Important! Please note that this option is only suitable if the fabric is dense enough to withstand the bleaching effect of peroxide..


This method is also good for white things. You will need ammonia and cold water:

  1. Just mix two tablespoons of ammonia in a liter of water and leave things in this solution for at least 2 hours.
  2. To remove any residual dirt after soaking, wipe the stain with a soft cloth moistened with ammonia.
  3. Next, wash your clothes in the usual way.


This method is well suited if you need to remove blood stains from denim clothes. For him it is necessary:

  1. Take 400 ml of cold water and dissolve in them 25 grams of sodium bicarbonate.
  2. After preparation, carefully pour the solution on the dirt and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  3. After treatment, rub the stain with a little effort and wash as usual.


For delicate fabrics, the above methods will not work, but for them there is a variant. Delicate silk and similar fabrics can be cleaned without harm with the help of gruel from starch:

  1. A little water (about a teaspoon) is mixed with starch and the finished mixture is applied to the pollution.
  2. Next, you need to wait for drying, and very carefully remove the starch with a soft dry sponge or cotton pad.
  3. After - the thing is washed in the recommended mode, and rinsed by hand in cool water, with a little vinegar.

Important! What to do if blood got on upholstered furniture? After all, it will not work in the washing machine. Information from our article will tell you how to wash blood off the couch.


Liquid warm glycerin helps a lot in removing old blood stains. To do this, slightly warm the substance and apply it to the stain with a cotton pad. Rub thoroughly and wash your clothes with the usual option.

The listed methods are well suited for old stains, but how to remove blood stains from clothes, if they just appeared? We will understand further.

Important! We hope you know that not all things can be washed? If it’s not possible to dry clean, find out how dry cleaning clothes at home.

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Fresh pollution

Any dirt is easier to remove before it dries. Blood stains are no exception. Emergency measures will help if not completely remove, then at least make the dirt less noticeable.


  1. The very first thing to do when it gets on the blood tissue is to wash it in cold water with soap. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Soap is better to use household.
  2. If the blood has not yet been absorbed, be sure to use a well-absorbing cloth or cloth. At the same time, do not rub, but just blot the dirt so as not to smear it on the surface.
  3. If you have bleach on hand, you can immediately moisten a cotton pad with it and leave it for ten minutes.

Important! When choosing this option, you should remember that colored things can not stand the chemistry, and shed. And if it's a delicate fabric, bleach can leave holes in it.

In any case, you need to act as quickly as possible, and then there will be no trace of dirt.

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other methods

In addition to the above, there are also methods for removing blood stains from clothes, which are also worth recalling:

  1. Any powders or liquid products with active oxygen will help to cope with such complex pollution as blood.
  2. If the dirt has already been washed in cold water, or one of the methods has been tried on the stain, then the remaining stain can be removed by boiling clothes. But this option is suitable only for light dense fabrics of natural origin.
  3. Baking soda, dissolved in water, will do well with blood if you soak clothes in this solution for half an hour, and then wash it with powder.
  4. A strange but effective way to remove blood stains from clothes: meat baking powder. It is necessary to take the powder, and with a small amount of water make pulp from it. Then it is applied to pollution, and after 30 minutes the clothes are washed.
  5. With dried spots, you can try using a dishwashing detergent. It is applied to the surface, and after 30 minutes the item is washed in the usual way.
  6. If blood gets on a carpet or furniture, you can try removing it with aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid tablet is diluted in a glass of cold water. After that, the blood is removed with a soft sponge dipped in solution. The remaining solution can be removed with a carpet cleaner or regular soap.

Important! If the pollution turned out to be so strong that none of the methods helped, you can always make a beautiful applique or embroidery in its place.

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Act quickly, but carefully, and it will not be difficult for you to get rid of even the most harmful contaminants, such as blood stains on clothes.

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