How to remove a blood stain from a mattress?

Blood stains are considered one of the most problematic and difficult to remove contaminants. It is especially difficult to remove them from bulky items, for example, from a mattress. Any mattress has large dimensions and weight, and getting to the problem areas is quite difficult, and there is no question of washing the product after cleaning. How to remove a blood stain from a mattress? There are several quite effective methods on how to remove them, or at least make them inconspicuous.

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What to do if blood has dripped on the mattress?

If the blood stains are fresh, then the main thing is not to hesitate. The sooner you start solving this problem, the higher your chances of a successful outcome:

  • Dampen the affected area with a damp cloth. The rag needs to be moistened in cold water, since the protein present in the blood curls from high temperature and subsequently it will be even more difficult to get rid of such a stain.
  • You can use wet wipes.
  • Do not rub the soiled area, otherwise - bloody stains soak even more into the tissue.
  • Put a dry rag or napkin on the problem area to absorb excess moisture.

Important! Fresh spots may disappear after such treatment. If you still missed the moment and the blood penetrated deep into the structure of the tissue, then you will have to act by more severe methods.

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Useful Tips

When cleaning from such contaminants, use the following recommendations:

  • Try not to allow moisture to penetrate deep into the mattress. Whatever tool you use, apply it little by little so that the mattress is not soaked through it.
  • Start cleaning with gentle products, moving to more aggressive ones if necessary.
  • Start cleaning from the edges of the dirt, moving towards its center so that the stain does not blur even more.
  • Test any aggressive product in a small area of ​​the fabric to prevent damage to the product.
  • Do not mix ammonia and chlorine with each other - their compounds release hazardous substances.
  • Use aggressive agents with care, in a well-ventilated area and with gloves.
  • After cleaning, dry the mattress thoroughly.

Important! In addition to stains, an unpleasant odor can come from the mattress. In our separate review, we gave detailed instructions on how to get rid of the smell of a mattress.

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We clean the mattress from blood stains

How to wipe the blood from the mattress? Consider the most effective ways.

Laundry soap

This is a universal remedy for solving problems with all types of pollution:

  1. Dissolve it in water and beat until foamy.
  2. Apply this foam to a contaminated area.
  3. Then remove the foam with a damp cloth or rag and rinse with clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Put a little hydrogen peroxide on the dirt and after some time a foam will begin to form. When the reaction ends, rub the place with a brush and rinse with water.

If the result did not satisfy you, the procedure can be repeated. For greater effect, peroxide can be mixed with dishwashing liquid.

Important! Use this method with caution, as peroxide can discolor the fabric of the mattress itself.

Peroxide Plus Starch

How to remove a blood stain from a mattress? You can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and starch:

  1. Add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of starch to 100 ml of water.
  2. Stir all ingredients until a thick paste forms.
  3. Apply this paste to the area of ​​contamination and let it dry completely.
  4. The remains of the dried product can be brushed off or vacuumed.

Starch, salt and hydrogen peroxide

The mixture that is obtained from these components does not penetrate into the fibers of the mattress, but effectively removes stains:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of starch, one tablespoon of salt and 50 ml of peroxide.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area and leave to dry completely.
  3. Brush off the remains.

Important! Ammonia vapors are toxic, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area, away from small children and people prone to allergic reactions.


In the fight against traces of blood, you can help a means proven by more than one generation, which is in every home. This is ordinary rock salt:

  1. Drip a few drops of water into the salt until a thick slurry forms.
  2. Apply this paste to the place of contamination and leave for an hour.
  3. The remnants of the dried product can be wiped off with a napkin or brush, and the area itself should be wet with a wet sponge.

Important! If the pollution is persistent, then lemon juice can be added instead of water.

Salt and sparkling water

This is a completely effective tool for removing contaminants of various origins:

  1. Wet the spots with soda, then sprinkle with salt.
  2. Leave for a few hours. You will see how salt will lose its color.
  3. Remove any remaining salt with a clean, damp cloth.


To remove old and stubborn stains, apply ammonia:

  1. In a glass of water add one tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. This mixture is best poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the area of ​​contamination, then blot with a cloth or rag.
  3. After that, the cloth is thoroughly wiped with a sponge dipped in clean water and the mattress is left to dry.
  4. In case of unsatisfactory result, the procedure can be repeated repeatedly.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

If separately ammonia and peroxide did not cope with the pollution, then you can try to combine them:

  1. Moisten the contaminated area with cold water.
  2. Pour salt and let it dry completely. Then it can be scraped off.
  3. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the stain. This can be done with a cotton swab.
  4. Wipe off any foam that appears with a clean, dry cloth.
  5. Pour one tablespoon of ammonia into one glass of water and treat this area with this solution.
  6. Blot with a dry cloth, and then wash the area with soapy cold water.

Meat softener

How else can a blood stain be removed from a mattress? This can be done with a meat softener:

  1. Make a mixture - Mix one tablespoon of softener and two teaspoons of cold water.
  2. This mixture should be rubbed into the spots with your fingers and left until completely dry.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with a cloth dampened in cold water.

Boric acid

In the fight against blood stains, boric acid is also useful to you:

  1. Mix boric acid with a little water until a smooth gruel is obtained.
  2. Rub thoroughly into the stain and leave to dry completely.
  3. Sweep the remnants of the product with a brush, and then wash the area with soapy water.

Important! Boric acid has a specific smell, so after cleaning the mattress needs to be well ventilated.


If nothing was at hand, then a universal remedy will come to the rescue - soda, which is in every kitchen. To remove a blood stain from a mattress with this tool:

  1. Moisten the problem area with cold water and cover it with plenty of soda.
  2. Leave to dry completely.
  3. The dried soda can be brushed off with a brush, and then this place needs to be treated with soapy water and dried.

Important! Instead of water, you can use fresh lemon juice for a greater effect.

Liquid glycerin and chalk

Glycerin should be used cold, so before use it should be put in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes:

  1. Spread glycerin on the surface of the dirt, leave for half an hour, and then wipe with a brush. You can use an old toothbrush. Wipe off the rest with a clean cloth.
  2. After that, treat the spots with ammonia and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Brush off any remaining product or vacuum.

Steam cleaning

Blood traces can easily be removed with steam cleaner. If you do not have it, then an iron with a steaming function can replace it. Just take a steam cleaner through a fresh blood stain to remove it.

Important! One of the best ways to deal with stains on a mattress is a mattress pad. It is much easier to clean than a mattress, you can buy a finished product or sew it yourself. In our article you will learn how to sew a mattress pad.

Chemical stain removers

If not one product has helped, then you can use industrial bleach, which is in a large assortment in any department of household chemicals. Protein-based stain removers are suitable for removing blood stains from the mattress. Follow the instructions that are always included with the product.

If no method has helped you, then specialists are always ready to help you - you just need to take the mattress to dry cleaning. And in some cases it’s better to just buy a new mattress. Follow the link and find out how to choose a mattress for a bed.

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In this article, we proposed many proven methods, using which you can remove blood not only from the mattress. We hope that you will not have more of such situations, and if they do, then you will not get confused, but quickly fix it.

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