How to remove blood stains?

Most of us had to deal with the problem of stubborn stains left by blood when cut. It’s especially a shame if the spots remained on the white elegant blouse, the favorite thing or just ruined expensive quality clothes. There are many modern drugs and old folk ways that can cope with the problem. Today we will tell you how to remove blood stains from clothes and different surfaces. Our incredibly simple and convenient methods do not require expensive stain removers, and the result will surely please you.

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How to remove a blood stain from clothes?

The complexity and time of solving the problem of removing bloody traces from clothing depends on how old the pollution is and on whether you tried to remove it before. If you previously tried to remove blood with hot water, then you can say goodbye to your favorite blouse. In addition, chronic blood traces are not so easy to remove, and on some types of tissues they can remain forever. To effectively deal with hard-to-remove blood stains, you need to remember a few rules, which we will describe below.

How to properly wash the blood?

Any impurities, including blood ones, are best washed up fresh:

  1. Put the product stained with blood in a basin of cold water (preferably in ice) and leave for half an hour.
  2. Drain dirty water, pour fresh.
  3. Wash a piece of fabric with laundry soap directly in cold water.
  4. After the pollution disappears, wash the product in the usual way. For white items in the final wash, use bleach for linen.

Important! You can not soak the stained thing in hot water, since the protein that is part of the blood coagulates at high temperatures. As a result, it is not washed out of the fabric fibers.

Young housewife

Means for removing fresh blood stains

Before using special preparations or improvised home appliances, the product must first be soaked in plain cold water without the addition of any detergents. If the blood trail is fresh, then you do not need to rub it - it must come off by itself. If contamination remains after soaking, apply the following improvised means:

  1. Laundry soap. Wash the stain with your hands. Soap perfectly removes traces of blood and leaves no yellow traces of dirt.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Use the drug carefully, as peroxide can bleach or disturb the texture of certain types of tissue. Pre-test the effect of the drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material, and then use peroxide as intended: pour the product on the stain (for delicate tissue, dilute the peroxide in half with water). Wipe the foam with a clean cloth and refill with peroxide. Continue the procedure until the contamination disappears. Wash the product in cold water with soap or detergent. In general, hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy. Find out more where else you can use hydrogen peroxide at home.
  3. Starch. For delicate fabrics such as chiffon and silk, use starch. Lubricate the blood stain on the front and back side with starch diluted in water. Let the product dry and shake off the rest of the mixture. Wash the item if necessary.
  4. Salt.Act quickly, because the faster you process the pollution with a paste of salt and water, the less time will be left for the blood to penetrate the fibers of matter. Rinse the blood trail with plenty of cold water, apply a paste of salt and water. Soak the stain with the product, rubbing the paste into the contaminated area. Wash the salt with cold water and wash the product as normal.
  5. Lemon juice + salt. Prepare the slurry from the ingredients and apply to the contamination. Leave for a while, and then rub the area with a sponge or rinse immediately. Wash the product in the usual way.
  6. Dishwashing liquid. Soak contamination with cold water. Prepare a soapy solution with enough foam. Spray foam and leave for a while. Rinse the product in plenty of cold water.
  7. Glycerol. Effectively remove blood from clothing will help warm glycerin. Warm the bottle with the drug in warm water, soak a cotton pad in glycerin, apply to the problem area. Blood will quickly be removed. Rinse and wash the product in the usual way.
  8. Ammonia. Use a solution of ammonia to remove stubborn stains. Mix 1 teaspoon of the drug with 1 cup of cold water. Pour the resulting solution onto the stain. After removing contamination, wash the fabric with plenty of cold water. Do not use ammonia for fabrics such as linen, silk and wool.


Important! When working with ammonia adhere to safety rules:

  • Do not breathe ammonia, as this is dangerous.
  • Do not mix ammonia with bleach, as this mixture can form hazardous vapors.

If folk recipes did not help, you can use special means to remove stains. Such preparations include: Ariel, “Domestos” (only for white natural fabrics), high-quality bleach suitable for this type of fabric, carpet cleaners (for stubborn stains on strong fabrics). Stain removers are best applied immediately before washing, following the instructions.

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How to remove old blood stains?

If you are dealing with old dried blood marks, then use one of the following methods:

  • Soak the product in in saline solution (1 tbsp.spoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Leave the item for 8-10 hours (possible at night). Wash the product with powder to remove stubborn stains.

Important! Do not overdo it with salt, since protein is well soluble only in slightly salted water. With an excess of salt, the protein may remain on the fibers of the tissue.

  • Dishwashing liquid. Dilute a drop of the drug in a small amount of water, apply to the problem area and leave for 2 hours. After - wash in the usual way.
  • Aspirin. Blood traces on woolen things are well excreted by aspirin. Dissolve a tablet of the drug in a glass of water, wash the stain. Brush the dirt and rinse in cold water.
  • Starch. If the pollution has appeared recently, but has already dried up, then use gruel from starch to remove it. Prepare a mixture of a homogeneous consistency of starch and water, apply the mixture to the problem area. Allow the gruel to dry and shake off the rest of the product. Wash the product in the usual way. This method is great for silk fabric.
  • Toothpaste. For linen and clothes stained with blood, use toothpaste. Put the paste on the stain, let it dry. Wash the paste with cold water. Treat the contaminated area with soap and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
  • Ammonia. Prepare a solution of 3 teaspoons of ammonia and 0.5 liters of water. Soak a stain in the solution, leave for a while. Gently wipe the dirt with an absorbent cloth dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Rinse the cloth in cool water.
  • Borax. For very old blood stains, use a mixture of borax, ammonia and distilled water (1 hour).borax spoon, 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of distilled water). Treat the problem area with a solution and rinse the fabric very carefully.
  • Meat softener. This method is only suitable for durable fabrics. Blood, like meat, can be broken down by the action of enzymes: lipases, proteases, and cellulose. Therefore, purchased softeners meat without seasonings will perfectly cope with the problem if applied to dry blood stains. The same enzymes are found in capsules and powder for dishwashers. Use enzymes as follows: fill a small container with cold water (1 cup), place a bloodied tissue in a container, spray 1 tbsp. spoon of the drug on a damp spot. Leave the product for 1 day, periodically rubbing the paste into the dirt. Wash the product in the usual way.

Important! Do not use enzymes for fabrics such as linen, wool, silk, as they themselves are made of proteins, and the tool can simply destroy the structure of the material.


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How to remove a blood stain from a carpet?

Any contamination clearly spoils the appearance of the carpet, so when you proceed to remove them immediately:

  1. Blot the stain with a dry white cloth (cloth) to remove as much fluid as possible.
  2. Prepare a solution of ammonia (1 tbsp.spoon of ammonia in a glass of cold water).
  3. Apply on stain.
  4. Using a white rag, blot out the ammonia solution from the carpet. Move from the edge of the dirt to the center so as not to increase the size of the stain.
  5. Apply neutral detergent to the treated area (no bleach). You can use liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.
  6. Gently rub the area with a brush or cloth.
  7. Rinse the carpet with clean water and pat the excess with a napkin or towel.
  8. Wait for the product to dry completely.


If the blood stain has dried up, then use the following method to remove it:

  • Rub dried blood with a dry, stiff brush.
  • Vacuum the product and remove small, dry particles of blood.
  • Prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. tablespoons dishwashing liquid and 2 glasses of cold water.
  • Apply the mixture to contamination.
  • Wipe off excess fluid with blotting movements.
  • Repeat the procedure several times.
  • If the soap solution did not solve the problem, then prepare a solution of ammonia (1 tbsp.spoon of ammonia in a glass of cold water). Put the product on the problem area, put several paper towels on top and crush them with a heavy object, such as a book. Leave the product for half an hour.
  • Remove cargo and towels.
  • Wait for the product to dry completely.


If the carpet is dry and yellow stains remain on the surface, then use the following preparations:

  1. Vinegar. Mix the product with water in a ratio of 1: 2, apply to the trace of contamination. Cover the treated area with napkins, put a load on them. After half an hour, remove the load and remove the wipes.
  2. Baking soda. Mix 2 parts of the product with 1 part of water. Apply the resulting mixture to a trace of contamination. After 5 minutes, remove the remaining soda with a clean, damp cloth.

Important! In another article on our site, we talked in detail about other effective Carpet Cleaners.

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We hope that our tips and tricks have helped you solve the problem and now you don’t have to part with your favorite thing because of one random spot. Take care of yourself and be careful when working with sharp and cutting objects!


