How to get wine off the carpet?

A feast is a good thing, especially when close people gather. You can sit down to drink good wine and relax a bit in good company. But sometimes such gatherings are poisoned by the thought of red wine spilled on the carpet. And it is not so important who is responsible for this unpleasant incident - one must think about how to rectify the situation and how to wash red wine from the carpet. Wine is quickly absorbed into the fibers of any material, so the main thing is to act quickly until it penetrates deep into the fabric. Let's figure out how to provide first aid to affected products, how to wash red wine from the carpet.

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First aid

If you saw that a red stain from spilled wine is spreading on the carpet, do not get lost, but do the following:

  • The first thing to do is to get some liquid wet so that it does not have time to soak completely into the carpet or sofa, or elsewhere. To do this, a napkin, a paper towel or a well-absorbing rag is suitable.
  • Do not rub the carpet - so you only increase the area of ​​pollution.
  • If a large amount of wine has been spilled, then you can take a large piece of cloth or a towel, fold it several times, cover it with a stain and stand on top of it. If necessary, the fabric must be replaced. In this way, the maximum amount of liquid that has already been absorbed into the product can be removed.

Important! Use all of these procedures with a light cloth, preferably white. Colored fabric contains dye and may add to your problems.

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Wine Stain Removal Techniques

All these first aid methods will not help completely get rid of the traces of spilled wine, but will only slightly facilitate the further process of their removal. What will help us in such a difficult situation? There are several ways to clean the wine from the carpet on your own, as dry cleaning can cost a lot more.

White wine

Oddly enough it sounds, but white will help us remove traces of red wine:

  1. You just need to moisten the filled area with white wine with a soft rag or sponge. Do this carefully so that the stain spreads even further.
  2. Leave it for a while to cause a reaction, and then apply detergent.
  3. Wash off the rest with a wet rag or sponge.

Mineral water

Mineral water can be used to remove this type of stain. Any one will do - both simple and carbonated. Treat the place of contamination with a mineral water, and after a while rinse off the residue with a damp sponge.


This is a universal way to remove stains of different kinds. It will fit in this case. Just sprinkle the pollution with plenty of salt and leave for a while. Salt absorbs everything perfectly. After some time, residues can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Hydrogen peroxide

The most popular way to get rid of traces of red wine is hydrogen peroxide. It can be used independently, or in combination with a dishwashing detergent:

  • Pour hydrogen peroxide onto the affected area and leave for a few minutes until the reaction proceeds. Then rinse off any remaining product with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to hydrogen peroxide and mix well. Apply this mixture to stains and rinse off after a few minutes.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide has a mild clarifying effect. Therefore, on colored carpets, conduct preliminary testing in an inconspicuous area.


What else can you wash red wine from the carpet? White vinegar will cope with this task.

Important! Do not use others, such as apple or balsamic. It can leave spots on the carpet and you will have to display them as well.


  1. In 300-400 ml of water, add a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and the same amount of vinegar.
  2. Dampen a tissue in this solution and wipe the stain.
  3. Then this mixture must be washed off the carpet. This can be done with a damp sponge.

Important! You will be interested to know how else you can apply vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and soda.

Soap solution

You can also treat the area of ​​contamination with a cold soapy solution:

  1. Pour cold water into the spray bottle.
  2. Add a few drops of liquid detergent and shake.
  3. Treat this solution with traces of wine.
  4. Blot with a dry cloth.

Important! If you don’t have a spray at hand, you can use a towel dipped in the solution.

Production facilities

In today's market there is a wide range of different professional toolsdesigned to care for carpets and remove all kinds of stains:

  • The most popular remedies are liquid shampoos. They are sold in the form of concentrates, which must be diluted with water and whipped until a foam is obtained.
  • There are also special shampoos for washing vacuums, which not only clean different stains, but eliminate bacteria, leaving a pleasant smell.
  • The foam in the form of an aerosol is very convenient for use, it does not need to be mixed with anything, and after its application even the smallest particles of dirt remain.
  • On sale there are also sprays that give a plentiful foam. This foam is rubbed into the pile of the carpet, and after drying it can be removed with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.
  • Dry powders dissolve in water and apply to problem areas. As a rule, the effect is achieved quickly.
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How to eliminate the smell of alcohol?

To remove the smell of wine, you can use a simple proven tool - soda solution. To do this, mix soda and water in a ratio of 1 to 2. And then dry the product in the fresh air.

Important! If you decide not to fight stains, but simply replace the carpet, our special review will help you choose the best option. "Carpets in the interior of your home".

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In this article, we examined the most effective ways to get wine off the carpet. Use this information as necessary, and then no consequences of the holidays will not upset you.


